Therefore, the "Released on" were meant to be the scanlation release date after all? Not original book release date.
Also in admin panel > chapters, there are columns for "Released on" AND "Created at". If the second is scanlation release date determined when the chapter is uploaded, wouldn't that means it's scanlation release date, and the "Released on" was meant to be the original book release date? When I entered 2017 there, I got the release not showing on the front page instead.
No, you're getting confused again. We have no method on the site of tracking a book's original native release date. This information is not of interest to us. Released on represents the scanlation date, this is a value you can edit when uploading a work. Created at represents the date it is uploaded to the Reader, this is automatically determined and cannot be edited by the uploader. These dates are often the same, and that is fine. They are also often different, that is also fine. Created at only exists for uploaders as a means of organisation, the average user will never be aware it exists on the site at all.
Suggestion1: Edit the text for "Released on" to be "Scan release date" or some such.
This is a possibility.
Suggestion2: Front page (and list of upload when browsing tags etc) to display books based on "Created at", and edit the text for "Released on" to be "Original release date" or some such, meant only for informing readers.
I'm afraid this is not likely to happen at any point in the future for a variety of reasons.
Thanks for your suggestions.