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joined Jun 28, 2019

Los capítulos 15 son afortunados para el yuri, parece.
En Warikitta 15, Aya enfrenta a Sei & Yoru en la puerta del hotel para decirle a Yoru que Sei es de ella.
En Umineko 15, Mayumi finalmente le hace frente a Touko y la manda al cuerno.

Por lo que se comenta, el cap 16 de Umineko es el último. Mayumi, que al fin se sacó de encima a la zorra de Touko, termina de resolver sus problemas sentimentales con Rin y final feliz!!! <3 <3 <3

joined Jun 28, 2019

Es que me pudo la curiosidad. xP

Lol, a todas nos pasa lo mismo. En inglés o español, Warikan es irresistible.

Aya se la pasa pensando que su amor con Sei se acabó, que todo ha terminado entre ellas, y cuando descubre a Sei con Yoru en el hotel decide pelear por Sei.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Hanjuku Joshi

As a plus, this one is still going.
Well, the sequel series is, I mean.

joined Jun 28, 2019

All manga is about fucking lolis.


joined Jun 28, 2019

This has changed: bookstore sales are now the majority (vs. 'direct market'/comic stores), and bookstore sales are dominated by juvenile and manga, with superheroes at only 10%.

Ok, I'm going to ask a naive question: what do they mean by "juvenile fiction" comics? Something like Archie comics? Or teen adventure stories like those so common in Japanese light novels?

joined Jun 28, 2019

Novedades fresquitas de Rainy Devil:

Nuevo cap de Koushin Koinu:

Nuevo cap de Majime Lingerie:

joined Jun 28, 2019

Looooooool Jun tarada vete al cuernooooooo, mira lo que le dijiste a la pobrecita Sakura! XDDDD Más cara de Chiaki tendrás tú!

joined Jun 28, 2019

This is the way yuri should always start.
This is the way yuri should always start.
This is the way yuri should always start.
Not with a whimper but with a bang.

But Akebi-chan didn't get to bang anyone in this chapter... o3o

joined Jun 28, 2019

Te comprendo.
Fue un update muy pesado para el kokoro.

El papel que le hace hacer a Mochida es horrible, trata de envenenar los sentimientos de otros para manipularlos. Hace el papel del Mefisto de Fausto... como si Haruki no tuviera ya bastantes conflictos y complejos, aargh. No me imaginaba por sus primeras apariciones que un dia Mochida fuera a terminar convertida en una villana de prima.

joined Jun 28, 2019

No es tan extraño...... Kishi Torajirou se hizo conocer primero con Maka-Maka (donde cadas pocas pgs nos brindaba besos y sexo duro contra el muro!) y luego se hizo super famoso con Virgins' Empire...... donde luego de 200+ capis los lectores la pasamos esperando ansiosos los raros momentos en que alguna parejita se toca la punta de los dedos o se dicen una palabra de amor. ¯⧹_(ツ)_⧸¯

joined Jun 28, 2019

Wait a second, Eli is a guy's name... hmmmm Ally might be a better short name for Alicia though?

Her name is supposed to be Elisha, iirc. Elisha Somerset. At least, that's how I usually see dem translators transliterate it.

Also, this is one of the horniest non-smut works on this site I don't know what you're smoking.

Isn't she positing that these girls need to show moar sexual drive? That's the meaning I got, I thought it was crystal clear.
There's this manga called An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles that I'm following, a scene from the latest chapter comes to mind: a high school girl who's in love with a middle school girl agrees to give her a lesson in kissing, and they start snogging. After a few soft kisses, the older girl gets so excited she can't control herself anymore and starts giving the other one real deep pasionate kisses. The younger girl is surprised at first, but then her body flows to respond and she hugs the older girl and starts returning the kisses. I think Jeanne would have liked for Eli and Honoka to have this kind of reaction after that accidental kiss on the lips. At least, that's what I believe was the point of her op.

This just in: local tsundere tends to put on facades. She just seems to strongly prefer getting off on watching Mari squirm and hey, if that works for them who am I to complain? ┐( ツ)┌

Those two pages... HAWT!!!
Amusing that Yuu only shows those strong reactions of arousal when Mari turns the tables and takes an active role (no matter how minimal). As long as Yuu remains completely in charge, she's always cool as the North Pole. I seem to recall old debates about this paradoxical dissonance of behavior ― and what could be inferred from it about Yuu's true sexuality.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Mis temores se han hecho realidad: la Chiaki de m...da se les ha pegado. Y la pobrecita Sakura es la única que engorda dsp de tantas comilonas? Nooooooo Sakura-chan!!!! >_< Autor, pq eres malo con ella?? :-(

Así que el menú del capi es... fideos fríos???? O_o
Eso que se lo coman los japoneses, a mí que no traten de servirme eso. (Si me llegan a servir fideos fríos en un restaurante, se los estampo en la cara al mozo!)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Whoa... can you feel the axe? It fell really hard.

I pretty sure Kohitsuji was slated to be intersex, but then the axe fell.

Someone's butthurt their predictions were all wrong.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Esa Chiaki me cae muy mal. No me gusta nada que se meta de esa manera en lo que no le importa. Hasta Momo le hizo notar que es un mal hábito ser metiche. Lo que pase entre Yuzu, Momo y Sakura no es asunto de ella.
Y qué pasa con su apellido? En el episodio pasado nos dijeron que se llamaba Momiji Chiaki. En este, Yuzu la llama "mi superior Akiyama" (en su conversación con Sakura, primera página). En qué quedamos?

Espero que no se convierta en una cuarta comensal permanente... >_<

joined Jun 28, 2019

Aki needs someone who will really love and treasure her. Right now, most people agree that the best choice is Miki, who is very obviously head over heels for her oneechan. You can't do wrong with sisterly wincest!

Oohhh! Yes, please!

All aboard the Aki x Miki ship!

joined Jun 28, 2019

Has it really -never- occurred to you that fiction could reinforce someone's misconceptions the same way it might reinforce your worldview?

That argument is familiar to me. I've heard it many times.

It never convinced me.

A kid ties a red blanket around his neck, jumps from the top of a building and is seriously injured. People demand that all superhero comics be outlawed. Another kid plays violent action games, and one day shoots someone. People demand GTA and Saints Row be outlawed. Another kid watches Bugs Bunny cartoons and becomes unruly. People demand that the wascally wabbit be outlawed.

Hundreds of millions of kids read superhero comics, play shooting games or watch Bugs Bunny and it has zero effect on their daily lives. These kids can tell reality from fiction. A few kids, however, try to imitate irl the fictional behaviors they see. Are they mentally challenged? Are their parents to blame? I dunno. What I do know is that it's not a good excuse for censorship. Those who let fiction and reality get mixed in their heads need to learn the errors of their ways. You should teach them, instead of accusing whatever work of fiction messed them up. This is how it goes, for all kinds of fiction.

last edited at May 29, 2020 2:27AM

joined Jun 28, 2019

La ex vocalista ya está shippeada con la senpai de Hikari en el club de cocina así que no creo q quiera algo con Aki o si es así será un triángulo no correspondido.

Ah, tienes razón... ‹facepalms› hace tanto tiempo desde esa escena con las dos, ya me había olvidado...

Jujuju gracias Serenata por recordar que la exvocalista ya tiene novia! xD Ahora que esa entrometida ya no está en el camino, todos a bordo del ship Aki x Miki! WINCEST!

joined Jun 28, 2019

In other news that is surprising to absolutely nobody, Man, Yori is super smooth.

Edit: Oh, and Mom knows before Himari does. I love it. ;p

Gotta love those moms, lol.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Yo si quería que Hikari dijera TE AMO En frente de todo el mundo en el concierto xDDD imaginate la reacción hahahahaha pero Aki detuvo esa explosión lo/ wow me dio algo de dolor por Aki, no lo voy a negar, un amor no correspondido que se nota tanto que no puedes ni lucharlo T-T

Aki pobre me da pena pero perdió su oportunidad y cuando se dio cuenta ya era tarde. A la ocasión la pintan calva, dice el refrán, y a Aki se le escapó. Cuando Himari le robó el corazón a Yori, ese fue el momento en que Aki entendió su error, pero muy tarde.
Lo del concierto fue por rabia, lol, ya estaba resignada pero no quería que se pusieran mimosas frente a ella. Debe haber pensado 'Si van a declararse su amor que no sea delante mío, grr!'

PERO LA CONFESIÓN !! que hermosa, quiero escuchar la canción y repetirla mil veces animada hahaha, que bueno que todo salió bien xD

Espero que hagan un anime de la serie, se lo merece... o por lo menos que graben el tema como un extra bonus y lo pongan en Youtube!

No se que problemas trae la vieja vocalista, osea, fue ella la que se fue no?

Sísí es ella y nunca me imaginé que volviera, y menos en plan de villana malvada y anunciando que va contra Aki.......
Aunque de lo que dice no queda claro si va a hacerle algo a Aki o si va a hacerle algo a Yori para que Aki se arrepienta de reclutar a Yori. Si es lo segundo, entonces es pasarse: Yori nunca le hizo nada a esa tarada!

que culpa tienen las demas? D: que deje en paz a nuestras chicas!

Eso digo yo! Especialmente a Yori y a Himari.

Y tengo que admitir que mi chica favorita despues de Yori es la amiga de Akari, que bella y alegre es.... me gusta mucho.

Sííí y tmb es una Siscon que está loquita por su hermana mayor. xD Puede ser un consuelo para Aki que perdió a Yori? Incesto lesbiano ftw!!!! <3

last edited at May 22, 2020 1:45PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

I’m pretty sure your hat is safe. Has there ever been a series this fluffy that ultimately reversed into a Bad End?

Do you really want an answer to this?

Oho? Intereeesting... You seem to imply that there are, indeed, such series?

I dunno about dem, the OP, but as for me, I'm very curious and totes want an answer!

(Remember, you can use spoiler format if you think your reply will reveal plot points that it's not right to make known to everyone.)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Jumping to conclusions much, Sumon? How is crossdressing a proof he identifies as female? As far as the story went, he's a straight/bicurious male who enjoys crossdressing.

I hope it's not a cue for "Gin self reflecting and deciding that, yes, he feels like he should be a girl!"

I quite doubt that to be honest. Gin has been strongly established as a straight male cross-dresser. He might be questioning himself here and there based on the characters he interacts with, but he's clearly attracted to female bodies and he himself firmly identifies himself as a guy who likes cross-dressing.

That will make your gay psycho friend sad!

Oh come on, what makes you jump to this conclusion? As in, what makes you see Gin's friend as a psycho?

This author clearly isn't interested by the LGBT theme.

Is there some proper, saint, if you will, way of being interested by the LGBT theme?

His characters are cardboard cuts.

How is it so? I see a lot of resemblance in this author's characters to people around me, regardless of their identity and sexuality by the way. In fact, this manga feels a lot more realistic than many others in that respect.

Takachi, thank you so much for your posts. I'm really happy that there are other people here who understand and appreciate this manga. "Realistic" is, indeed, the word. This level of realism is not found anymore in the West, where political correction has blighted the media and turned all LGBT characters who appear in fictional works into stuffed models: show after show, movie after movie, it's always the same puppets dancing always the same jig. The worst thing is that the taste of the public has been so badly vitiated that, when someone like a Japanese author (blissfully free of the pc taint) writes a serious and truthful story about LGBT youths, a great many Western readers get so incensed they start lambasting it as wrong and faulty — simply because it clashes with the trite, stale clichés to which they are used. It's like watching an oil spill over clear water, it's sad to witness.

last edited at May 21, 2020 4:47PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Personalmente prefiero Warikan. Dos bellezas tetonas es mejor que una belleza tetona y una loli. Cuidado, no es que no me vaya el lolicon (me encanta leer historias como las de Itou Hachi), pero mi favorito sigue siendo algo como Warikan. Es cuestión de gustos.
Ah y hablando de eso: Ena tiene MUUUY buen gusto, sísísí, porque eligió a la mejor de entre todas las sempai del club: la que tiene mejores tetas, mejor culo y mejores piernas!!! XDDDDDD (Ya sé, soy super superficial, un verdadero desastre. ;P)
Es una pena que lo que se viene entre ellas, Ena y Kaori, no sea exactamente agua de rosas... ya me fijé en el link de Fairypixie, y tengo claro lo que hay que esperar... pero no importa, estoy preparada! Además todavía faltan muchas más parejas buenísimas por aparecer, yay!

joined Jun 28, 2019

A possible interpretation is that Shiki (the blonde, her name is mentioned in another one-shot) quickly realized that Mako would say "normal" as a denial, so she instead asked "What's not normal?" as in "What are you willing to admit that you like?".

Ah, this sounds plausible. It's the most likely explanation.

joined Jun 28, 2019


They all shot themselves after hearing that joke for the umpteenth time.

joined Jun 28, 2019

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