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joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty interesting that Noel went out of her way to buy a limited edition of expensive sound equipment made to commemorate pride month that will have its proceedings donated to the cause, that she is aware of the LGBT movement and that she admits it applies to NoeFure.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Given the way the story is going, I'm guessing there are only two or three more chapters left before it comes to an end. This series is so good that is hard to believe is just twenty-something chapters long. If it does end soon, I hope we get either a sequel or the odd short comic showing all the characters just being gay and having fun together.

And yes, that shirt is awesome.

Citrus + discussion 03 Feb 01:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

A special canvas with completely new art by Sabu is being given away to three lucky winners by Ichijinsa and for the first time people outside Japan can participate in the raffle

joined Dec 18, 2013

By the way, the tall girl's full name is Oomikado Aoi, her girlfriend has no name yet. She also has two sisters, Oomikado HImari who is the girl with short brown hair, and Oomikado Itsuki, who looks like IM@S Sakuya.

last edited at Jan 30, 2022 1:07PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Holy fuck, I gotta give it to Ai, the woman does nothing half assedly. I'm really looking forward to seeing what is happening now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

There's going to be a short live action movie of this manga.

The cast

joined Dec 18, 2013

Thanks for the refresher on Lambert, everyone. So Lene's brother, eh? That won't end well.

last edited at Jan 28, 2022 12:25AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Remind me, who is Lord Lambert?

Honestly, I have to side with the commoners here, the nobility are a bunch of assholes.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Tadoroko and Nikaido moms hooking up when

Citrus + discussion 22 Jan 17:54
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'll be honest, I have absolutely no idea what Harumin could have meant with that "I have a lot to learn" Matsuri's reaction the the cat was cute tho

It's an expression of admiration towards..."someone" (either Yuzu or Matsuri). Which "someone" is left intentionally ambiguous in the original Japanese, so I had to get extremely creative with the translation to maintain that ambiguity while preserving as much of the original meaning as possible.

Personally, I think she's talking about Matsuri. She envies and admires Matsuri's boldness and willingness to take action (which she demonstrated this chapter with her brazen gift and constant teasing). A lack of direction in her life seems to be Harumi's chief issue throughout the last few chapters, so I think she envies Matsuri here in much the same way she envies Maruta (and wishes she could be more like that herself, hence the "I have a lot to learn").

However, I also think that Matsuri thinks that Harumi is talking about Yuzu with this line (which is one of the main reasons it was so difficult to translate). Matsuri seems to be convinced that Harumi has feelings toward Yuzu (whether this is true or not, we still don't know for sure), and she teases and prods her about it on multiple occasions this volume. She expects words of admiration like that to be referring to Yuzu, not to her.

This is just my perspective from having read the original and having paid close attention to the interactions between these two during the chapters I've worked on. It's still left up to interpretation by the author, and more information will likely surface in Volume 5.

This is a very interesting interpretation and certainly lines up with whatever we've seen on the series so far. I also found it very curious how chipper Matsuri was around Harumin, especially since in the last main chapter she was kind of depressed.

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 16:49
joined Dec 18, 2013

That cat must be Matsuri's spirit animal, just showing up out of nowhere and deciding Harumi's house is theirs.

Citrus + discussion 16 Jan 01:08
joined Dec 18, 2013

According to the obi on Volumes 3 and 4:

Until 2021 / Mar. / 31st.
Foreign Language Edition (PAPER) hits over 650,000 sales!

Until 2022 / Jan. / 18th.
Foreign Language Edition (PAPER + DIGITAL) hits over 1,100,000 sales!

That's a lot

joined Dec 18, 2013

How are they going to be interrupted now?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Did Miyako dress up Koyori like Koko?

joined Dec 18, 2013

The suspense is killing me. But man, that teacher is pretty cool.

Citrus + discussion 20 Dec 22:25
joined Dec 18, 2013

You are correct, Maruta was a third-year when Yuzu enrolled at Aihara Academy at the start of Citrus.

As for the chapter I liked that it clarified what is going on between Maruta and Mitsuko even though it was blatantly obvious and yeah, we're heading into a HaruMatsu focused arc.

Citrus + discussion 03 Dec 02:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

Volume 4 will come with small Yuzu and Mei keychains as bonuses.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This went from 0 to 10000 in the blink of an eye. Like, is commendable that Ai is willing to take responsibility but boy, Misumi's parents are going to have the surprise of their lives, their kid is not only seeing someone older but a woman to boot.

Citrus + discussion 22 Nov 01:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

Bless this artist

May I ask but what chapter is that?

It happened a year ago in the Chapter July 1st Part 2

Citrus + discussion 21 Nov 19:31
joined Dec 18, 2013

Good chapter even if it was a bit short.

I like the way Matsuri has mellowed out and is actually treating Nene as a close friend and not just someone she likes to mess up with. Yuzu's decision to become a teacher is pretty fitting to her character although is not really surprising but it does set some interesting possibilities for hypothetical future storylines. I'd love to see people reacting at Aihara Academy's chairman not only being married to a woman but her wife being a teacher in the academy.

Matsuri wants Harumin to address the kiss so bad, hopefully, this chapter's cliffhanger leads to the HaruMatsu situation progressing further.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Crap, Cool Down was too cool to die just like this.

And I guess that unless a new villain shows up, this is the end game.

Image Comments 10 Nov 11:40
joined Dec 18, 2013

Imagine getting cucked by your own merch.

Image Comments 30 Oct 14:57
joined Dec 18, 2013

Kronii is as confused as all of you

Image Comments 25 Oct 14:51
joined Dec 18, 2013

Did this image only get uploaded here now? I'll have to start filling the image requests with Valkyrie drive pictures then.