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joined Dec 18, 2013

Ok everyone, calm your tits. While I agree with everything Nevri has said we can't forget that we're jumping at conclusions. We aren't even at the middle point of the story so we can't give for a fact anything but the fact Mirei and Mamori are gonna end together, Akira is a woman and Lady Lady are head over fucking heels for each other. And you know what? That if FINE.

If we could guess the whole story since now then it would be a really mediocre story, the fact the writing is surprising us and making us change our tune from episode to episode (just look at the opinion on Mamori) is proof enough there's more than simple fanservice on this show. It is trashy and maybe unecessarily graphic? Absolutely but there's nothing wrong with it.

Now just some points I'd like to clarify on the discussion:

-The scene in the woods is framed on a very different way that any other physical scene so far. Stuff like the grunt soldiers making out was pure fanservice and is depicted very differently to Mirei and Mamori scenes or even that small sequence between Lady Lady on episode 2. Just like Mamori's attempted rape on said episode, the attack sequence against Mirei is framed in a way to drive home how is wrong and uncomfortable. Everything on Mirei's reactions, voice acting and corporal lenguage denotes disgust and fear. Obviously everyone can take their own interpretation but is clear that the intent wasn't simply fanservice.

Nev, if you're talking about the girl with Kasumi at the end, that isn't Akira. Is Kasumi's ecsta, Hibiki. And given Kasumi's attitude, she's also head over heels for her. It is possible Akira has some kind of skill to impress the girls though.

Ok someone clearly likes the show a lot,and we all talk crap,got it!

C'mon Katze, no need to take it personal. And believe me, this discussion is NOTHING compared to the shitstorm that it happened on /a/ and /u/ this weekend. Now that was horrible.

Anyways, time to shut up and share some adorable fanart.

Korean Raws for the Mermaid's manga are here interestingly, it covers the first episode and half of the second. There are also some subtleties on Yuztan's art that make worth giving it a look even if is a nearly 1:1 adaptation from the anime some examples:

Also, some new scans of Bhikkhuni

We have mechas that serve as bosses and a better look at the way the bond between characters influence their transformations into weapons.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Here is a translation of what happened on this week's radio show

At opening talk Iguchi asked Izawa about her last year New Year Resolution and whether she completes it or not. Izawa said close but not quite because her resolution is to have 10 roles in this year, including the nameless mob character. So far she only voices 7. Iguchi's resolution is to get a driving license, it has been her resolution for past 2 years. She then jokingly promote the driving school she goes to by saying 'that they have beautiful ladies as your driving instructor'. Actually in another anime radio she also talked about her driving school, she said her instructor said that she always made funny face when she concentrate on driving.

After the opening they started with looking back on ep 4. They comment on how fast it is for Mamori to become Akira's rabid fan. When Mamori goes full fangirl mode Izawa said she feels same way with Mirei, 'Mamori how could you'. Iguchi said that while Mirei's jealous of Akira she was more like 'is she for real?'. Guess she was more surprised than jealous. Then Iguchi asked Izawa whether she have experience being such rabid fans like Mamori. Izawa said she's to shy to do something like putting her idol poster in her room, but her Mother have clear file of Hanyu Yuzuru, Japanese Olympic Gold Medalist for Men's singles in figure skating.

Mail time, first one talked about how there's so many women with nice body in this show but then remembers that Kubo Yurika, Meifon's VA, is also a gravure model and said that it was very useful as reference. Both Izawa and Iguchi went silent for few second before iguchi answered with a thank you and then both the writer and Izawa broke out laughing. This guy is basically said he wished 3D women are as stylish as 2D women in VD but then reminded himself that Yurika Kubo is actually hot enough to compete with 2D. Iguchi and Izawa then proceed to talked about how nice Yurika's style is and how she can looks good no matter what she wore. Note: 'stylish' here means hot. They said because the episode recording were done in summer many of the VAs came to studio wearing fashionable clothes that exposed lots of skin. They said Kasumi's VA, Tazawa Masumi always wore fashionable clothes when they met for recording. Iguchi said Tazawa's skirt were so short she thought maybe she could see her panties. She didn't see them though, if she did she said she would have told Tazawa.

They didn't talked much about VD in this week radio, mainly because Iguchi keep talking about Tokimeki Memorial 2's Kasumi, Slam Dunk and Saiyuki. Izawa said she don't know much about them which trigger Iguchi's nerd switch. Izawa know Slam Dunk because her middle school teacher like to quote the manga but doesn't know anything about it other than that. She didn't play Tokimeki Memorial and know nothing about Saiyuki and thought Iguchi talked about Journey to the West story instead of the anime. Reminder that Izawa is 21 and Iguchi is 27. This began when the second mail asked then what type of 2D girls they like. Iguchi said Kasumi from Tokimeki. Izawa's favorite type is cute type like Hanazono Hikari from Special A, she love Special A so much it inspire her to be a seiyuu. Izawa also like cute type girls like Mamori.

I don't know how they get to Slam Dunk and Saiyuki from a question about girls.

BD info, first BD will have audio commentary from Iguchi, Izawa, Director Kaneko and Big Boobs producer Takaki. They will talked about the nitty gritty details about boobs and other supposedly forbidden topics.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mamori: Mirei-san <3
sfx over Mirei: nervous, nervous, nervous

Mamori: I never imagined that I would get so incredibly tired.
Mamori: And the size of hands is different too
Mamori: Wow
Mamori: See, they really are big
Mamori: I wonder if they are bigger than men's?

Mamori: Please, let me braid your hair
text: Jealousy
text --> Got tired
sfx: huff, puff, huff, puff
Mamori: ... I'm sorry
sfx: puff, huff, puff
Mirei: No...

Mirei: Good night
Mirei: Stop looking at me with those eyes
Mirei: ...ah, but isn't it
Mirei: like I'm reaping what I sow?

Mamori: Stupid Mirei, stupid Mirei, stupid Mirei...




Citrus discussion 03 Nov 00:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

Well shit. This is something I never expected to see. The most stunning thing is that is actually good.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Hilarious in Hindsight, considering the author wanted to write an idiot type yuri story.

You have to admit that explains a LOT about the story.

Their Story discussion 02 Nov 02:57
joined Dec 18, 2013

The sudden shift to the guy's perspective feels really random right now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That's really sad. Rest in peace.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Watching the episode again, I can't help but find odd the close up on Mirei's legs.

Back on the first episode the camera also linegered on the masochist girl's crotch for no reason, the manga adaptation has fluid clearly dripping from her leanding me to think that detail will be added on the BD release and yet, the scene on Mirei suggest otherwise. What if the liquid is another substance that will be properly colored on the BD?

The fluid (love juice) is visible as well (her thighs), there is a drop that sparkles as well. The BDs will probably make it more prominent, as well as make that scene where the 'man's' head is between her legs not 'censored'/be more zoomed out. for those that missed it

I see my intention totally flew up your head. I was suggesting the possibility of said liquid being piss

Oh and the blushing argument? Mirei also blushed like crazy after Rain's kiss, kiss where she also expressed disgust

joined Dec 18, 2013

Watching the episode again, I can't help but find odd the close up on Mirei's legs.

Back on the first episode the camera also linegered on the masochist girl's crotch for no reason, the manga adaptation has fluid clearly dripping from her leanding me to think that detail will be added on the BD release and yet, the scene on Mirei suggest otherwise. What if the liquid is another substance that will be properly colored on the BD?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Or she was baiting her attacker to get closer at her. Mamori's sword doesn't has a lot of range after all, and Mirei was able to slice one of her wings as soon she got free from the illusion. Mirei has military trainment after all.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Actually, the way the baddie speaks about Mamori and her freak out at Mirei breaking free from the illusion should be proof enough that succumbing to the pleasure doesn't breaks the illusion.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, she hasn't shown any kind of reaction before. Not when she was being tortured nor being attacked. In fact, the only reactions she had so far were related to Mamori on some way or another.

Is actually a good thing they shown her clearly disgusted by the whole thing.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Still involuntary, Mirei's expressions made clear she wasn't enjoying it

joined Dec 18, 2013

Who knows, even series with heavy subtext like LL are drown with that kind of Doujins so I doubt it will be significative here. Is gonna make /a/ threads unpleasant now though

joined Dec 18, 2013

That is still no reason to include it. Could've just shown her as not being able to hit at all rather than what they did.

Certainly they could've done it differently but I can understand the logic for it. Really, the only thing I regret is that we didn't saw Mirei giving Charlotte's cronie an epic beating.

Guess we have different interpretations because to me it is evident she's looking right at her/their breasts (just rewatched that scene) and narrows her eyes as if to see more clearly. And her look isn't one that is seen on those who are lost in their thoughts.

Different strokes I guess. In any case I'm willing to see where the show goes now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Doesn't matter if it's involuntary, she still 'enjoyed' it. As in, she still got horny. Now as far as I know, most women don't get turned on when they're being raped, that's why there's rupturing when there's sexual assault, while Mirei was dripping through her jeans (you know how hard that is to achieve?). Could've easily gone without that. Now I'm wondering whether or not they'll show her in full in the BDs and not just her torso. I still understand that it's involuntary, but come on, this isn't a gangrape hentai where every girl is orgasming left and right.. As a matter of fact the thing about Mamori and her 'crushing' on Akira didn't bother me as much as I thought it did because it got overshadowed by this and because as you said, the crush is rather immature because of how it's shown.

For me that was done to stage an "Heroic second wind" moment. And actually, the manga adaptation does have the girls orgasming left and right, something that the anime also indluges as it was the sequence with Charlotte's harem on the pimp mobile

Even if she's in the OP and ED doesn't mean she's alive, just that she has/had a major role to play.

Her character profile downright says she's alive

Okay, I understand that, but even then, she would be able to recall the conversation even a little bit and start questioning it. And from what I saw, she was more focused on her/her breasts than stunned about Mamori's crush

Her whole attention is on Mamori so is unlikely se would recall a conversation at random. It might be a matter of perspective but she seems more lost in her thoughts than ogling Mamori.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, figured it would be like that. Though didn't expect for Mirei to be turned on from being (imaginary) raped. They're going the route of every woman is a nympho (though that is expected in this world) that gets turned on by everything (even rape). That brought the anime down a bit in my eyes. One could argue it's because of the illusion and stuff, but really? Seems I gotta be wary even more because of this. I am half-expecting for Mirei and her partner in the flashback to be raped and they would enjoy it, and then they kill her partner while she somehow escapes, considering she said that she's already experienced hell.

Also, as soon as Torino said about Akira being a Liberator, why didn't Mirei react? She more than anyone would know that there are no males that are infected, as well as the rest of the island if they do know that 'he' is a Liberator. Makes no sense, they state it very clearly and not 2 episodes later, they make them forget it.

Mirei's reactions to the illusion are clearly different to the ones she had with Mamori, so is less about her enjoying it and more about an involuntary bodily reaction. I mean, the whole point of the scene is showing her determination and strong will. If she would've enjoyed it, then she would've lost.

Her partner is alive, she's the cyan haired girl shown on both the OP and the ED, her name is Momoka

Mirei is socially stunted, she doesn't know how to react at Mamori's crush. On that scene in particular, is clear she wasn't focused on Torino's words.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I think you are giving this too much credit.

She saw a prince when Mirei rescued her. And now she sees someone who carries "himself" like a prince, which she sees like a "real" prince.

Shallow infatuation for both so far. Nothing emotional.


She's just getting exactly what she wanted and thus she's acting like any normal teenage girl would act. This is not only setting the development for her relationship with Mirei is also stablishing Akira like a very manipulative and cunning individual.

joined Dec 18, 2013

After watching the subs and thinking a little on it. It wasn't so bad.

Mamori crushing so hard on Akira is dissapointing of course but is perfectly in line with her character. Two days earlier Mamori would've never questioned her sexuality and was by all accounts a normal girl. So she clinging so hard on anything that gives her some normalcy back is reasonable. This on the other hand gave us the chance of seeing a more expressive Mirei that along the illusion scene cements her like a full blown lesbian

Now the scene itself is VERY uncomfortable to watch but that is precisely the point. Torture Mirei, and considering her background as child soldier, well, it is the most logical fear to have. It does a lot for her characterization since before this she seemed to be utterly uninterested on her well being and instead fully devoted to Mamori's. In short, this humanizes her a lot

Akira and Torino's interactions seems to point that there's something larger in place than wha we thought, adding a new complexity layer to the plot and potentially outing Lady Lady as villians. Kasumi's twist was very well done and Charlotte keeps being a very entertaining character to hate

The episode was certainly the weakest so far but nothing that makes me downright drop the series. I do hope they don't pull something like this again tho.

joined Dec 18, 2013


Kind of a shitty episode today

joined Dec 18, 2013

Anyone knows why the 4th ep was delayed?

Delayed? Where did you heard that?

joined Dec 18, 2013

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was really cute although the end had some weird pacing.