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joined Mar 24, 2015

...I had a dream last night that Nadeshiko and Tsukasa were in the wrong place at the wrong time, got accused of cannabalism, and were shot on the spot by an unknowing Kotooka. Can someone confirm this doesn't happen in later chapters? Lol.

Anyway, I want to see more from Kotooka. She serially dates guys and keeps saying things like "We're all girls so it doesn't matter", but she definitely knows more than she lets on. I'd like to see her with Tsukasa even :3

Emo Star discussion 18 Feb 23:44
joined Mar 24, 2015


LOVE/DEATH discussion 23 May 21:39
joined Mar 24, 2015

Ouch that hairpin must be Really hurt...but the artist fix it so it look not much damage ' '

Ouch on the hairpin really close to the eye,that's yandere love for you . double yandere. Yes. Cool. I love it.

It's not love if you can't let 'em stab you in the eye

My god...

Magan&Danai discussion 15 May 13:26
joined Mar 24, 2015

Not my cup of tea. It's a little too realistic in the unhealthy relationship kind of way. Oh well, can't like 'em all.

I feel ya. The shorter, high maintenance one rubbed me the wrong way. It was supposed to be funny, but the way she treated the other girl kinda made me cringe. I guess if you ignore that though, the situations (like eating bad food to make your wife happy) are still funny.

last edited at May 15, 2015 1:26PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Bless this day alone for the fact that a KyouMami doujin has been uploaded. Bless it... Even if there isn't a plot like everyone's said, it's nice to know someone is thinking about them.

joined Mar 24, 2015

damn, so she was rejected. At least the other girl was nice about it.

I don't think it was rejection as much as the senpai not noticing her own feelings or making the decision too fast. That's what it seemed like to me when she came back near the end. It happens all too often IRL and even though it pulled my heart strings I like that it's not always just a happy perfect world ending.

Ah, yeah? I thought it was more like the senpai already knew how she felt about Masaki but knew she was leaving soon, so she lied to her about not liking her to kind of let her down easy. Hence her saying a little too much and then cutting herself off and saying goodbye.

Either way you look at it, it's depressing :D