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joined Jan 27, 2020

Tameko posted:

Don't really get that dialogue, tbh. Guess there's an explanation above^ and it's not like I don't understand it in the literal sense, but I don't really get what it means to convey, from the page alone. "I can hear you"? Yeah? Okay ... ^^;

The original Japanese leaves some room for interpretation and is therefore slightly ambiguous, but based on the context and Aya's posture/line of sight, my understanding of it was that Aya's taking a picture of Mitsuki and telling her to look at the camera, but the latter doesn't want to and is lowkey ignoring the request. E.g.,

Aya: "Come on, look this way!"
Mitsuki: "Yes, I can hear you just fine..."

No. I rather think Aya is looking at a "Map" application's directions on her phone, as they're both going "somewhere".

They maybe previously had an argument about "which way" it was and now, Mitsuki is just following and looking blasé at Aya's excitation, but still taking a pic as she thinks she's cute anyway.

Haha it's possible! And that's the fun of a one-shot illustration like this, isn't it, imagining various possible interpretations.

last edited at Nov 7, 2022 2:39AM

joined Jan 27, 2020

Huh, I just saw this extra on Twitter and noticed the joke was that Aya used "てば," which to my understanding is just a cutesy copulate like です and dosen't have a direct translation, and was curious to see how the translator worked around it. I feel like if I were to translate it I'd maybe have Aya say "I told you it was, like, totally this way" or something, and then have Mitsuki say"'like' she says" but I'd be curious to hear other people's ideas.

Also, I totally just noticed that Mitsuki is also taking a pic of Aya, lol. That's so cute

Omg they also having maching bags

I think they have pictures of eachother on the back of their phones too this image is so detailed

Yeah, I think Aya is trying to get Mitsuki's attention for a pic and using "てば" to insist that she face the camera, but Mitsuki's just not feeling it, haha (see my post above).

And yes, I caught the Easter egg with them having matching bags and pics of each other on their phones too!! Love the attention to detail.

last edited at Nov 6, 2022 11:20PM

joined Jan 27, 2020

Don't really get that dialogue, tbh. Guess there's an explanation above^ and it's not like I don't understand it in the literal sense, but I don't really get what it means to convey, from the page alone. "I can hear you"? Yeah? Okay ... ^^;

The original Japanese leaves some room for interpretation and is therefore slightly ambiguous, but based on the context and Aya's posture/line of sight, my understanding of it was that Aya's taking a picture of Mitsuki and telling her to look at the camera, but the latter doesn't want to and is lowkey ignoring the request. E.g.,

Aya: "Come on, look this way!"
Mitsuki: "Yes, I can hear you just fine..."

last edited at Nov 6, 2022 9:52PM

joined Jan 27, 2020

So glad I came upon this series. It has such a unique visual style, concise but effective storytelling, and actually well-written, interesting characters--a real breath of fresh air!

It's surprising but welcome to see not only the big reveal happen already with this chapter, but also how it's dealt with in a serious manner and not flippantly or "just for laughs"--there's actual emotional weight behind the realization. IMO the series, its characters, and their relationships as they have been portrayed up to this point deserve such treatment.

The manga just keeps surprising me and I can only imagine it's going to get better. Can't wait to see how it continues to develop!

joined Jan 27, 2020

Did anyone else notice that Kisaki had the branches on her left arm/hand extended all the way out, behind/around Chishiro (Chapter 6, Page 1)? It was a very deliberate detail that caught my attention and made me curious. Considering the progression of their relationship and the fact that they're leaving work very late at night, I'm thinking now that it's a protective/considerate gesture on Kisaki's part. So sweet!

joined Jan 27, 2020

Sigh...why do I always end up rooting for the best/childhood friend...(RIP Touko x Sayaka)

Touko x Sayaka is a legend ship. Will never be forgotten. RIP.

Thank you, and yes. The legacy, and what could have been, will live on in our hearts...

She met a lovely girl in college, it all ended happily, god blessed...

But still, it was so heartbreaking. The manga was sad enough and then they had to make a Hitoma Iruma's version which made the story more tragic. The end of volume 2 second chapter made me cry, no kidding.

True on both counts. I would feel so incredibly betrayed and be flipping tables if they didn't give Sayaka her own happy ending, though it was still, as said above, heartbreaking. I have yet to read the novel, but if Adachi and Shimamura are any indication I can only imagine what Regarding Saeki Sayaka will be like. I don't know if my heart will be able to handle it TAT

joined Jan 27, 2020

Sigh...why do I always end up rooting for the best/childhood friend...(RIP Touko x Sayaka)

Touko x Sayaka is a legend ship. Will never be forgotten. RIP.

Thank you, and yes. The legacy, and what could have been, will live on in our hearts...

joined Jan 27, 2020

Shi-Shimamura! How could you...T-T I know that's just who you are but...that last part just about killed me. Is it just me though, or did her response seem brutal, even for her? I assume we're going to get her POV in the next chapter, but I suspect there was something else on her end leading up to this as well...Whatever happens next, the ball is now firmly in Shimamura's court. Adachi pretty much poured out her whole soul and next three lives in this last-ditch attempt at getting across to Shimamura and so has absolutely nothing left in her, so it's up to Shimamura now. How Shimamura chooses to proceed will have massive implications for both their relationship and herself. Because if she sticks with how she's always been up until this point, you can bet she'll take the "Okay...Not really sure what just happened, but whatever, that's her problem" approach and just allow the distance to grow between them because...why bother, right? But hey, considering that this series doesn't end at Volume 5 or 6, my bet's on Shimamura changing herself to keep/mend her relationship with Adachi. How she does so though will be an exciting thing to see.

Also, random aside, can we please give some love to Tarumi? Girl's just trying her darndest out there in the best way she knows how ><

Jokes aside, even though I think Adachi and Shimamura are precious together, I really do appreciate the interactions between Shimamura and Tarumi. The way that Shimamura just somehow gets rattled in her interactions with Tarumi, occasionally even breaking out of her perpetually detached self to make a seemingly uncharacteristic remark to me speaks volumes about Tarumi's ability to provoke a stronger reaction out of her. Sure, this may be due more to their shared history together than anything about Tarumi as an individual per se, but it's still a noteworthy feat that pretty much no one else has thus far been able to accomplish. In this respect, Tarumi to Shimamura kind of feels like what Shimamura is to Adachi--a catalyst for change.

This, coupled with Shimamura's often self-described "pleasant" feelings in her interactions with Tarumi, which have also led the former to choose to (!) leave her comfort zone on occasion, has led me to wonder whether they don't actually end up together--although honestly, I don't feel like that will be the case, at least not in the long run. Sigh...why do I always end up rooting for the best/childhood friend...(RIP Touko x Sayaka)

last edited at Jan 27, 2020 2:35AM