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joined Mar 19, 2016

It means what it says. Studios are usually given to adapt titles the higher up consider profitable and a budget proportional to their expectations.
DEEN usually works with low budget and the character designs for the anime from the magazine screams DEEN.

On a off topic my canon yuri otp just died today


Deleted link

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 1:59AM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Looks like DEEN.

They also increased Yuma's bust size a lot.

last edited at Nov 19, 2016 2:19AM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Abuse relationship what? Nah
It was a relationship that started to help each other from unwanted confessions (dramatic and forceful ones) so while it was fake I suspect Fujiwara might have felt that both Hotaru and himself were similar. Camaraderie? friendship? Whatever it was that met an inconvenience because .. then he found out about her being a DFB.

Hotaru why are you so horny and retarded? >_>;

In the flashback, there was a hint of anger Fujiwara let slip when he found out he was just being used by Hotaru after he saw her with Yuma so perhaps the trip wasn't the first time but what is the worst is that Hotaru was ready so breaking up or whatever outcome happened was expected for her (sex was normal for her from what is implied so no big deal there) even Fujiwara was surprised a bit asking her if that was what she wanted.

They're accomplices and ironically both being the piece of shit they're ironically are more similar than they were before (btw if I got it right Fujiwara cheating was just a fake rumor cuz himself doesn't wants to be involved with anyone for the time being and Hotaru is a good cover).

last edited at Nov 19, 2016 1:54AM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Progress! Woohoo!

Also, Takeda should have moved on a while ago.

Hotaru rused him to use him to make Yuma feel less stressed.

Still despite he broke with Yuma the author doesn't lets him move on.

He's a male character in a yuri manga. He will not get much sympathy from me.

Good for you

As much as I hate heterosexuality in my yuri [and Kodama Naoko's stuff]; I don't get this animosity towards the only [yet] non-fucked up character. Having a Y chromosome doesn't make you a jerk, even if lots of men in yuri are.
And personally speaking, I don't consider this as a yuri. Sure, it involves two girls, but it's way too fucked up, it nearly gives me nausea.

I'll make enemies here, but for me, in this manga, the happiest end would be a het one (and god knows how this line is surprising from me) with Takeda and the dumb blonde-haired girl. The other two manipulative jerks just deserve sorrow and pain.

He is a boy, of course he will be hated by the fact he exists, some will claim they don't hate him and pretend he is boring or something else to mask the animosity, it usually shows when some can't even hide the ill words chosen to post, it naturally slips through. If the author decides to make him go nasty have no doubt they'll jump out from the closet with their torches and forks ready.

Btw, new chapter, Takeada worrying about Yuma who worries about Hotaru who in turn ruins her Yuma's image with her mother but all goes well for her. That last page, I call it bait until proven otherwise.

Yaoi-style consent issues in a yuri manga

Hahaha, sad but true.

last edited at Sep 27, 2016 9:41PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Now the author is playing it safe with just teasing. Tch.

joined Mar 19, 2016

Everyone is still debating about this series but I start keeping myself calm. A yuri manga always ended with yuri more or less. A het ending in yuri manga, including Yuri Hime ? That's questionable!

Wouldn't be a first you know?

joined Mar 19, 2016

"If you don't like what she writes >>>> must be a guy"

"If it is a she then she sucks"
The fuck?

joined Mar 19, 2016

Eh, before that he already got the hints from his friend about Yuma's true colors.

Also, among a collection of fucked up people like Hotaru, Yuma and Fujiwara Takeda comes on top of them as the sane one.

Also I know how some guys like you behave, if he is nice = he is annoying, if he is a push over = he is a rapist, if he is douche = he is a piece of shit.
So no, that's why most of the times a hardcore yurifan talks about a male character it automatically invalidates its worth which is why sadly all of the yuri fans gets lumped together in the same bag.

joined Mar 19, 2016

I think you're the first person who calls Takeda a whiner, loser yes, he ain't protagonist, but whiner?

joined Mar 19, 2016

Well, no issues there.

And yeas I agree, the biggeest weakness of the series isn't if there is hetero going on or not, it's Yuma and her lack of brain when it involves Hotaru. It's so dumb isn't fun.

joined Mar 19, 2016

That's not how netorare is played.

He isn't the protagonist and you are clearly empathizing with the girls so isn't netorare, to be netorare it needs him to : 1. Be protagonist and 2. Empathize with him, none of the people here did that, and were enjoying it instead. It couldn't be more netori than that.
Btw, it's because Takeda broke with Yuma that Fujiwara went for the idea of the 3P, and that's why Hotaru is trying hard to make them reconcile.

To me it would be better if they leave Takeda out of the picture to see how the girls deal with this issue themselves. Specially Hotaru since she is the main culprit of this chain of events.

last edited at Mar 19, 2016 2:33PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Kodama is trying something different for a change, let her be.

And no, if anything, this developement as much as some hate it has gathered quite the number of followers.

Also, if the main character are the one doing it isn't Netorare, it's called Netori.
Which is why the author was kind of surprised about Takeda's reception.

joined Mar 19, 2016

That's what NTR is about though.

And it wouldn't be the first time there is some off screen hetero on Yuri Hime duh.

joined Mar 19, 2016

Ch 9 raws

The threesome didn't happen, well I didn't think it would I still have a little faith in yuri, just a little. Kinda surprised Hotaru will still date Fujiwara after everything.
Seems like Hotaru ended things with Yuma for good this time [?] so I hope the next time something happens between them Yuma is the one who will initiate it.

she might be using sex as a way to not piss him off, cus who knows what he could do, that little shithead
this arc is seriously stressing me out and is leaving me with a bad taste, i hope it gets resolved soon

It didn't happen because it's GOING TO happen, look at the last pages where Fujiwara talks with someone who he refers as his elder(maybe a brother?) about a 3P.

Fujiwara is wanting for it, oh, and the pics never were deleted, he send them to a back up and lied the ever retarded Yuma about deleting them.

Ah, and Hotaru is trying to convince Takeda to be with Yuma again saying him she wasn't betraying him but that it was her that time, her reason obviously so Fujiwara won't make moves on Yuma.

last edited at Mar 19, 2016 12:45PM