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joined Apr 1, 2015

Is it just me or does this seem like WDTFS lite?

joined Apr 1, 2015

Those hips, those thighs...for some reason I need to read Virgins Empire again...

joined Apr 1, 2015


I think that roll of film in chap 7 is really interesting.
Imma probably going to read too much into it but...

The first part of the roll is Yuki shooting pics of the guy from a position where it doesn't seem like he is aware of her.
The second part is Yuki throwing the camera to Akari and running off expecting Akari to chase and shoot Yuki from a postion of being pursued. She says 'shoot without even thinking about it'.

Kinda describes their relationships...

joined Apr 1, 2015

Forgot to clarify, chapter 30 has been redone.

I compared a few pages, it's quite an improvement, gj DrMario

Yeah, looks great! Also thank you for the contents page, that makes finding stuff much easier!

Image Comments 27 Apr 12:25
joined Apr 1, 2015

Aagh, I miss them too...

joined Apr 1, 2015

So who is gonna shut down Kaoru? Shizuka, maybe Mayu?
Will Kaoru go on the offensive against Ichinose?

Whatever happens, Kaoru scares me.

joined Apr 1, 2015

Was wondering if a scissoring or tribbing tag might be useful?
Only suggesting this because whenever it seems to happen it tends to spark discussions about it.

joined Apr 1, 2015

Found an interesting (and short) survey about the characters and pairings for this manga:
Survey Monkey

The results are pretty much what you expect, though the sample is quite small (60 people?).
Interesting that Onoda x Nanasawa are listed as a pairing.

Sorry if this has already been posted.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 12:41PM

joined Apr 1, 2015

Well in Onada's defence we haven't actually seen her interact with fluffy-haired girl whose name escapes me (starts with an N I think) since she realized she was wrong. Like she's perfectly nice to her friends and they're pretty much all girls she quietly judged in her early chapters before getting to know them.

Nanasawa is fluffy-haired girl

joined Apr 1, 2015

Now maintaining this list further ahead here

With all the new chapters I decided to read again from beginning.
For giggles I composed a list of all the smooches.

Full kisses:
6.7 - Michiru x Airi
14.7 - Mahimahi
60.5 - Ayano x Miyoshi
85.7 - Shizuka x Mio 85.9 too

One-sided / near kisses (lip play):
19.6 - Mahimahi
23.6 - Nononon x Yumimi
37.11- Ai x Chie
39.12 - Alicia x Honoka
46.7 - Kaoru x Hibiki
49.10 - Ai x Chie
68.7 - Kaoru x Shizuka
85.3 - Shizuka x Mio 85.4 too

Apparently about page 7 is the sweet spot for kissing.

last edited at Feb 4, 2019 5:59PM

joined Apr 1, 2015
Image Comments 17 Dec 21:24
joined Apr 1, 2015

I keep looking at this picture over and over again and just staring at it...