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Arknights! 23 Oct 16:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die crying?


joined Jul 26, 2016

RIP lmao

Yori looks p good with her hair down tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just curious, but what voiceover language is everyone playing with? I've been using Japanese, mostly just to practice my own Japanese since I took a few classes years ago but haven't really kept up with it. I do want to switch it around at some point, just to compare them.

JP. It's partly because I've watched enough anime to have picked up some basic understanding of spoken Japanese, but mostly because I just find it more pleasant sounding than Chinese. Which I suspect isn't merely a matter of being more used to one but related to some very important differences between how the two are spoken (namely highly phonetic vs. extremely tonal).

This year has just had a huge surge in sinophobia in all categories.

TBF it really isn't helping that Beijing's hellbent on acting out Bond villain clichés these days and keeps getting caught with its hand in the jar to boot.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If the purpose of writing is communication, the author did a piss-poor job of delivering that communication, because no one knows exactly what happened at the end of this "story." It doesn't matter how many people purchase a bucket of shit for $9.99, it's still a bucket of shit.

But it is probably good shit, if you are growing roses it might be just what you want. If you put it in your sandwich, then complain about it being shit, then that says more about you.

Then what does it speak of when that bucket-o-turd is being sold for putting onto bread (and people still, ahem, eat it up)...?

Or did you just assume that it was, because it was billed as nutritious - when consumed by organisms with needs different from your own.

I'd say anyone marketing poop to people as nutritious on the basis of it indeed being edible for any number of decomposers and what have you is guilty of some quite egregiously false advertising just for starters.

Certainly not very commendable behaviour.

For the record I also got a certain wry chuckle out of your implicit equation of people-who-consume-popular-shit with maggots and bacteria and what have you. GG judging them several degrees harsher than what I was doing since at least I didn't imply them to be literally brainless...

SHY discussion 23 Oct 03:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

Guys, I need help. I want to ship Shy x Lady Black, but I also want to ship Teru and Iko. What should I do?

Poly it. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

If the purpose of writing is communication, the author did a piss-poor job of delivering that communication, because no one knows exactly what happened at the end of this "story." It doesn't matter how many people purchase a bucket of shit for $9.99, it's still a bucket of shit.

But it is probably good shit, if you are growing roses it might be just what you want. If you put it in your sandwich, then complain about it being shit, then that says more about you.

Then what does it speak of when that bucket-o-turd is being sold for putting onto bread (and people still, ahem, eat it up)...?

last edited at Oct 23, 2020 3:32AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

This ending smells axed, imho.

TBF it would be hard to fault the magazine for starting to get impatient...

joined Jul 26, 2016

So the entire editorial staff at Yuri Hime are sado-masochists blowing money on a useless series solely to torture their readership?

What a bizarre strawman. The magazine ultimately only cares about sales ergo audience opinion, and the paying public notoriously happily swallows much worse. like Citrus

The entire purpose of writing is to communicate with the audience, the idea that writing can be popular but bad is a complete oxymoron, founded in a superiority complex.

edit: eg I may loathe popular reality television, but I'm not going to pretend it isn't an effective implementation of what it is.

"A billion fly larva can't be wrong, shit tastes great."

You'll excuse me for insisting on some quality standards. And this one isn't even trashy-but-reasonably-entertaining like most TV fare; it's merely pointlessly and tediously meandering, obtuse and downright confused without ultimately delivering any real payoff in the end. "This is how it ends; not with a bang but a whimper."

joined Jul 26, 2016

So the entire editorial staff at Yuri Hime are sado-masochists blowing money on a useless series solely to torture their readership?

What a bizarre strawman. The magazine ultimately only cares about sales ergo audience opinion, and the paying public notoriously happily swallows much worse. like Citrus

last edited at Oct 22, 2020 4:21AM

SHY discussion 22 Oct 01:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

...... Wtf are the heroes outside of the dome doing? Can't they at least protect the public from Stigma or something?....

Not sure how you're supposed to protect people from a sudden onset of instant-teleportation kidnapping.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We're actually allowed to expect a resolution to the central theme of the story more conclusive than a Shrug Of God so thunderously vague and dithering it can be fairly characterised as authorial dereliction of duty.

Though I'll give you it's very consistent with the handling of the story though, or the lack thereof as the case may be.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Seriously guys, there's a post formatting guide pinned...

Nun discussion 22 Oct 00:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

Many people join the priesthood because they're fighting their own closeted homosexuality

...except the monastic orders are not clergy. I don't need to remind you that nunneries have existed FAR longer than women have been allowed to become Christian priests now do I...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Everyone complaining here held on though 37 chapters, there must have been something there.

Morbid curiosity to see if there would be a last-minut Author Saving Throw to rescue this increasingly dithering mess, probably. (I gave up soon after it became clear the Three Stooges side story, which was actually getting somewhere, had been wrapped up.) Not like it took very long to read new chapters while they came out and it's not like we paid squat for them anyway.

Now if I had been a paying customer OTOH I'd be feeling quite ripped off, and you'll have a hard time indeed arguing that'd be unjustified.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"They get together. Somehow. And for some unstated reason. And their current life is happy, in some unspecified way. We can tell this because Kaoru smiles and says 'Welcome Home!' to Uta."

A whizzard may have dunnit

joined Jul 26, 2016

But it was all in the title from the beginning. What's to be surprised or disgruntled about?

Disappointing waste of potential is disappointing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Comments have a right to criticize other comments.

Infinite recursion applies to that. Comments have an equal right to criticize the critique etc. soooo...

Arknights! 20 Oct 23:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

One question who's Honor Roll Student and Rich Girl in the event?

...they appear onscreen in the first act you know? That's Lin Yühsia (aka "Shitty Rat" as Swire amiably addresses her in ch 6) and Swire (duh) respectively. totally shippable

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sad to see it hasn't been updated since March. This is really cute and wholesome.

...I'm pretty sure the series is completed you know.

Arknights! 20 Oct 22:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

Other speculation I've seen was Kalt'sit, presumably having been revised to not be more broken than God. Which would likely involve less wanton stretching of suspension of disbelief anyway, it's not like she shies away from... fieldwork as Crownslayer could attest.

Image Comments 20 Oct 21:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

^p sure it's at least implied Rhodes is giving them as much therapy as they've willing to let them - which degree may be limited; one gets a distinct impression most if not all of the Council were left with deep-seated trust issues that make them very reluctant to open up to people outside their tight-knit circle. Hell they seem to mostly go with "implicit understanding" even amongst themselves. (It's pretty telling that Natalya (Rosa), the one most willing to talk to RI staff, apparently feels like she's lowkey betraying the others by doing that...) These kids are hardly the first or last psychologically damaged patients, Infected or not, Medical's dealing with.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now that you've mentioned. and gathering up all the hints author has left for us, that is clearly not Kaoru, but either a Twin, a look-alike, or a doppelganger (strongly leaning towards that). There you have it, mystery solved and we can go back to our normal lives!

Kaoru sus

Arknights! 20 Oct 07:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Personally guessing Talulah for the new limited character

inb4 it's Mephisto and people get him merely so they can get him horribly killed some more :v

Citrus + discussion 20 Oct 07:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

So... once again we readers are left to form conjectures on how Matsuri suddenly has a baby bro AND WHY.

Her parents had sex :v


I-is THAT how is babby made? :o