The vagueness of Aria's healing piqued my interests. If you were to split Aria in half from head to toe, would both halves heal into a full Aria, or would the side with the most mass regenerate?
Playing with someone's hair!? Reminds me of this from artist Shihakuroro.
Translation by booru user LinkedCollar, editing/typesetting by booru user RiderFan (me).
Chapter 2, page 32, panel 1: "An Amateur College Student's First Lesbian Experience" definitely could be a JAV (Japanese Adult Video).
Gentleness and seduction, while progressing to some lewd acts typifies a good "Rezu" JAV.
Knowing this artist we can assume that there will be some incest in the future. Now, once we get through with her schoolmates we can get introduced to her sister(s)!