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Citrus discussion 08 Mar 10:21
joined Jan 22, 2018

@Yuri Queen

Mei warming up to Yuzu is character development. Did you see how cold Mei was to Yuzu in the earliest chapters? Yeah, Mei does have Momokino but Yuzu was the one who change her.

How can you say Mei isn't a victim of circumstances? When how her life works has been laid out like a blueprint for her. Besides, do you really expect Mei to just say "No!" to her grandfather when I don't know how many times Saburo reiterate how much importance Mei gives to her family.

This is the first time in the story that Mei is conflicted between her family obligation and her feelings for Yuzu which we all know is gonna be a major plot in the story but you guys just want Mei and Yuzu to just brush it off lighly and overcome these odds without a hitch because you want to see them all over each other. (gotta recommend wdtfs to these guys, smut yuri manhwa with no plot whatsoever)

Citrus discussion 08 Mar 08:46
joined Jan 22, 2018

Mei warming up to Yuzu is development. Meianother growing to see how relationships can be enjoyable for their own sake rather than only for fulfilling obligations is development. Is it well written? Maybe not. But she didn't stay the same.

Also I have to take issue with the idea that since Mei ultimately left Yuzu, that's proof her personality didn't improve at all. Mei's self-destructive loyalty to her family is her most deeply ingrained character flaw, and a relapse was inevitable sooner or later. But that doesn't mean she didn't make any step in the right direction at all. It's just another step on the long road to recovery.

I guess they would rather have Saburo Uta introduce a new character to force another love triangle rather than see Mei and Yuzu resolving one of the main plot of the story.

I can understand why a lot of readers hates Mei rigth now and it's all because we haven't seen her side of the story yet. But there's a reason why volume 8 and 9 showed Mei reciprocating Yuzu's feelings. it is pretty much to remind us that despite her decision, she had really fallen for Yuzu and she was just a victim of circumstances. I don't get why a lot of readers can't see that.

Citrus discussion 08 Mar 01:22
joined Jan 22, 2018

@mei is waifu

When I said "The Tachibana sisters", I'm saying both of them DUH

Mei did vent her pent up emotion to Yuzu on the earliest chapter but it did stop after the arc with her father. I don't even know where they got the idea that Mei was abusive.


There's a reason why it's called "character development" and not personality swap/change. You can't expect Mei to instantly change from being a Kuudere into a Deredere character. But imo saying you can't see how Mei change since volume 1 is total bullsh*t.

if Mei's personality had become like Yuzu or Harumin. I bet a lot of readers will also question this. so, you know to each of their own opinions; I mean, Is there like a believable reason why Mei will instantly become bubbly and friendly to everyone? Last time, I checked the story revolves around Yuzu and Mei and not a group of cute high school girls doing cute things together.

last edited at Mar 8, 2018 1:34AM

joined Jan 22, 2018

The most incompatible characters makes the best couple. Mei x Yuzu and Harumin x Matsuri.

Harumin actually watched Yuzu and Mei flirt with each other unlike in the official manga where she's not always on the right spot to see Mei and Yuzu's super gay interactions and "unintentionally" helping them to spend time alone together,

I like how blunt Matsuri is, this girl got no filter while Harumin always play safe. "I need someone to like first" bullsh*t!! it's a good thing Matsuri knows how to push people's buttons, even Harumin can't stay cool when Matsuri provokes her.

last edited at Mar 4, 2018 2:45PM

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 12:52
joined Jan 22, 2018

I actually got from the Special that Matsuri understood both Harumin and her like Yuzu as a friend and care a lot for her, not that it's romantic feelings (I really don't think Matsuri ever had true romantic feelings for Yuzu by the way, I guess it was more like "you are stealing my bff with your sexiness so I'm going to try to lure her back with sexual stuff too" kinda thing).

But the thing is, Harumin went silent and didn't have a counter argument when Matsuri said that and she immediately walk off to avoid the issue which only proves what Matsuri said before, that Harumin always run away from conflict to avoid getting hurt. and if you re-read the part where Matsuri teased Nene that Harumin is her girlfriend and told her that Harumin only thinks of Yuzu as a friend. she had this little text that says "As if" I don't know if she's talking about Harumin ever becoming her girlfriend or the "As if" means, As if it isn't obvious that Harumin has feelings for Yuzu. I mean, why should Harumin avoid what Matsuri said if she only think of Yuzu as her friend and nothing more. Besides,every time Matsuri opens her mouth it's always about romantic or sexual relationship and never about friendship. The way she implied it means they both like the same person (romantically). she could have worded it differently. I honestly think Matsuri would have pursued a romantic relationship with Yuzu, if it weren't for Mei.

But hey that might be my bias because I ship Matsuri x Harumin so hard :P Yet Harumin could definitely be "final boss" if the series extends to 12 volumes, and because she is so nice, Yuzu could be happier with her in the long run. The only bad part about that would be fans not ever wanting to see a broken-hearted Harumin in case Yuzu ultimately left her to go back to Mei. I seriously think lots of people would flip out and stop reading the series, Harumin is too loved lol So it would be a very risky move from the author.

Why will it be a risky move? I actually think a lot of manga and anime fans of Citrus wants to see Mei x Yuzu x Harumin. Harumin is like the only character in the manga who can compete against Mei for Yuzu's affection. We know Harumin is not dense as she wants to appear, it has been implied before that she knows Mei and Yuzu's relationship and maybe that's why she said she has no romantic interest for Yuzu. Matsuri did said that Harumin is a suspicious person.

As for Mei x Yuzu, yeah I know Mei cannot express her feelings etc and been trying in the last several chapters. Again I don't doubt she is crazy for Yuzu in her own way, that much is obvious. But if we forget Mei for a moment and only look at Yuzu, she could easily do better. The only reason Mei "asking for more kisses" is seen as so impressive and "proof of love" is because she is constantly depriving Yuzu of basic affection in the first place.

Mei begs Yuzu for more kisses because she can't contain her feelings for Yuzu anymore. She's completely acting the same way as Yuzu. Mei even starts liking the same thing Yuzu likes. Remember she ate spicy curry because Yuzu like it, even though she can't tolerate spicy food, she cuddle Yuzu and pretended that she's imagining her to be Kumagouru. Yuzu can probably do better but she's in love with Mei and Mei definitely need someone like Yuzu who has lots and lots of love to give for a person like her. Hopefully, she can reciprocate it more openly in the upcoming volumes.

last edited at Mar 4, 2018 2:07PM

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 09:11
joined Jan 22, 2018

Mei has had plenty of character development but it's not a surprise her behaviour is still so controversial. It depends on whether she is judged by her actions or by her actions + why she does what she does. If she is judged only by her actions, honestly she is still very far from being as caring towards Yuzu as Yuzu is towards her, and this whole letter thing was of course just even more reason for negative judgements. If I was friends with Yuzu, I would have to tell her to move on and find a healthier person who can reciprocate her feelings more wonder people like Harumin so much.

Like I said before, Mei isn't the type of person who can express her feelings very well. But if you re-read the arc with Shirapon. Mei is boldly showing her feelings for Yuzu and wasn't afraid if everyone will see them all lovey-dovey with each other. She fed Yuzu while Ume (their mom) was busy trying to find a salad dressing, she tried to cling to Yuzu during the festival, asked Yuzu to kiss her when the fireworks began and was even begging Yuzu for more, she always wear the couple ring Yuzu gave her even when she told Yuzu that she won't wear it because it violates school rules, gave Yuzu some sort of hickey while knowing full-well that their mom is awake. it's true that Mei isn't showy when it comes to her feelings but why would Yuzu be with someone she doesn't love romantically?

Anyway, I re-read the Vol 3 Special and it was kind of hinting that Harumin might have romantic feelings for Yuzu. Matsuri told her that she can tell they both like the same person because of her female intuition and Harumin who had a hint of blush in her face couldn't answer back and immediately wants to walk off. I know it's wishful thinking but who knows? if Harumin will finally make a move on Yuzu in the upcoming chapters. but I still like Mei x Yuzu more. it will just be interesting to read because if there's anyone Yuzu is closest with next to Mei, it is Harumin. the only person she probably wouldn't mind dating after the events of chapter 36.

last edited at Mar 4, 2018 9:29AM

Citrus discussion 03 Mar 09:59
joined Jan 22, 2018

Most of the time people who call Mei abusive are the ones who have completely ignored Mei's character development. Look at her. She has developed from a typical shoujo rapist kuudere to a cute & innocent kuudere who doesn't even know how to date. She can't even go to sleep without Yuzu, as somebody mentioned in a previous post. But her character development is so subtle that the people I'm talking about fail to notice it. Like Matsuri's character development was more visible and everyone noticed it. In Mei's case, you have to pay a lot of attention.

@Yuri_lvl100 Which Tachibana sister are you talking about?

Mei's character development is subtle? LOL They're probably not reading the manga. If they can remember, Mei is the type of person who has problems expressing her feelings. She helped Yuzu in her own way. she help Yuzu in her academics, cover for her when she violates the school rules, comfort Yuzu and reassure her that there's nothing wrong about their relationship, no matter what the society might think about them, She even risk her position as the Student Council President just not to get Yuzu expelled and we all know how important the academy is to Mei.

All in all, Mei is a good person, she's not that really good at expressing herself and she did struggle to trust the people closest to her because of her family and bastard fiance. that's why she was cold AF to Yuzu when Yuzu tries her hardest to get close to her because she probably thinks that Yuzu only has ulterior motives but she started to change when she realized that Yuzu truly cares for her.

The Tachibana sisters from the school trip? Sara and Nina? The arc when Yuzu confess her love for Mei.

last edited at Mar 3, 2018 10:07AM

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 23:39
joined Jan 22, 2018


Matsuri's personality didn't change however she did mature in the manga as she starts to appreaciate the people around her compared to the Matsuri from before, who treats other people even her friends like her toys that she could manipulate for her own entertainment.

Mei was indeed rapey as we have seen in the anime but abusive is pushing it. We don't know for sure what kind of hell she needed to endure with Amameya that turns her from being sexually aggressive with Yuzu every time she gets emotional. Remember Mei has been used all her life by the people who was supposed to care for her. So it is only logical that she will change after spending time with Yuzu and Ume. the only two people that showed her what family and love really is.

While I find Shirapon as the most ridiculous side-character in the manga next to the Tachibana sister. Matsuri is probably the best temp antagonistic character in Citrus even if it was over-the-top because her motivation for being a thorn on Yuzu and Mei's relationship did make sense. Similar to Mei, Matsuri probaby finds Yuzu as the only person who truly cares for her unlike the arc with the Tachibana sisters, Himeko and Harumin's older sister. plus, Matsuri made Mei realized that she can't only have Yuzu as her sister, no matter how much she tried to keep their relationship that way.

last edited at Mar 3, 2018 12:14AM

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 23:17
joined Jan 22, 2018

The Manager can't inherit anything, as he is not from the same family unless he marries Mei. Actually after re-reading some key manga chapters, I confirmed Mei is really 100% head over heels over Yuzu, the girl can't even sleep when Yuzu is late to arrive home and is super possessive/jealous even towards friends like Harumin for no good reason. The possibility this series will end with her marrying some dude is slim...The "Dear Yuzu" letter amounts to a shit test from her to see if Yuzu has a backbone lol

I actually want to see Mei get jealous of Yuzu and Harumin's bff relationship. Yuzu even spends most of her time with Harumin than with anyone else in the manga. Although, Yuzu has a habit of ditching Harumin when it comes to Mei.

I don't know if you're being sarcastic but if there's anyone who has gigantic balls on Citrus. it is Yuzu. She had the guts to confront Mei and her grandfather regarding the school rules, She announced to the whole school that Amemiya is forcing himself to a student which we all know is Mei and wasn't afraid to get a suspension out of it, She didn't back down to Harumin's sister (can't remember her name) to be honest, I don't think anyone can call Yuzu spineless because after all who can still stay in love with Mei and not give up on her when she's cold AF.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 11:17PM

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 22:53
joined Jan 22, 2018

OMG I THINK I KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. SO, MEI IS GOING TO KEEP WEARING THE RING AROUND HER NECK (on the necklace) AND Then one day the Manager will see it and think that it looks familiar, and he's going to remember Yuzu telling him that the ring was for 'her lover', so he'll assume that Mei is Yuzu's lover! And then he's going to ask Mei about it, and Mei will confess and cry etc. AND THEN he'll let her go and cancel their marriage because he wants her to be happy and to be with Yuzu. So Mei will go back to Yuzu and then... I don't know what. But then I had this idea that maybe the Manager ends up inheriting Aihara academy?? Idk highly unlikely but those are my thoughts :)

The problem is, even if the manager backs out from the wedding. Mei's grandfather can easily find another marriage partner for her. the only way this could stop is if everyone in the Aihara family will finally found out Mei and Yuzu's relationship but the final decision would still come from Mei.

Citrus discussion 27 Feb 23:00
joined Jan 22, 2018

I hope Citrus won't end in the next volume considering the anime might have a second season which I dream would happened.

On Matsuri and Harumin. Why would the realistic representation of our society in Citrus prevent Matsuri and Harumin from becoming a couple? if we're gonna base it on their personality. Matsuri would give zero f×cks about other people's opinion while Harumin is evidently cool with Yuzu's gayness. But I must say that Sabuoru Uta might just let the fans to interpret the real relationship of Harumin and Matsuri on their own instead of making them canon.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 10:46PM

joined Jan 22, 2018

I love seeing the different sides of Mei in the anthology that we rarely see in the official manga. the very affectionate Mei and the Mei who loves to flirt with Yuzu by trolling her. I enjoyed both the official Citrus manga and the Citrus anthology. I don't think we need to argue which one is the best. the anthology are fluffy and lighthearted while the official manga just has the right balance of romance, comedy, drama...well, I guess the angst is amped a bit too high but it''s one of the reason why we love Citrus so much.

the phone bra strap story feels incomplete but I still laugh so hard nonetheless. I think Mei knows what Yuzu was actually trying to do and just play along with it to troll her LOL but the way Mei look happy when Yuzu used her bra as her phone strap and the way she got angry when Yuzu didn't attached it to her phone when she was going out tells me otherwise xD

the ice cream flirting is something I can totally see Mei do in the official manga. I mean, she did try to taste the porridge by french kissing Yuzu in the drama cd. Mei is just effing smooth.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 8:55PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 16:42
joined Jan 22, 2018

One of the objective of this arranged marriage is to produce a heir

We all do recall that if Shou comes back there is an alternate path to another Aihara heir, right?

This is deus ex machina. It's Mei turn to fix all of this.

Mei needs something to trigger her decision. She forced herself to choose the Academy at first, but what will make Mei regret her decision?

Mei chose her decision half-heartedly. I think she will have some regrets either way. if she chose Yuzu and disobey her grandfather. it will probably take a toll on her grandfather's health. leaving her to blame herself for what happened.

the only solution to this is if their family accepted them and if Mei stop running away from her feelings for Yuzu.

if we do get have a happy ending. I hope we have an extra chapter where Yuzu and Mei finally do it. (drool)

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 4:49PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 16:17
joined Jan 22, 2018

One of the objective of this arranged marriage is to produce a heir

We all do recall that if Shou comes back there is an alternate path to another Aihara heir, right?

If Shou do come back and decided to take over the academy. Will it really stop Mei's grandfather from setting her up into an arranged marriage given that it's traditional in their family? and remember he is sick and dying. Mei wouldn't certainly want to disappoint her grandfather at a time like this. well, unless Mei's grandfather dies and I don't think Shou will force Mei into something like that. then yeah it's a possible solution.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 4:32PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 16:00
joined Jan 22, 2018


What concerns me in the story is how will their family think of their relationship. remember that Mei's grandfather is sick and his last wish will be probably to see her granddaughter marry a guy from a rich and respectable family. so, how can Mei refuse that? Can she risk her grandfather's health for her love for Yuzu?

Her grandfather dislike the idea of pushing all the responsibility to Mei, but he doesn't have a choice since Shou is travelling. Shou will eventually come back (i mean, he needs to), so everything will eventually get solved.

One of the objective of this arranged marriage is to produce a heir and besides do you really think Mei's grandfather will take the news of them being in a relationship that easily? Their relationship will ruin the reputation of the Aihara family. a stepsister from a respectable family in a romantic relationship?

And how will Yuzu's mother take all of this? Shou and her will technically need to divorce if they want to support Yuzu and Mei's relationship. there's gonna be a lot of sacrifices needed to make for this happy ending and it just makes me worry.

Ume is a good woman and open minded, she'll support Yuzu and Mei if this means they'll be truly happy. And also, she just married Shou to take care of Mei while he's travelling around the world to reach his ''answer''. They both agreed to this. So their parents wouldn't be a big problem.

Yeah, I hope that Ume and Shou only married because of that agreement and not because they actually do love each other. Which is kind of nuts if you think about it.

I know I'm kind of taking the story hard by looking at it realistically. I really want Mei and Yuzu to have a happy ending but neither do I want a dumb solution to this plot like everyone will just be accepting and there won't be any consequences to all of it.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 4:07PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 15:41
joined Jan 22, 2018


We all know everything that you have pointed out but like I said given the circumstances of their complicated relationship. the story could go differently. besides, did you read that the Japanese folks reacted positively with Mei's decision?

I do hope for a happy ending not a bittersweet ending just like title suggest "Citrus".

Yes. But there's some ways out of this conflict, i guess. Some Japanese are expecting Shou to come back (he also said something like ''wanting to reach an answer'', that's why he's travelling around the world), and there's a reason why the Manager (a good guy who knows how much Yuzu loves her partner) is the fiancé. If we put everything together, so the outcome is very obvious. But Saburouta always surprises us, so let's just wait two long months for the next chapter.

I'm not worried about the fiance cause like someone said here in the forum that even if the manager backs out, there's tons of rich guys who could replace him.

What concerns me in the story is how will their family think of their relationship. remember that Mei's grandfather is sick and his last wish will be probably to see her granddaughter marry a guy from a rich and respectable family. so, how can Mei refuse that? Can she risk her grandfather's health for her love for Yuzu?

And how will Yuzu's mother take all of this? Shou and her will technically need to divorce if they want to support Yuzu and Mei's relationship. there's gonna be a lot of sacrifices needed to make for this happy ending and it just makes me worry.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 3:46PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 15:15
joined Jan 22, 2018


We already know everything that you have pointed out but like I said given the circumstances of their complicated relationship. the story could go differently. besides, did you read that the Japanese folks reacted positively with Mei's decision?

I do hope for a happy ending not a bittersweet ending just like title suggest "Citrus".

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 3:18PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 15:05
joined Jan 22, 2018

I'm wondering why some readers are so freaked out. The happy ending is obvious. Anyone who reads this manga for more than 2 years already knows the outcome of this whole drama. Yuzu and Mei will be together again and that's it.

Well, given the circumstances that Mei and Yuzu are stepsisters and Mei has responsibilities of being the sole heiress of the academy. it's kinda hard to imagine how will Mei and Yuzu get through all of this without their family being involved in the story. Yuzu's mother, Mei's irresponsible father and her sick grandfather. These people are irreplaceable persons in their life who will be greatly affected with their relationship, if ever they decided to come out.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 3:10PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 14:57
joined Jan 22, 2018

The characters can end up happy, but still not with each other lol A lot of people would be happy with a Yuzu x Harumin ending at this point I bet, given how much Mei seems to be disliked. It's unlikely but would be the ultimate twist.

Damn right. I keep reading that Sabuoro Uta promised a happy ending but she didn't specifically said that Mei and Yuzu will be the endgame couple and that's why a lot of us is worried.

Harumin x Yuzu wouldn't be so bad but after what Mei and Yuzu has gotten through. it will be heartbreaking for the fans, if they don't end up together. I mean, the reason why all of us follow Citrus is because we want to see the two of them have a happy ending. We had enough Yuri manga or anime with bad endings or inconclusive endings when we don't for certain if their relationship are just a fleeting highschool romance and in time just became the butt of a joke that they still end up with a guy. it's time that we have a married yuri couple manga/anime and I'm hoping it will be Citrus. I still want to keep my hopes up after Chapter 36.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 2:57PM

joined Jan 22, 2018

Harumin is too good at concealing her thoughts and feelings. she loves to play dumb while Matsuri acts like knows everything about you. it is a good dynamic between these two characters. I hope they can have a spin-off or something.

The spin-off pairing we need.

The Yuzu and Mei pairing is nice, but I don't feel that their interactions are all that interesting in the main series after a while. I like the Mei in the anthologies better actually. I feel like Matsuri and Harumin is the kind of combo that could pull off a slice of life manga of them just doing everyday things. I would read the shit out of that.

tbh My main pairing is still Mei and Yuzu but after the heartbreaking drama of chapter 36. We all need a romcom between these two. if Sabuoro Uta will make a spin-off story about them. it will probably contain some angst. it will be interesting to see how Harumin and Matsuri's perspective can change by learning from each other.

joined Jan 22, 2018

Harumin and Matsuri has chemistry for some unknown reason lol. anyone remember the drama cd "The Most Horribly Incompatible?" This pink troll has her sights on Harumin. she's probably thinking that she's a puzzle game that needs to be solved. Matsuri is a very aggressive and manipulative girl but Harumin doesn't even flinch when Matsuri lowkey asked her if she knows that Yuzu is into Mei xD

IKR! Who else could even control Matsuri lol. She's a little devil. A cute one, but a devil nonetheless. Harumin has a strong enough character to deal with it. They pair up so well IMO.

Harumin is too good at concealing her thoughts and feelings by playing dumb while Matsuri acts like knows everything about you. it is a good dynamic between these two characters. I hope they can have a spin-off or something.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 1:14PM

joined Jan 22, 2018

I'd love to think that all of this Citrus Anthology are all canon side-stories that Sabuoro Uta didn't add to the official manga series. I miss how Mei love to troll Yuzu in the manga.

Harumin and Matsuri has chemistry for some unknown reason lol. anyone remember the drama cd "The Most Horribly Incompatible?" This pink troll has her sights on Harumin. she's probably thinking that she's a puzzle game that needs to be solved. Matsuri is a very aggressive and manipulative girl but Harumin doesn't even flinch when Matsuri lowkey asked her if she's aware that Yuzu is into Mei xD

We all know Harumin knows Mei and Yuzu's budding romance but she still manage to support them without personally getting involved in their relationship. No wonder a lot of people are calling her best girl of the series while Matsuri is there to spice up Yuzu and Mei's sex life lol.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 12:57PM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 12:14
joined Jan 22, 2018

I hope Citrus won't end at Volume 10. 12 is fine but I wish there will be more. it won't be bad also if we can have a canon Matsuri x Harumin after the hopeful happy ending for Yuzu and Mei.

There's no doubt that Volume 10 is going to be the turning point of Citrus. I can't even imagine the amount of drama it will have especially that it will now involve the whole Aihara family into the plot. Getting the acceptance of their family with their taboo relationship is going to be the toughest obstacle Mei and Yuzu need to deal with before they can have their happy ending. man' I hope we can see Mei and Yuzu get married and have science babies.

Who wouldn't want to see Mei finally happy with her new loving family with Yuzu after all the sh*t, she has to deal with because of her irresponsible father.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 12:22PM

Citrus discussion 21 Feb 15:47
joined Jan 22, 2018


it's true that Mei's father is a selfish prick. He left all his responsibilities to Mei. but I don't think it will stop his grandfather from setting up an arrange marriage for her. (On a side note. it seems that most of the Citrus anime viewer likes Shou which is nuts.)

Everyone was just really shock when they read chapter 36 because almost nobody expected Mei to choose the arrange marriage. the time skip made it even worst. tbh the only thing that came from my mind was how can Mei do that to Yuzu and I'm sure that's what everyone was thinking after reading it.

last edited at Feb 21, 2018 3:50PM

Citrus discussion 20 Feb 16:15
joined Jan 22, 2018


We know Mei does want to inherit the academy but I don't think that she actually wants to marry someone she doesn't love. it's her grandfathers whose putting all that pressure into her.