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joined Aug 26, 2018

If there ever was a YMMV situation . . .

As most of the time, I have to fight tooth and nail for people to just accept that both options are real and fine. Inadvertently, that makes it look like I take one side, but I'm merely arguing for one side, because the other only accepts their own.

I mean no shit sometimes people need to take some distance, but there is no loss of self-respect if you don't...

last edited at Jun 7, 2019 9:57AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I didn’t say friends are replaceable, they are not because each person is unique. I said there are plenty of people around to be friends with. A scarcity mindset, where you are like “omg I am close friends with this one girl who I have a crush on, so let me keep being friends with her even though I still have a crush but now she rejected me, and watch as she is all happy with her new gf because I can’t make a new close friend” is not healthy.

  1. Get rejected
  2. Break friendship off
  3. Get new friend

Yeah, no replacing going on at all. Don't kid yourself.

Being around an unrequited crush is like being around an ex that dumped you while you still like them: it only makes getting over it a longer process.

For you. That's how I can sum all of this up honestly.

A lot of people do, especially if it’s a long intense crush as seems to be Sayaka’s case. If it wasn’t a big deal for her, she would have confessed early on rather than being super afraid.

She was afraid that Touko would reject her, but also to lose her friendship. Kinda the thing you say she has to break off just because of pride or some nonsense like that.

joined Aug 26, 2018

PS: Ignore the chicken, people.

last edited at Jun 7, 2019 4:07AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Basic human decency dictates that you actually tell a person why you break up with them and don't just make a half-assed excuse.

Without even looking the person in the eye. . . .

I suppose we should be thankful that she didn't break up with a text.

last edited at Jun 7, 2019 3:11AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

The idea that a woman can't break up a relationship unless she gives a explanation good enough to satisfy her partner is sick and revolting
The partner is not satisfied with her reasons? so what, who cares?

The problem with this case is Nene only said 'I don't love you anymore' and Amane of course was not satisfied, it makes Nene look bad and it's cruel on Amane, but if it's wrong to break up unless your partner is satisfied then by the same logic a girl can't break up with her abusive bf as long as he keeps saying her reasons are not good: 'You want to dump me cause I beat you up? no, I'm not satisfied with that reason, so stick with me forever'

You don't need any reason to break up with someone, just wanting it is enough

Good thing that that's not what the story is actually saying then.
Owing an explanation and not being able to break up unless you give it are completely different.

Basic human decency dictates that you actually tell a person why you break up with them and don't just make a half-assed excuse.

joined Aug 26, 2018

There are a lot of doujins out there... Many that need this tag. You would be surprised.
This is our shield to prevent the horrors to escape into our native dimension.

joined Aug 26, 2018

If you had a genuine friendship with someone before you ever liked them, I understand sticking around out of fear of losing that precious feeling, though I still wouldn't recommend; because let's face it, there is plenty of people out there to be purely platonic friends with.

But in Sayaka's case, she got close to Touko because she found her attractive, and pretty much had a case of love at first sight. Her friendship is the typical "friendzone" case, where she got close to a girl in hopes of becoming something more and never did. She gotta cut her losses, but in this manga everyone is stereotypical "nice girl" so it won't happen of course.

At least in my view, if you abandon someone you love romantically after they rejected you, it's not selfish desire; it's very healthy self-love and self-respect. It's also just being genuine and pragmatic about your intentions, which also shows respect for the other person. They clearly don't need you in their life as a romantic partner, they picked someone else. So, in this case, the cure for unrequited love is to not be around that person anymore until you are completely over them, and can have the same type of feeling for them as they have for you. Otherwise, there is an imbalance of power and the friendship is kinda fake.

I myself wouldn't want to be friends with someone who has lingering romantic feelings for me, it's uncomfortable. But a lot of girls looove orbiters lmao

What a dismissive and callous attitude you have... Friends sure are replacable! Plenty of people around!
Come on.

Your definition of "nice girl" just makes me think that you only hang out with assholes. There are no losses to cut. She gained a close friend, even if it will never be more. Touko doesn't only exist to be Sayaka's love interest.

No, nothing about that is respectful to the other person. It just shows that they didn't actually care. "You won't be mine, well fuck you then. Our friendship is over." It's honest alright, but it only shows what a shitty person they are.
Not everyone has this insane trouble to get over the fact that they were rejected. Maybe you in particular just have issues to let go and need distance, but it would be best not to extrapolate that everyone is like that. Even worse that you base self-respect on it....

It's good that you realize that this is all you. Because it sure ain't relevant to Sayaka.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I was just being honest. I bet most people say these things, that they are "happy for the other person" after being rejected and the girl they like chose someone else, but it's just rationalization. The person considered you unfit for being with them, and literally considered someone else better. How can you be ok about that?

I'd never stick around to see the girl I'm into being all lovey dovey with someone else. At least for me it's a matter of self-respect lol Which is apparently what Sayaka lacks, since she is going to keep being friends with Touko despite crushing on the girl for what seems like years.

Only after I don't care anymore and have someone else, would I then become friends again. If I was Sayaka I would submit my StuCo resignation next day and ghost from the "friendship" :P But Bloom Into You is so extremely PC, obviously that won't happen.

There is a stark difference between self-respect and overblown pride. What you valued about your crush didn't just disappear. The situation is exactly like pre-confession, but without the tension of uncertainty.
The natural distance of friends is more than enough. She is now in a relationship anyway, so she will spend less time with you by default.

If Sayaka acted like a drama queen and cut all ties to cry herself a river over how unfair and a dumdum Touko is, she would actually lose all the self-respect you purport she lacks. Even pride can make you act like a proper friend and accept your loss gracefully.

If you abandon someone you love, because they don't love you back, then you never cared about their side. It was just your self-important desire. Does Sayaka seem like someone who would act that way? And more importantly, if she was, wouldn't that make her a worse character?
(The answer is yes.)

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 4:25PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah believe it all you want. Amane said its wrong because she is just jealous, there is no deeper thinking into this.

....even if that was Amane's actual reason (which it is clearly not), narratively speaking she is still correct. Intentionally or not.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Then why did you link me not sympathising for one character with me liking another character? I mean, read your own post, it is right there, second sentence.

Huh, so you thought that was related... Nah, I just find the idea that you can't sympathize with a character that is supposed to be sympathetic, while liking an intentionally dislikable character rather telling. Or maybe the author really is doing well on the ambiguous department.
Anyway, the empathy thing was all about Amane.

If someone breaks up with you, you have no freedom to "reject" it. Why they do not want to be with you is immaterial, what they feel is immaterial, what you feel is immaterial. No one is obligated to have a clear-cut, concise reason for a breakup. Also, I was not aware that Nene opting to not be with Amane was harmful, I am actually interested in you expanding upon this.

If you actually care about someone their reasons matter a lot to you. While yes, Amane has to accept the rejection, she does not have to accept Nene's bad behaviour and reasoning. As a former lover, as a friend, as a person who cares for her, Amane obviously wants Nene to be happy. So if something is wrong she cannot ignore it.

sigh You know, I and many people already pointed those things out over the last chapters. I don't want to repeat too much. Essentially Nene is throwing herself at Kou in a really obvious way, acting contradictory and being cruel. All things that she did apparently not do before the break-up. She is clearly emotionally unbalanced (I'd reckon even more than Amane) and the way she acts right now shows that she is hurting. Her escapism with Kou and her inferiority complex are strongly hinted at. Amane realizes these things at least on an emotional level, but she is kind of an airhead, so she can't logically put it together. And honestly, Nene isn't likely to open up to her of all people.

Nice try with the last sentence, but yes, I am going to say it, since it is you who is deflecting the point. Because you are making an obvious, not comparable exaggeration. Putting a high school breakup on the same level as a decision to commit suicide, bravo. Not all decisions are the same, not all choices are the same. Pushing yourself into someone's space to try and save their life is fine, pushing your feelings onto them because you refuse to accept they broke up with you is not.

Predictable. You ignored the underlying point of this extreme example. Decisions are only worth as much as their motivation and their consequences. This is not about them getting back together. This is not even about disagreeing with the break-up itself. Nene's decision seems contradictory and harmful to herself. Therefore Amane wants to figure it out and cannot let go.

Obvious logic aside and to a very subjective opinion of mine (unlike the above), I also want to add that if you get involved with someone to such a degree you should actually owe them a real explanation. This is a decision you make for both of you after all, which is already one-sided. At least have the courtesy of being honest... but then again, that is the crux of this drama here.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 3:16PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

No matter what the results are, senpai's methods and desires are harmful and wrong. The ends don't justify the means and all that.

Good thing I did not argue that. Senpai's end is to get Amane, Amane getting over Nene would be more like a byproduct of that effort. Bonus point, even if senpai does not get her girl, her machinations might push Amane to finally lay her failed romance to rest.

Your end is that it will help Amane get over it. I never said that was senpai's end goal. In other words you approve of the method, because it gets your desired end result, consequences be damned.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Okay... what? You can't sympathize with Amane who clearly understands that what Nene is doing is going against what she actually wants, but you like an unrelatable sociopath? You need to flip the empathy switch.

Sympathising with a character and liking a character are not the same thing, which is why your comparison does not work, so I do not need to flip anything, thank you very much. And unless Amane can literally read minds, she can not "clearly understand what Nene actually wants", best she can do is guess. Bonus points for Nene being anything but clear in her wants, but again, your post would not really work if you acknowledged that. Better luck next time.

Plus, it is not even important what Nene wants, at least not for Amane. What is important is what Nene decided, and what she decided was that she does not want to be an item with Amane.

Yes, which is why I used the word "sympathize", just as you did. Empathy and sympathy are related. Liking someone is not necessary for the process.
Narratively speaking, Amane is a character who has an emotional understanding of the situation which she cannot express. Nene is not clear about what she wants (and I didn't say she was), but we know that the way she acts is "wrong" because both Amane and the plot pointed it out. Not because Amane or I personally think she is wrong, but because it is portrayed that way.

So now you are advocating that it doesn't matter what the characters actually want? Why are you even reading this then I wonder? Motivation is extremely important in any decision and when someone makes a harmful choice, it is not at all wrong to point it out and to reject it.
If Nene "decided" to jump off a roof because she felt her life was meaningless if she wasn't called cute, would you also make such a quick judgement? Inb4 you say something about exaggeration and not comparable to deflect the point...

Why am I starting to dislike Kou?

Her complacency with the situation might be the issue. She is also avoiding the issue by focusing on the photographing, even though she clearly knows that Nene is coming onto her.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 2:50PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Shipping real people is a forbidden art however, so contain your power young Iro!

Verily, 'tis a perilous forbidden technique. Madness and ruin await those who pursue it!

...also inb4 IroxIzumi becomes the official side couple >_>

Thx for explaining the joke. I can always count on ya.

Why not? Iro said she likes the princely types and Izumi's one-sided feelings sure aren't going anywhere productive right now.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Can not really say I sympathise with Amane, I kind of despise characters who get emotionally stuck like that. It is like she fully expected Nene to never get together with anyone else. This is why forcing yourself into a friendship with someone you are interested in romantically is a bad, bad idea. I understand it is hard, especially since Nene never elaborated on why she broke up with her, but the best thing would still have been to walk away, at least in my opinion.

Senpai, though, is my new favourite character, I have a soft spot for devious, manipulative people with a splash of yandere to spice things up~ Awesome stuff~ Plus, I think it would actually be good for Amane to get over Nene already, so senpai's underhanded tactics might even result in something positive.

Okay... what? You can't sympathize with Amane who clearly understands that what Nene is doing is going against what she actually wants, but you like an unrelatable sociopath? You need to flip the empathy switch.

No matter what the results are, senpai's methods and desires are harmful and wrong. The ends don't justify the means and all that.

joined Aug 26, 2018

How ironic, for the owner of a Lizard to be a Snake.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Ya know, if you call each other by your surnames you are still equal... just on a more formal level.

Well Iro wasn't kidding about being a full blown Otaku, she singlehandedly changed the entire mood of the series. In a good way mind you lol
Shipping real people is a forbidden art however, so contain your power young Iro!

joined Aug 26, 2018

That's probably because half of those chains don't exist in Japan...

Alright, I checked google and I could find KFC and Taco Bell but not really Chik Fil A. So technically more than half but my point was that I suggested depictions of other places besides the ones I mentioned lol. I'm sure Japan has a lotta different native fast food chains too so that would be interesting to see

Even if they exist they are not nearly as common as in the States.
Japan has chains like Jonathan's. Pretty sure I saw a parody of that one in a manga before.

joined Aug 26, 2018

"If you fail your arm will get blown off too." How do these magic rules even work?! Kissing brings back entire arms, but if you mess up the damage gets reflected?

The "don't make young girls fight wars" message is obvious, but I don't see them doing anything about that any time soon.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 2:54AM

Image Comments 06 Jun 02:05
joined Aug 26, 2018


joined Aug 26, 2018

Apparently complaining about foods you've never eaten is more important.

You don't get to be sassy when you were part of that convo.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Japan actually has its own entire culinary tradition for curry dating back to the 19th century which is distinct from Indian curry much like British curry is. Chocolate isn't an uncommon component and it does actually compliment the flavour profile of a Japanese curry.

I get that they have their own culinary traditions, but my point was that putting fruity things into curry is not a Japanese thing. It's actually quite common.

...unlike chocolate. But this is the nation that puts miso on everything and pretends natto is edible, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 5:45AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

What you should actually be disgusted by is that she said chocolate goes with curry. Blegh.

Dark chocolate is not sweet, so I guess that the fatty taste from chocolate might go well with curry. I haven't eaten it, though.

It's not about the sweetness, sweet curry is normal.
There is no constellation or formula that could possibly make any chocolate compatible with curry! I'd literally rather eat applesauce with it!

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yuu is basically constantly in denial about her feelings and says harsh things to push Touko away despite not actually wanting to... Pretty tsundere.
Now whether that tsundereness is forced on her or actually an aspect of her personality that rarely comes out, who knows?

But sometimes a relationship ends because you've been actually wronged, which makes it a lot harder to be magnanimous, so I'm not gonna get judgey when somebody says they don't want their ex to be happy. ;p

Of course that's a little different from a straight up rejection. Breaking up means you were already together and that rarely ever ends pretty.
What bothers me is the "That could have been me! I am way better than her!" shit. Accept your loved ones choices. Unless they are truly detrimental to her health or future.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The entire "She is just a delinquent for her class rep gf's sake" angle is hilarious. These two actually have a really stable relationship. When class rep mode turns off, Shii-chan sure becomes more of a delinquent herself though... looking up porn in the computer room lol

who in the shit licking foxtrot eats apples with curry

Have you actually ever eaten Indian curry? Fruity things bring out more flavor, this is common sense.

What you should actually be disgusted by is that she said chocolate goes with curry. Blegh.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 4:33AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Is it really so odd to have basic human decency? If you love someone, you want them to be happy, no? If not, then all you wanted was your own happiness.

It would be a different matter if Yuu was bad for Touko (in Sayaka's eyes), but despite their differences she has never looked down on Yuu. Sayaka had already accepted never confessing to Touko in the first place, so it is far easier for her to accept this than for someone who has been pursuing her forever.