I read the afterword (the japanese one) and I'll agree that the artist was specifically talking about KumiRei but also seemed to enjoy the idea of 2 girls growing up, having husbands, but looking back and think "What a phase" and it'd be both an interesting time for them but it would be hidden away never to be talked about (because that's what japanese people do when it comes to dark pasts).
Honestly I can't tell if that part was just because Tama 2 enjoys straight girl having that phase (on a personal note, I actually hate that phase) or if the artist thinks all girls have that phase and are all just straight and will eventually all marry to a guy and have kids and then blah blah blah :: rolls eyes ::
At this point, I'm slightly appalled, because if you look at the facts, the artist thinks KumiRei are straight and will eventually find guys and yet draw a scene where they're older and living together. From that fact alone we can believe that the artist can draw great gay relationships but still not believe them to be true at the same time. It's a fantasy, and will forever be just a fantasy apparently.
Btw, Japanese people do not do sarcasm. Sarcasm is an english thing and doesn't translate very well into other languages.