Why on Earth are there still people ranting about this ?!
Come on ! This is tiring me !
We're all disgusting scums here, if you don't like that, FUCKING DON'T READ IT
Incest for the win.
You have to understand the difference between a manga and real life. I can read incest stories and find it good but it's a different matter if someone said they go out with a family member in real life. I think i couldn't accept it.
By the way, the line between grooming and raising your childs as a parent is very thin.
It's not surprising you couldn't accept it, you don't accept almost anything of what you read.
What even is your problem ? I don't have problems with incest as long it's fictional and I wouldn't read a story so long about incest if I didn't like it. I said (see, it's the tricky part, hope you can follow) that's I have a problem with IRL incest, I will be a bit grossed out if someone I know said they have romantics feelings for one of their family member, regardless of the gender.
tl;dr : I'm ok with Incest as long as it's only fictional.