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joined Jul 26, 2016

Wanko having no filter as usual lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Married already and not even one extremely graphic tentacle sex scene.

IKR? Japan I am dissapoint. :c

joined Jul 26, 2016

At least it looks like they can have a normal loving relationship without splinters.

Last I checked you only got splinters from damaged wood.

Image Comments 28 Sep 15:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^TBF actual navy food was probably often worse as those guys tended to sail for very extended periods away from base, whereas pirates tended to stick closer to friendly coasts on account of needing to fence their loot. Plus the latter could more readily resupply by pillage anyway.

Also pirate ship supplies would have been bad because of real hard times instead of sheer budget miserliness, as their captains didn't have marine detachments on hand to keep an unhappy crew from mutinying...

last edited at Sep 28, 2020 3:51PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

~0.55 MB/s here consistently for the past day. Guess their servers are about practically DDOS'd.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I know it's not applicable here, but with the somewhat rushed development I really want to say ... it got axed ;)

gdi Paul Bunyan

joined Jul 26, 2016

How you can get mad for something then state that something was not her fault.

Just because she knows it analytically doesn't mean it doesn't bug her emotionally. Emotions are literally irrational.

Arknights! 27 Sep 18:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

Manticore gets shipped with Nightmare. Also their ship name 夜蝎 means Night Scorpion and that sounds cool. As for Blue Poison, her main ship is with Glaucus.

Didn't know Manticore could get a monster-like hand?

Oh I learned what this one is the other day - it's from her pretty rad E2 art. Looks like part of the gloves tho.

Lot more obvious in the closer zoom you get ingame, which I know because I promoted her last night. Best Scorpion, I choose YOU! 'ω')v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nah I prefer China to the US, China has it's problems but it hasn't killed millions of civilians in stupid wars

How many Chinese rebellions, civil wars and warlord eras have been some of the bloodiest conflicts in human history again?

Hella many. Not really surprising given the sheer size and pop count of the place already in year Stick and Stone plus a certain alarming tendency to rapidly grow uncomfortably close to its hard Malthusian limit during the stabler periods - so whenever things went to shit for whatever reason (as they cyclically did) megadeaths duly followed.

Just for one example the low estimate for the An Lushan rebellion (755-763 CE) is a whopping thirteen million total - respectably close to the freaking First World War, considering.

For another between the last 156 CE census of the soon-to-collapse Eastern Han dynasty (the death spiral began with the Yellow Turban revolt in 184) and the first census of the Western Jin after reunifying the country at the finale of the Three Kingdoms period in 280 CE the recorded population went from ~56.5 million to mere ~16.2 - an about two-thirds loss. While some is certainly due to the simple inability of the much-damaged administrative apparatus to find and record every subject under the circumstances it's clear a century of warfare, social collapse and the usual attendant famines and epidemics had caused death on a scale that beggars belief.

For a third Mao's Great Leap Forward (1958-62), basically a straight up policy fuckup with no ill intent (quite the contrary), resulted in a famine whose estimated death toll starts at 18 million and goes up to 45.

Moral of the story: when the scale is as staggering as it now tends to be with a realm as large as China, so duly is the butcher's bill when things go sideways.

And THEN you have fun shit like the Qing's outright genocide of the Dzungars in the 1750s or similarly brutal treatment of the Jinchuan Tibetans some decades later because haha fuck mere barbarians amirite? The only reason the death counts for those are low is the simple fact there weren't that many of either group to slaughter in the first place, these being harsh and sparsely populated marginal zones.

last edited at Sep 27, 2020 5:39PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I still think that rooftop shouldn't be able to hold on that much yuri... And the tree too.

Yuri is well known to have strong antigravitic properties.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If koyuki can recognize her brother is in love then why the hell cant she for herself?

"The hardest thing is knowing yourself."

Image Comments 27 Sep 07:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^^While SR's whole rule design philosophy was wildly different from D&D's from the get go and has stayed that way throughout multiple editions (both systems are on their 5th now), it's probably worth pointing out that the vidya gaem adaptations work quite differently from the PnP mechanics...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Am i the only one that genuinely doesnt give a fuck about fuyuki?


Tailsex discussion 27 Sep 06:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

If something can be used for sexual stimulation, it will be used for sexual stimulation. And even if it can't, somebody is going to try it anyway.


School Zone discussion 27 Sep 05:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

Also nobody will share this opinion but I feel like she should just move on from her first love after that rejection?

Because you get to just decide that sort of thing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

yuri >>>>>>> physics

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can't say if you hear betrayal or not, which was even worse for me


joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Pretty sure the ocean around me would quickly turn brown if I saw something that big moving toward me in the water.

Eh, that's just a wee babby. They quite earn their name all grown up.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, obviously Kisaki absorbed biological material from surrounding organisms at will to perform such a feat.

In unrelated news, hundreds of people in the surrounding office buildings were reported missing.

welp that went all Tsutomu Nihei fast D:

Image Comments 26 Sep 19:42
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'd literally have to look up even the console... Sounds like 2nd ed era which is still 'fondly' remembered by greybeards for its retarded rule design - at least the digital adaptations didn't make you calculate That Which Is THAC0 by hand DX

Oh console's from like '88 and game's from '92. Yeah that's balls-old 2nd ed time. Meanwhile us PC Master Race had good shit like SSI's "Gold Box" series (88-92), the Eye of the Beholders (91-93) and the Dark Suns (93-94) - to name just some of the D&D based ones... ┐(゚~゚)┌

joined Jul 26, 2016

Definitely super hero powers at this point

What even is conservation of mass and energy. Also pretty sure that building roof was not engineered to survive fuckhueg trees abruptly appearing on it...

Image Comments 26 Sep 19:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

^dothack is CRPG tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Have a playful whale shark baby. Yay bubbles!

joined Jul 26, 2016

get mad tree powers, wat do

Use them to score chicks, apparently.