Finally it has been translated! I'm kinda surprised there hasn't been more doujins of this manga, seeing as it's so popular. There are a few fan fics though, so can't complain ;)
I guess it was to remind us all that there are still a lot of people out there who don't support homosexual relationships. Some people just need to remeber that gender is irrelevant when it comes to loving a person!
Haha yeah your right :D it's nice that there are people in this little world that are will to help others and give advice! Gives me a little hope ;) thanks love!
I was 22 when I fell in love for the first time. Up until then I always believed that I can't fall in love with anyone... so there's no reason to be worried about stuff like that at your age. It's totally normal.
Yeah, that's what my mum says :D but, my dad and friends say I'm weird because I also haven't figured out my sexuality yet, I'm just not attracted to anyone! It's kinda scary for me but exciting because I'm still discovering who I am! :)
I can relate to Yuu and Maki, I've never fallen in love with someone or had a crush, but I don't really know if im asexual and/or aromantic. Because I'm 15 I don't want to lable myself as something I might not be. But im definitely demisexual!