Forum › Posts by kuudere

joined Aug 17, 2020

The frustrations of not being pampered and being single indeed

joined Aug 17, 2020

Jealousy acting on its whim is really ugly. I really want Sei to end up with Aya, not because she can tolerate Sei's behavior but in a way where both of them can hurt and hurt and hurt each other until they finally understand one another. I need a character development on both of them and also to the people around them, especially the bestfriend. Not quite the same but I suddenly remember how Akito and Shigure are both toxic as an individual but a perfect match for each other. This manga has been hitting something inside of me since I first read the first volume so I want an actual development. Please please please, don't let it end with a lot of loop of holes, I've been ignoring negative reviews about this that I was hoping it won't get axed just because of the hate.

joined Aug 17, 2020

It was raining when I first read the first chapter of this one and it's raining as well today, after reading the bonus chapter. What a coincidence

Image Comments 27 Apr 07:06
joined Aug 17, 2020

Let's go get isekai and have a yuri family

Image Comments 24 Apr 12:26
joined Aug 17, 2020

^ I enjoy them as a ship as much as I enjoy AquaXShion pairing, maybe I spent too much on the internet that the ship literally sunk in my eyes that behind these actors there's something dirty going on behind those curtains. It would be nice if they are really friends irl not just for a show-off or hypocrisy. But oh yeah, who am I to judge and no one knows if what I read were real. Wishing them luck this year and more success.

Lolicon discussion 24 Apr 06:54
joined Aug 17, 2020

^ There are tons, you just gotta explore

Image Comments 24 Apr 06:46
joined Aug 17, 2020

I love this series. What I hate is the people who watches it and will keep spouting stupid shits

Image Comments 24 Apr 05:15
joined Aug 17, 2020

I loved TakaMori as much as I love NoeFure and crossick, but you know when you already have a background about these two irl and you'd come to know that neither of them are in "that" kind of relationship is just meh for me. I still watch them but I don't ship them anymore, it don't give me the feels and excitement anymore. UGH MY KOKORO, I HEAR IT CRACKING, YAMETE

last edited at Apr 24, 2021 5:16AM

joined Aug 17, 2020

I have nothing against poly relationships as long as its yuri fanfiction, so I don't really get the rage of these people in the forum. I wish I can enjoy controversial yuris with more open and friendly people, I'm never reading forums with these rude and self-entitled people always shading authors and artists as if they're saint. Stop sanitizing fictions, people are aware of whatnots, you don't have to be the Saint.

welcome to the dynasty forums, the laughing stock of the internet,
on the left we have the masochists that read controversial mangas to feel bad to then whine on the forums without adding anything to the conversation
on the right we have the shamers that will accuse you of literal crimes for enjoying a drawing
and on the corner there´s a few people that actually discuss the mangas and know the difference between fiction and reality

hope you enjoy your stay

I am haha, will just avoid unnecessary hate speech XD

Anyway, I've been curious with the idol arc for quite a while now huhu, I hope they'll be fine.

yeah i think this arc is probably gonna revolve around rinna and her backstory

Turns out her feelings for Haruno just grew stronger

joined Aug 17, 2020

kuudere posted:

I need more of this. Can someone suggest me a series similar to this? Not office ladies, just plain adult stories, not manhwas or manhuas, just yuri manga hehe. Thank you in advance

You'll have the most luck in the Yuri Manga Recommendation thread. I'm very partial to Collectors, an episodic Adult Life series about an older, very chill couple.

Thank you I just finished all of the recommended there XD

joined Aug 17, 2020

I have nothing against poly relationships as long as its yuri fanfiction, so I don't really get the rage of these people in the forum. I wish I can enjoy controversial yuris with more open and friendly people, I'm never reading forums with these rude and self-entitled people always shading authors and artists as if they're saint. Stop sanitizing fictions, people are aware of whatnots, you don't have to be the Saint.

welcome to the dynasty forums, the laughing stock of the internet,
on the left we have the masochists that read controversial mangas to feel bad to then whine on the forums without adding anything to the conversation
on the right we have the shamers that will accuse you of literal crimes for enjoying a drawing
and on the corner there´s a few people that actually discuss the mangas and know the difference between fiction and reality

hope you enjoy your stay
I am haha, will just avoid unnecessary hate speech XD

Anyway, I've been curious with the idol arc for quite a while now huhu, I hope they'll be fine.

yeah i think this arc is probably gonna revolve around rinna and her backstory
Turns out her feelings for Haruno just grew stronger

last edited at Apr 24, 2021 5:10AM

joined Aug 17, 2020

Rinna's feelings for Haruno are getting more intense, as someone who likes Rinna among all the characters I don't her to get hurt as her love grew stronger.

Also, I already wanna know the differences of the arrows and how you define them

joined Aug 17, 2020

Tsundere X denser than rock pairing is probably one of the most frustrating pairing ever hahahaha

joined Aug 17, 2020

I wanna marry Toriko, someone save me from this obsession.

joined Aug 17, 2020

Insulin insulin insulinnnnnn

Image Comments 19 Apr 21:50
joined Aug 17, 2020

The ship should be canon

joined Aug 17, 2020

After finishing the novel, I just wanna say... I freaking want an Aya, gimme gimme gimme

joined Aug 17, 2020

I have nothing against poly relationships as long as its yuri fanfiction, so I don't really get the rage of these people in the forum. I wish I can enjoy controversial yuris with more open and friendly people, I'm never reading forums with these rude and self-entitled people always shading authors and artists as if they're saint. Stop sanitizing fictions, people are aware of whatnots, you don't have to be the Saint.

Anyway, I've been curious with the idol arc for quite a while now huhu, I hope they'll be fine.

joined Aug 17, 2020

This is how a relationship should take its part, become a motivation, not something that will drag each other down. How precious.

joined Aug 17, 2020

It's like Sayonara, Rose garden. The only problem in this one is it's too short, but damn the english translation is so aligned with the emotion thank you translators, I love you. If anyone's single, I'm free, let's get married hahahahaha

joined Aug 17, 2020

Megane chan looks like velma, can't unsee it scooby doo

last edited at Apr 16, 2021 11:46AM

joined Aug 17, 2020

When you realize how you relate to that last panel, the fear of being alone....... MY HEART!

joined Aug 17, 2020

Melissa so whipped

joined Aug 17, 2020

When you're asian, marriage is oddly convinient. My female cousin married her boyfriend after three months of relationship even though she wasnt that in love with him, for the purpose of cutting off taxes and sharing finances. I'm expecting Ruriko to be really in love with her friend though, and for the other party to realize that conviniency shouldn't be the sole purpose of their marriage, pls fall in love you two. Hehe.

joined Aug 17, 2020

I'm happily guilty. What the fuck, I'm happily sad. What is this feeling