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Image Comments 06 Aug 17:59
joined Mar 22, 2013

awww this picture sums up the series pretty nicely

joined Mar 22, 2013

I think I like this better than the first one. Especially because I found Aki kind of intriguing. Why is she always so mean even though she used to be popular? I think she just needs some love. Also it's kind of cool that the students basically decided against bullying and began bullying the bully. That's something you see not often.

Still Sick discussion 05 Aug 16:44
joined Mar 22, 2013

can't wait, the raws look so good. but my japanese is not enough to even get the gist and this is one of the manga where the text definitely makes it even better.

Image Comments 04 Aug 07:10
joined Mar 22, 2013

Okay, this is cute and all, but smh i am really bothered by the centaur anatomy... it just looks like a human with a really weird butt. Like some frankenstein attached horse butt... :/

joined Mar 22, 2013

One word: bliss!

Still Sick discussion 31 Jul 03:32
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is perfect! I think this is actually a very big step forward again. Maekawa realizes that she WANTS shimizu and not only needs her. And it is confusing her a lot. If you need someone they can be replaced more easily then when you want someone. Maekawa is so afraid of everything. Can't wait for the next chapter! Shimizu's gonna tame that beast slowly.

Lily Marble discussion 31 Jul 03:16
joined Mar 22, 2013

Yippieh, today is the best day. Updates on this AND Still Sick :3 I literally jumped out of bed when I checked my mails^^

Also Risa doing a Zumba class, I can totally see it. I'd probably go!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Wow izumi try to block fujishiro from knowing that she are in love and using that shitty explains to have her way it fujishiro. Should have add nsfw and rape because of that :v

they're holding hands, that'd deserve the nsfw tag already :I

joined Mar 22, 2013

Huh? what's going on? I guess it will get clearer later, huh?

joined Mar 22, 2013

Buns are so cute!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Nene does the stupidest stuff. I like characters with baggage, but the only thing that could redeem Nene at this point for me is if she punches senpai in the face.

joined Mar 22, 2013

this is nice. it's cool to see two different people like those two work it out.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This, but ten years later please!

Lily Marble discussion 20 Jul 04:38
joined Mar 22, 2013

Is this on hiatus, now? The updates used to be pretty regular.

The chapters 23 and 24 are already out in japanese so... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

really? Can you tell me where? I've been checking this site regularly:
which I believed was the official site, but it did not update anymore. :/

Still Sick discussion 18 Jul 03:36
joined Mar 22, 2013

Just saying... doesn't Maekawa seem a little... abusive? Like, she expects her friend to completely emotionally care for her, never leave her side, and always be there for emotional support. She uses the fact that her friend likes her and blatantly leads her on for the specific purpose of becoming an emotional leech and isolating her from others (i.e getting pissed when she needs to talk to others, even in a work setting). And most importantly she manipulates her emotionally, guilt tripping her into never leaving under any circumstances, even when being toyed with and used, else being an evil monster just like everyone else who's ever left her. Disclaimer: I still don't think Maekawa is a bad person, just has way to many issues to dump on a friend or spouse. This relationship is getting more and more toxic. It's getting kind of hard to read this and ship them together, Shizumu deserves so much better. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive to this because I've been exposed to it tho.

I see what you mean, but I guess the big difference is that, they talk(ed) about it. Maekawa was always very forward about her lack of emotion. And also, I think Maekawa is growing a lot with every chapter and Shimizu knows how to handle her.
Sorry about your experience. There are some very manipulative people and messed up relationships in RL (that's why I'm here in fictional life) and I also really hate it, when an abusive treatment in manga is depicted as romantic. However I don't think this is the case here though. It is some heavy drama. Maekawa is a person with a lot of fear and I believe Shimizu can handle how she's treated.^^
Plus, Shimizu got something out of this relationship, too. She finally accepted that she is attracted to women.

also I read the raws (without understanding a thing) and I think
after one more chapter of heavy drama, it gets better, though both chapters available were like up and down, like all the chapters translated here^^

I started comparing this to "liberty" (which is definitely abusive imo...) and I always come to the conclusion, that Maekawa's fears are actually well written and understandable and she wants to break out, but can't (but I believe she will). Whereas Liberty is just some spoiled brat full of self-pity.

last edited at Jul 18, 2019 10:56AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

The good thing is that "being motherly" in a Japanese setting allows for all sorts of traditional manga developments; like sleeping in the same bed or having a bath together and washing each other, or ...

Western writers would just despair at the same scenario ^^

maybe even holding hands could be possible.

joined Mar 22, 2013

And then Akemi started to build her school girl harem just by using her maternal instinct. The end.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Did they just talk about wether they like someone else than each other?

joined Mar 22, 2013

they got nuked or something?

yes, by copyright stuff ; _ ; I have ep 2-6 but without subs.

last edited at Jul 11, 2019 12:27PM

Yurikon discussion 07 Jul 18:01
joined Mar 22, 2013

This was really cute. specially the last one^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

It was pretty cute

joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh, they're working it out. And man, Rika... you're a pain in the ass... seriously girl. Give them some privacy. :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

wow, I spot a plot development! I enjoyed this even with it, but it's getting interesting.

joined Mar 22, 2013

What the hell happened to the chapters... the second chapter seems to have been taken down as soon as I started reading it haha. Is an improved version or whatever coming soon?

Exactly that, yeah. I wasn't thinking properly when I uploaded them, my apologies. In the meantime, interested folks can go check out the translated chapters on Mangadex.

Okay, looking forward to this. I'm always in for some office lady yuri^^ Thanks for the hard work^^

Still Sick discussion 03 Jul 15:35
joined Mar 22, 2013

We went from Maekawa pretending to be overly friendly, to saying she hates Shimizu, and now to wanting to fuck Shimizu
That's an evolution alright

I don't think she actually wants to. She just thinks it is what Shimizu wants and doesn't care. Because she doesn't want to lose Shimizu. Which is how she apparently messed up her other relationships too. Just going along with what the partner wants without being really into it... But in this case she doesn't want to specificly lose Shimizu (maybe?) which is already something. If she doesn't want to be alone and with her confidence, she could just find someone, anyone else.
I have a feeling that Shimizu is/was/will be really good for her. She has a very laid back way of loving and figuring everything out, I'm digging it.

But yeah, I'm digging Maekawa's development too. It is just a mystery to me how Maekawa can say she has overly affectionate body language and anybody would fall for her, when she actually has only been rather cold and selfish towards Shimizu. xD