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joined Dec 18, 2013

Me too but the fact is being set and the context makes it worth it because if nothing else it confirms a romance between Mamori and Mirei. The same source of those spoilers also claims this is a scene from the second episode

The first consensual kiss between Mamori and Mirei

joined Dec 18, 2013

Bah, that just sank my view of the anime..


joined Dec 18, 2013

According to the same source

Here's the deal. ==
==Charlotte scares Mamori and doesn't know how to deal with her. If Charlotte can't make Mamori feel safe or have a conection then, she won't turn. ==
==Problem though, is that she feels comfy with the Mirei, the tanned natural like ganguro girl that doesn't talk much.

That's a pretty roundabout way to have the classic arrange marriage story with lesbians

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh boy. Possible plot spoilers

Here's the problem. ==
==Mamori was sent to the Island as a gift. She was supposed to be given to Charlotte, her legal liberator. Not to Mirei
To further stress things up. Tokonome is a sword type Extasis, (one three so far can do this) Each on their own Island.

It's not a super powerful thing or fate of the world deciding but rather one of those "rare" types that appear once in a while.

It would seem logical, from a position of social display of power, to have one.
Especially on a tiny island.

joined Dec 18, 2013

When gear tits and her partner are making fun of Mamori's name in the beach.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I know but you know how people is sometimes. The "neckbeard" line wasn't really liked for example.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Some people aren't fond of Commie's liberties with the script.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I guess :P

I have the vita game preordered.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Senketsu ripped Funi's subs so you can put those on the At-X raws.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So it turns out that Mermaid will get a manga adaptation by Zunta after all. It will start on 10/26 in Comp Ace

They're going all out with this

joined Dec 18, 2013

Way to twist the knife...

Gamma discussion 13 Oct 07:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

Aaand Ogino's new Pixiv is also toasted

Anata to Scandal 12 Oct 23:42
joined Dec 18, 2013

I was kind of expecting something like that, the series was from the time where either they grew out of it or they ended up dead ;_;

joined Dec 18, 2013

Nah, only Isa needs therapy. You guys are alright :p

I was talking exactly about her
Salomé probably knows some other therapists and can refer Isa, you know? :p
And she doesn't even has to worry, they probably aren't like the one in that Jack Nicholson movie.

Those therapist better invest on restraints and learn hypnotism then XD

joined Dec 18, 2013

Nah, only Isa needs therapy. You guys are alright :p

joined Dec 18, 2013

well I wasn't expecting that

joined Dec 18, 2013

They're really just implying that lesbians can't have real sex.

I don't think that's the case considering that Mamori complained about her first time with Mirei at the end of the episode.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Funimation has the series page up

The series will be indeed simulcasted with new episodes every saturday at 12pm EST

joined Dec 18, 2013

That is a sick joke considering how shitty were the rest of my rolls through the sesion

joined Dec 18, 2013

Hey, that chop was an honest mistake!


joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't think is that damming. Aside of the disease, the series is set on a nearly identical world to ours so is logical that something liike that would be discovered in the middle of a het sexual act. By the same token is also interesting the implication that lesbians infected with the disease were the ones that found the way to control it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I have to wonder what will the BDs offer though. Those specials must be something else.

There's a pretty ballsy theory going on /a/ about the nature of the disease

These girls don't just turn into weapons, they turn into monsters if not properly restrained by a liberator. The liberator serves as a host, who is also an infected herself.

Without proper treatment, infected women would kill their male partner during sex and or upon losing their sanity.

By fighting with each other, they reduce their stress and maintain their sanity, at a cost. They grow stronger and less humane, although sapience and what is considered to be a human is still there.

While a Liberator is as good as the training she receives, while physically enhanced it is the extasis or weapon she wields that makes her what she is. If certain conditions are met, the liberator and extasis can "merge" into a symbiote or a F-Class Threat.

Like, what the hell I just want to see more cutie lesbians. We'll see on future chapters I guess.

Did I mentioned already how much I love the fanart this series is getting?

joined Dec 18, 2013

My heart!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Takaki having some fun at a Valkyrie Drive event

joined Dec 18, 2013

The ED is freaking adorable. And that little bit where Mirei blushes while looking at Mamori sent my Yuri senses into overdrive.