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joined Oct 4, 2016

Nezchan said:

The reason I came to Ottawa was that my girlfriend at the time, a trucker, lived here in a poly relationship which I joined. I travelled in the truck with her doing the "can run" between the harbour in Montreal and the one in Toronto, plus some side runs. It was cool, living in the truck like that with her and her husky.

Yeah, you get a lot of team drivers who are couples out here. Lotta married couples. Good way to make money if you can both drive. And even if you can't, it's still common as you say to have a rider along. My company allows for one passenger, and a lot of guys I work with bring their non-driving wives along. Also a couple of women who bring their non-driving husbands along. Definitely alleviates the lonlieness.

I'm an introvert, though. There's literally no human being in the world I want to spend 24 hours a day with in a 6-by-6-foot box for weeks at a time. I can tell you from experience that 10 days of that is about my limit.

muteKi said:

Since it's relevant to the discussion I will say I never fail to be impressed how thoughtful about the horrors of combat so many of the erotic stories based on a ship-fetishistic game tend to be. I'm always surprised at how great so many Kantai Collection works are out there, since it's not a thing that ever seemed to sell itself on emotional depth.

Kitakami no Ichiban Nagai Hi turned me into an emotional wreck for a solid day. After I read it, took me about 10 minutes before I could get my shit together. And then afterwards, even thinking about it would get the waterworks flowing again. I posted it to /r/hentai over on Reddit, and I was sniffling and snuffling the whole time I was uploading and arranging it in the proper order.

Like I said in the comments for it, it's Nicholas Sparks for pervs. Why do I like porn that's super hot and that also makes me cry? I dunno. Romance and sex are bound together a lot tighter in my brain than I think it is for a lot of people. (For example, I think From Now On, Together With Senpai is a very sweet and romantic yuri, and I suspect that's not a common reading.)

last edited at Oct 8, 2016 6:35AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Utoptia said:

Since you liked From now on, together with sempai you will may enjoy our beloved John K Peta's works.

Well, I gave it a whirl, but had to nope out on the anal fisting and womb extrusion. Say what you will about Together With Senpai, but the sex was pretty vanilla. There was just an alarming amount of it.

Appreciate the recommendation, though.

joined Oct 4, 2016

anon99 said:

Being a trucker in North America sounds kinda cool though... It's a tough job and also not one of the best paid ones I assume... but touring those roads... that has its charm.

I wouldn't say it's a hard job. There are dudes out here doing it who weigh 350lbs and can barely walk. What it is is a lonely job. I leave my house, I don't go back home for 18 days, and no telling where I'll go during that time.

Fortunately, I'm single, so I don't have a relationship that would be strained by my absence. And I'm an introvert, so if I was at home, I'd be doing the exact same thing I'm doing right now. So it suits me pretty well.

But yeah, it has its perks. I've been across the entire US and back six times in the past month, and that's pretty cool.

(^_^) I'm pretty sure no one's gonna judge you here. So you're on the save side. ^^

Oh, I'm not worried about being judged for liking yuri. I'm worried about being judged for liking Kantai Collection yuri. ^_^;

Not sure if I can help you with the intelligent discussions ;)

Man, you already have. ;-)

But I think hentai is a lot better than your average porn with real actors. At least with hentai you don't have to worry about the well being of the people in front of the camera. That kinda always ruined it for me... That's why I like cartoon porn! No one gets hurt ^^

Well, these days you have to specify what you're talking about when you talk about "porn". Studio porn is indeed rife with all manner of issues. But there's a lot of indie and amateur stuff out there which doesn't have those issues. I moderate some porn subs over on Reddit, and one of my co-moderators makes porn. She films herself having sex with her husband and sells it. Makes a decent amount of scratch. And she's pretty cool.

With hentai, I tend to find it problematic because of the stuff it normalizes. I remember reading an article a few years ago about how there's a growing problem in China due to young men expecting their girlfriends to behave like porn stars in the bedroom. They read the comics and they watch the movies and they think that girls taking a sloppy facial is what happens in the bedroom. And then they get a real girlfriend who isn't interested and expectations run firmly aground on the unblinking sandbar of reality.

last edited at Oct 15, 2016 1:01PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Galich said:

No bad time and place for it :P Heard about plenty of different situations to do so. Wanted to browse it on the uni net but you need to log in with your own account and it traces sites visited.

Oh, not saying it's a bad place for it, just an unlikely one. Your average trucker wants to Make America Great Again and insists that #CopLivesMatter and yadda yadda yadda. There just ain't that many SNAGs like me driving an 18-wheeler.

And it looks like I am going to continue surfing yuri at a truckstop since I haven't been given a new load assignment and likely won't get one until tomorrow morning. On the one hand, that means I get to surf more yuri. On the other hand, that means I ain't getting paid.

My reaction right now:

Utoptia said:

.. Here we are, coming from all walks of life, brought and bond here by our love for yuri. Isn't that beautiful ?

It's a new thing for me. I've been a dabbler in hentai for years, but was in denial about it because there's a lot of stuff about hentai that I find deeply problematic. Including some of the stuff that personally turns my crank. So although I would occasionally seek it out, I always kept it at arms length. "Me? Turned on by cartoons? Pft. Not ME!" Which is funny because I like John Norman's Gor novels and have never had the slightest qualm about it. And those are also some deeply problematic books.

But, I dunno. A couple months ago, something tripped the "Eh, fuckit" switch in my brain. Basically admitted to myself that, y'know, what I do in my bedroom alone or with a partner isn't going to save the world, and liking the kinds of things I like isn't a betrayal of my hard-won progressive ideals.

Since I've been making up for lost time. I have read a fair amount of hentai over the past couple of months, learning the tropes, finding out what I really like, what I don't, etc. I knew of yuri (and yaoi) via geek osmosis, but had never sought it out until a few days ago. I dig it. It's romantic. I like romantic porn.

last edited at Oct 7, 2016 9:06PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

If you don't come up looking like a glazed donut, you're not doing it right.

Had to re-read this. It's still great. Love the bit where Kaya-chan gives back the goopy panties.

Thing I love most is just the absolute matter-of-fact, utterly unapologetic approach Kaya-chan has to sex. Like, she can't conceive of NOT wanting to fuck, because fucking is fun, so why wouldn't you want to fuck your brains out as much as possible? That's the kind of girlfriend I fantasized about in my callow youth.

EDIT: Also, on an unrelated note, we never find out Senpai's name.

last edited at Oct 7, 2016 8:13PM

joined Oct 4, 2016


Call it a hunch, based on my knowledge of my fellow truckers. They are a homogenous bunch in many ways.

Thanks for the welcome. Glad I found this site. I found it by doing a google search for "kantai collection yuri" (don't judge me), but it looks like I'll be sticking around for the discussions. I've been looking for a place to have intelligent discussions with grownups about erotic manga ever since I stopped being in denial about the fact that I like hentai a couple months ago.

joined Oct 4, 2016

As I sit here surfing this website, I think to myself "Y'know, I'm probably the only trucker in North America whiling away his off-duty time at a truckstop reading yuri."

joined Oct 4, 2016

Tossing in my two belated cents: This was incredible. This is the kind of shit I would draw if I could draw. I'm a former BDSM practicioner, and this is one of the best depections of the kind of BDSM I engaged in when I was in the scene. Safe, sane, consensual. Loved every bit of it.

joined Oct 4, 2016

You may remember the very over-the-top action movie Shoot 'Em Up, starring Clive Owen. Roger Ebert had a great observation about it in his review:

" Shoot 'Em Up, written and directed by the gung-ho Michael Davis, is the most audacious, implausible, cheerfully offensive, hyperactive action picture I've seen since, oh, Sin City, which in comparison was a chamber drama. That I liked Shoot 'em Up is a consequence of a critical quirk I sometimes notice: I may disapprove of a movie for going too far, and yet have a sneaky regard for a movie that goes much, much farther than merely too far. This one goes so far, if you even want to get that far, you have to start half-way there..."

That bit was at the forefront of my mind the entire time I read this story. This is yuri hentai with the dial turned up to 11. Or maybe 14. So very over the top you're left gape-jawed in admiration at the sheer audacity.

I howled like a gibbon throughout. Fuckin' hysterical. A++/Would read again.

last edited at Oct 6, 2016 3:23PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

...TV adaptation of Sleeping Beauty...



Adapted for Pornhub, I trust? Because I can't imagine it being broadcast on an actual TV network (not even HBO) without being bowdlerized to within an inch of its life.

last edited at Oct 6, 2016 5:58AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Hmm. Sexual chattel slavery or bestiality. Pick your poison, I guess.

If we go with Bestiality only one person is committing sex crimes and there is no legal sex trafficking ring. It's still not a good thing but on balance...

I have enjoyed (some of) the Gor novels by John Norman and also Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books, so I may be calibrated a little differently.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I kind of had it in my head that these were all normal animals but the pet shop owner saw them as people and the half-human thing was just a metaphor.

Hmm. Sexual chattel slavery or bestiality. Pick your poison, I guess.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Hmm, odd, you'd think it be obvious since ships of the same class are called sisters.

But they're not biological sisters springing from the loins of the same parents, which is what I would consider the main criteria for the incest tag. Kongou wasn't even built in the same shipyard as her sister ships, so she doesn't even have the same "parent".

On a completely unrelated note, what this world needs is some Mamiya x Irako doujins.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Kantai collection drama is boring. There, I said it.

It is a bit repetitive.

It is certainly easy for KanColle doujin writers to fall back on "one ship saves another" or "one ship waits for another to come home" drama building because it's baked right in to the setting.

I'm a sucker for that kinda shit, though, so I don't mind. Especially if it's done well, as here.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I started reading this, and almost immediately got the same vibe that I get from lesbian porn aimed at straight dudes. Like, this wouldn't be out of place on a Brazzers or Evil Angel vid.

last edited at Oct 5, 2016 12:17PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Man, it's stupid, but I love romantic tearjerker porn that makes me cry. It's like Nicholas Sparks for pervs.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Thought it was cute. I was actually relieved to find that it was a fantasy scenario involving the sale of cat-people. During the early bits, I was worried that it was going to turn out to be some kind of Stockholm Syndrome/dude-who-kidnapped-those-three-girls-in-Cleveland scenario. Which would've put a serious hitch in my giddy-up.