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joined Mar 22, 2013

fwipfwipfwip... lol xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

that could easily have been a series xD that drama hit me unexpected. Overall it was sweet though.

Liberta discussion 30 Aug 11:32
joined Mar 22, 2013

Me: Oh it's a new chapter of Liberty... meh... Wait!!! it's Liberta -> clicks like hell.

Wow, that was some pretty detailed punch, wow... that hurt. I loved everything in this chapter.
"I quit", that punch = gold

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hi, to clear up the confusion:

Paradise, And After is a standalone mini-comic series. I don't believe it has any relation to Pure Water Luminescence, and Nanao and Matsumoto will not appear. If you look at the table of contents, you can see it runs until page 90 of the book.

The second half of the book is a direct sequel to Purewater Adolescence. Nanao and Matsumoto are the main characters.

I plan to do the whole book sequentially, so please enjoy these mini-comics and look forward to seeing Nanao and Matsumoto return in the near future.

Nice! Thank you so much!

joined Mar 22, 2013

no, it was great!

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Aug 15:01
joined Mar 22, 2013

this was unexpected... and so perfect!

Karura discussion 25 Aug 04:37
joined Mar 22, 2013

Shit, Rise, please don't be killed O.o

Liberta discussion 24 Aug 15:30
joined Mar 22, 2013

"That's so hardboiled!"

That's so hardboiled!

"That's so hardboiled!"

"That's so hardboiled!"

"Sore wa Haado Boirudo desu yo!"

Kore ga Rekuiemu


hard boiling intensifies

Laughing until 2031. xD xD xD xD

where is that gif from? I need more cats with scarfs in my life...

joined Mar 22, 2013

I thought this was boring at first, but totally changed my mind. lovely series. Love that art style too. Hopefully we'll see more of that author from now on.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Now that you mentioned it, I had to look it up. But it is not water, her name consists of
睡 sui - drowsy, sleep and
蓮 ren - lotus

睡蓮 - water lily

Shame. Thought it might mean something, but this is clearly just random coincidence.

ah okay, so that's it. Thanks. I just looked up the kanji seperately without knowing japanese that much^^

After rereading this I am so reminded of xxxHolic. Anyone? Yuko is also tall, has percing eyes and smokes nonstop. So that's why I instantly liked Suiren.

joined Mar 22, 2013

She's a snake woman surrounded by fish guards, if anything this is definitely Not Lizard

I dunno, they looked like fantasy lizard-people to me.

Pretty positive those are meant to be ichtyoid fins and not reptilian frills; also, fantasy reptiloids in general and animu ones in particular generally aren't depicted with such very obvious lips whereas fish-people in the same traditionally are...

Personally I'm guessing this setting is running off of the "sea dragon's palace" type legends (though the castle may be on dry land in this case). Relatedly I wonder if the sui in the lady's name isn't one of the Japanese words for water?

Now that you mentioned it, I had to look it up. But it is not water, her name consists of
睡 sui - drowsy, sleep and
蓮 ren - lotus

Liberta discussion 22 Aug 16:51
joined Mar 22, 2013

I approve so much, all my approval left for this month is gone.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is cute.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yup, it's still cute

joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm still a little suspicious of the brother... He just has this villain face and demeanor xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

I liked it. It is not as straightforward as a lot of stuff here is. And it's kind of cute.

But I highly doubt living in a prehistoric era was this chill... xD Let me introduce to you: illnesses, natural desasters, hunger, violence, droughts... and still even after considering this, I still get where this girl is coming from.

Still Sick discussion 15 Aug 02:45
joined Mar 22, 2013

it's even better than I imagined from the raws :) they are being more and more honest with their feelings,

VAMPEERZ discussion 14 Aug 18:57
joined Mar 22, 2013

since there weren't enough tropes in this one, this chapter we needed to introduce like 3-4 tropes at the same time.

joined Mar 22, 2013

The more this goes on, the less I want them to end up together.


Exactly. What they have going is great so far without the romance.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Now, how are our chances of the mean looking girl never appearing ever again in the story?
When I recognized the drawing style it was unfortunately already too late to stop xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Well, I still like it. It's defenitely not a happy series, but I still like it.

joined Mar 22, 2013

I feel like it'd be nice to have a tag that's something like... 'child from previous relationship'

only cause I love stories where the kid ends up taking on a new mom that they like, which is likely end game here.

yeah, love that as well!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Lol, that date chapter with Shino (ch6) was hilarious. Beautiful woman competition, pfffff xD

Image Comments 06 Aug 17:59
joined Mar 22, 2013

awww this picture sums up the series pretty nicely

joined Mar 22, 2013

I think I like this better than the first one. Especially because I found Aki kind of intriguing. Why is she always so mean even though she used to be popular? I think she just needs some love. Also it's kind of cool that the students basically decided against bullying and began bullying the bully. That's something you see not often.