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Yuri Bingo 22 Jun 03:15
joined Aug 26, 2018

I feel like several of those could be pushed into one square.

joined Aug 26, 2018

(surprised you think the humor is weak even though it got you to laugh twice. I laugh easily but this just got me to smile a few times lol)

When something is tagged Comedy I expect it to actually be funny consistently. It isn't like I laughed out loud. Maybe more of a chuckle. I do like absurd humor after all.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Meat tenderizer
bites knuckles to not say it
GHhhhhnn... I'm fine.
Goddamnit Moka, what did I even hold back for?! These are our bad jokes! Dynasty trademarked.

That aside didn't Kasumi forbid Sakurako from drinking in public ever again? She sure is spoiling her.

Just a concrete declaration that they are officially girlfriends would still be nice along with more of a opening up of affection being shown regularly on both sides. Insteading of often seeming like Kasumi tolerated Sakurako fawning over her and the vary rare times that Kasumi is shown returning that affection.

I'll just say this, even if they officially announced they're girlfriends, literally nothing would change. Kasumi just is like this and Sakurako doesn't mind. They take it at their own pace and will get there eventually.

joined Aug 26, 2018

That is half of the joke, the fact that is inappropriate for characters of LL to be in this kind of storyline (while acting out of character to a insane degree) and contrasting the idol media controversies with the absurd premise of this comic having a whole country having a raffle to fuck a high schooler.

I get the attempt at humor. It just fails. Though incidentally the only things I found funny were Eli swearing up a storm and Umi constantly fainting from the absurdity. So I guess the out of character part isn't a complete disaster. Though turning Kotori into a slut didn't help that case.

joined Aug 26, 2018

well, according to most of the comments so far, lots of people are disturbed. The manga itself is not appealing but it's doing a good job at making people understand that this does in happen in reality. That's why it's affecting so many readers. The ones who feel like it's fine and just consider it satire are those who already know about this reality.

I think a story is bad if it is unable to move its readers' emotions in any sort of way. If the story is able to generate any reaction, in this case getting most comments to dislike it, the mangaka succeeded. The plot is so twisted and degrading to females by basically selling off the idol to "fans". It's disgusting but ya know what, it does happen in real life, so the story is doing something good by making people talk about it.

You have to understand that the Disturbed (not talking about the band) barrier is at very different places for most people. Empty vessels like me who were numbed by the internet barely even react to this level of stuff anymore. But when I said this wasn't deeply disturbing, I truly meant it. It can make you uncomfortable, but nothing truly disturbing actually happens. It even cuts off before the worst part. Comparing this to most other wtf am I reading? releases here, this is really tame.

Yes, from a pure story-telling perspective you are right. It is bad to create no reaction in the reader. What you need to consider is what the story actually tried to accomplish though. If someone wants to write a children's book with a good moral, but messes up the moral, even if it evokes emotions of disgust or disbelief, it still FAILED.

Personally I think this topic can both be addressed more directly or sensibly. This barely works as satire for LL. It is satire of something LL does not represent. The doujin goes off on unecessary tangents and conveys its message in the dumbest way possible. You can still tell the intention, but it's muddled. Even the humor is weak (I laughed at two jokes at least, so that is something).

Nothing against the author or their integrity of course, the topic is very important. Nobody should devolve into a disgusting Otaku who pushes their desires unto fandoms or real life people. Maybe they'll do it better next time.

last edited at Jun 21, 2019 12:46PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hmm it's about 50/50 of:
"It's fine, it's just dark satire," and
"I regret reading this,"
so far, so I'm on the fence about reading it.

Satire aside, it's just not very well made. Neither the message nor the jokes really stick the landing. The art is also uninspired.

It's certainly not something that will disturb you deeply or anything though, so if you're curious, just read it anyway.

Image Comments 21 Jun 08:52
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Sorry, did someone stick a "Ryuko x Satsuki" sign on my back? I don't remember fervently defending that ship... ever.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Well this was quite bad.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Warspite kissed Bismarck and Bismarck is denser than her hull.
That about sums it up I believe.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Oh, right, it was Chocola. For some reason I remembered her with white hair. I liked the interactions between the other cats, but the horny sister already was a red flag for me. That's my yuri biase, I wouldn't mind her as the harem lead instead.

Funny, Cinnamon is the one who ended up being in love with Maple from the start and she is just as horny and crazy as Kashou's actual sister.
Though I don't really like any harems, straight, gay, bi or reverse.

It doesn't feel like there's a power imbalance here beyond the one you'd find between a freeloader and the person supporting them.

Well, what are freeloaders, if not the most expensive of pets?

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 10:24AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

You're overstating the differences between cat breeds. Even the Maine Coon, while more sociable than other cat breeds, does not have the instinctual hierarchical social structure that actual pack animals like dogs do. A cat with the capacities of a human is far more likely to oppose any abuses on the part of its owner or just strike out on its own. I do think this work brings up an interesting point: suddenly changing how you treat them because of this change due to human squeamishness would be more hurtful and confusing than liberating. Even in a human form they still have inhuman social mores and immediately thrusting an entirely alien moral framework onto them seems unhelpful at best. Most of these kind of stories don't address the dynamic over the long term and are just brief one-shots so there simply isn't enough time to explore the issue in the time frame it would require.

Oh? I know quite a few Maine Coons and they are obedient, sociable and pretty chill. They will even let you put them on a leash and take them for a walk. And then there are housecat breeds specifically bred to be attached and obedient to humans. It's getting a lot more common.
Sure, they aren't pack animals, but their self-centered nature is what is actually getting eradicated.

Well, I do want longer series of this type exactly for that reason. But even in one-shots it's rather easy to see that the issue is being ignored or even fueled.
I absolutely understand that an immediate increase in intelligence doesn't mean comprehending a new lifestyle, but a catgirl that wants to be treated as a pet is what you critisized about straight dude's writing just now, didn't you? A lack of independance.

I obviously don't dislike these more straightforward depictions, they are just cute. Still would prefer if it got explored more sensibly one day.

Only problem I have with nekopara is that some of the cats seem to have the mental age of little children. I think Vanilla was the worst case for me. I also don't like male harem leads, so I'm biased - but the whole ecchi thing later on did put me off.

In this case it seems the "owner" still has to understand what things will change from now on. The cat seems mature enough to know what she wants. Also pet is a vage term, for many people their pets are more like friends, not a toy or something.

Vanilla? Don't you mean Chocola? Chocola really is more of a dog. I also dislike harems a lot. The entire romance with Kashou is just shoved in there for sales. The best written part about the entire story was ironically everything between the catgirls themselves, rather than anything involving Kashou. Especially the yuri between Maple and Cinnamon in Volume 3.

The issue is... complex. In the end it is better to treat this new catgirl as a relative or become their guardian, rather than their owner. Let her become part of society etc.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 9:33AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Alright, I was being tongue in cheek with the "straight dudes don't understand cats" thing as a joking commentary on the way catgirls tend to be portrayed is divorced from how cats tend to behave in order to make them more "cute" but I can understand the tone not carrying over well in text. Though I think calling that sentiment "toxic" even if it were expressed in all sincerity is a bit of a stretch.

I do think Nekopara looks trashy though but you're right I was more caustic then necessary in expressing that so I apologize for that.

My original point though was specific to this trope of a pet becoming humanoid rather than to universes where people can own and buy sapient anthropomorphic animals. Like in this setting the simple difference of the relationship dynamic between a cat and its owner and a dog and its owner feels like it would have an impact on the moral quandaries it brings up.

Well I simply can't agree on that either, because most of the time, catgirls are portrayed as tsunderes or extremely quirky by male artists and writers. I also don't see how a man being gay would change their understanding of cats. Therefore this whole generalization is just out of place (just as the comment about fetish trash, you know why).

And then there are stark differences between cat breeds to consider as well. Maine Coons for example are basically just dogs in a cat body. While you are right that the general trope of dogs being more obedient would play heavily into enforcing the master & servant/pet relationship, most catgirl works do not treat this issue any differently, regardless of the catgirl's personality.
Transformation catgirls (in this case cat-->girl) are not exempt from the issue. The moment they become humans they have to be treated as a fellow human. But these stories almost always ignore that aspect and still treat the catgirl as a pet.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah to pander to straight dudes thus why it employs the same tropes straight men write.

Also why are you always so unpleasant? Like literally nothing I've said here warrants your douchey "gotcha" tone you just seem to get off on being smug about incredibly petty shit.

Alright. Except Nekopara also has Azuki and Maple, who are not subservient in the least. It's almost like all cats are different.
Unpleasant, eh? Mayhaps if you looked at your reply to my completely innocuous comment about Nekopara, you might figure it out. "Straight dudes can't write X/lesbains can't write Y/bisexuals don't undertstand Z", all comments like that are toxic. You are acting toxic.

In the first place I only brought it up, because of the topic of owning sapient beings. Not to make some meaningless statement on how true cat-girls should behave. lol
Nekopara is one example of many (be it straight or gay fiction) where a sapient character is being treated like a pet or something to own. One of the inherent issues with animal girls across fiction really. I was bringing up Nekopara as a negative example of that, but you immediately fly off the handle. Sheesh.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 8:02AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

You haven't read Nekopara I take it then.

I don't read straight dude fetish garbage so no. Also, straight men don't understand cats which is why all of the catgirls they write are subservient moe blobs. Catra from the new She-Ra is a far more realistic and interesting take on what a catgirl would be like aka a volatile and smug gremlin.

You prefer gay girl fetish garbage instead, I know. (So do I anyway)
Just so you know, Nekopara is drawn and written by a woman by the way. Oopsie.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 7:19AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I think that weirdness is more apparent with dogs because I've never met a cat that didn't very clearly feel it was the most important and powerful creature in the house.

You haven't read Nekopara I take it then.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hold on, she used to shower with her cat? Since when is that a thing?

No, she didn't shower with her. Noa just came into the bathroom with her while she showered. For some reason cats often follow their owners into the bathroom.

Image Comments 20 Jun 02:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

I think the idea is that "yuri" is fictional and just kind of a shipping thing here, while Konata and Kagami feel like real lesbians.

Image Comments 20 Jun 02:01
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Because Smash Bros. is made by Sakurai and he sold his soul to Kirby.

joined Aug 26, 2018

To quote Billy Ocean: "And suddenlyyyyyyyy, life has new meaning, to meeeeeeeeee~"

I love this trope a lot and it's high time it gets used more in yuri! Of course there are issues with master/owner relationships between two humans, but that topic didn't get shoved down our catmaws at all here. It was cute and heartfelt.

This kind of plot deserves a full series already. It actually gets more interesting from this point forward. How does Noa-chan deal with staying at home? Does she still grow up into an adult human form (she was basically a kitten before transforming after all)? She is already quite well-spoken compared to a lot of transformed cat-girls, so I think her intelligence is high enough to function independantly when taught more about human customs. She could even go to school if she hid her ears and tail.

Ahhh... I want a full story of this trope.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 3:33AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

While I respect someone's decision not to use labels, I really can't stand the way yuri avoids them. I'm not even all that comfortable with calling someone's identity a label, it just seems so stigmatizing. Me being bi isn't a "label" any more than "skinny" is, it's just a part of who I am.

Exactly. It's a discriptor, not a label.
It's like not wanting to be called Homo Sapiens Sapiens, because it's a label. lol

Yurigurashi discussion 19 Jun 07:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

I think it's good that Masako is resolute and keeps Marin in line. She is giving her the stable relationship that she clearly never had before. Just sleeping around and forgetting everything does not work in the long run.

And Masako sure was patient there... Marin would have literally gone to have sex with her ex if she hadn't interfered herself...

last edited at Jun 19, 2019 7:40AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

It was always an error and the majority knew this, but some people can't get over their nostalgic memories of "Aeris". lol

Anime season 18 Jun 13:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

Ah... I can't believe Jojo is gonna end. What am I gonna do without my one constant across all seasons?
Part 6 better come out quickly. More yuri shipping potential anyway.

JoJo Part 6 confirmed with more yuri shipping potential!

That was quick! Diavolo hasn't even been deus ex machina'd yet!
Can't wait for FF to be animated. Best girl/plankton. Now that's a yuri ship anyone can get behind (probably).

Anime season 18 Jun 11:54
joined Aug 26, 2018

Ah... I can't believe Jojo is gonna end. What am I gonna do without my one constant across all seasons?
Part 6 better come out quickly. More yuri shipping potential anyway.

joined Aug 26, 2018

While I just narratively think Nene and Amane will get back together eventually, I don't mind if they actually split up for good, but without ill feelings.
What I will absolutely not support is Nene and Kou coming together. It's clearly wrong.

last edited at Jun 19, 2019 7:42AM