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Pulse discussion 03 Jun 21:06
joined May 7, 2016

My fav picture of this chapter :3

Pulse discussion 27 May 21:27
joined May 7, 2016

I can't figure out still if Dr. Mel is already in love with Lynn this time, oh wait, she does not believe in Love in the first place.

Pulse discussion 24 May 21:33
joined May 7, 2016

Why Dr. Mel so pretty and cool lol xD Am I becoming a les or someting xD

Yes. Go get a cat and some flannel shirts.

Is that the official starter pack? No kidding xD

You'll be expected to pick up a U-Haul eventually, but those are rentals.

I'm sorry I don't get it. I can't keep up western talks xD

Pulse discussion 24 May 21:32
joined May 7, 2016

I am now thinking that another love triangle will take place :3 that Bee-bi*ch...

Don't forget about Red Hair nurse... I have a feeling she might be a problem too...

On this episode of "Lynn plays lezzie whack-a-mole"... Is the final boss someone Mel actually dated in the past? Dundundunnnn

I think so. Maybe she dated a guy once or whatever.

Nah, for SURE she didn't date a guy before

Good grief! I don't want a guy to be involved :3

Pulse discussion 22 May 23:00
joined May 7, 2016

I am now thinking that another love triangle will take place :3 that Bee-bi*ch...

Don't forget about Red Hair nurse... I have a feeling she might be a problem too...

On this episode of "Lynn plays lezzie whack-a-mole"... Is the final boss someone Mel actually dated in the past? Dundundunnnn

I think so. Maybe she dated a guy once or whatever.

Pulse discussion 21 May 05:19
joined May 7, 2016

I am now thinking that another love triangle will take place :3 that Bee-bi*ch...

Pulse discussion 14 May 05:24
joined May 7, 2016

Why Dr. Mel so pretty and cool lol xD Am I becoming a les or someting xD

Yes. Go get a cat and some flannel shirts.

Is that the official starter pack? No kidding xD

Pulse discussion 13 May 21:19
joined May 7, 2016

Why Dr. Mel so pretty and cool lol xD Am I becoming a les or someting xD

Pulse discussion 07 May 21:18
joined May 7, 2016

Oh deym!
I can't even work normally now without thinking about this...
I've just read the first chapter of the manga and was fascinated the way the author or mel described the chemistry of Love, and that's where my the author captivated my heart >///< Doctor Mel, too bad we are not in the same medical field but you've just explained clearly why can't I fall in love with someone :3.
(ohhh I can't show to my patients I'm reading this xD) ~back to work~

last edited at May 7, 2016 9:21PM