Forum › Posts by DoAFlip

joined Jul 24, 2022

Ya know, I’ve always internally joked about this for a while, and this captures my thought process beautifully (I’ll still let Remilia get away with it just this once, maybe)

last edited at Apr 5, 2024 12:19AM

joined Jul 24, 2022

Just... how do you split 14 pages between 22 (21?) TL teams?
Sounds like a fun logistical nightmare.

Hi, one of the cleaners here (evanTa)! I believe, at least from what I know, each person did part of a panel (like one cleaner/typesetter/etc. per bubble/sfx, of course some also took on multiple jobs as you could see in the credits), although I wasn’t the one who hosted this so I don’t know how the other groups did this lol, not sure how long exactly this has been on for either, I was only informed and tasked like a few months ago haha (end of September/mid October to be exact)

Insane amounts of scanlators

I need to hear the story behind this

we were feeling a bit silly, allegedly- (i have no clue either)

anyways, happy new years fellow readers and scanlators alike! i'm constantly editing this post because i just woke up and have a few spelling mistakes and a few missing info lmao so don't mind me

last edited at Jan 1, 2024 11:27AM

joined Jul 24, 2022

So Marisa has started dabbling in the arts of scamming I see

joined Jul 24, 2022

Rinnosuke probably felt violated ngl