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joined Dec 18, 2013

Translation of Siren's first chapter. The big bad is a Charlotte ripoff.

Stretch discussion 04 Dec 02:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

For some reason that cover gave me Junji Ito vibes.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Um, Bhikkhuni is still pretty damn gay.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Episode 9 preview!

Momoka/Charlotte team up confirmed!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Few days late but here is the latest radio summary.

Opening talk. They talk about the things they wanted to accomplish in 2015, Kubo wanted to stay healthy by working out and drinking supplement and other two told her to eat vegetables too. Izawa said that she did the treasure hunt thing and there will be some pics on the latest Nyantype, Lady Lady’s issue I think. That treasure hunt thing requires you to collect stamp of the characters boobs model, while explaining the event Izawa forgot to clarify that the boobs model are of the VDM characters. Both Iguchi and Izawa didn’t realize that this could lead to misunderstanding but Kubo is there explain it to them that with how Izawa phrased it some people might think that the treasure hunt thing were using Izawa’s boobs model instead of the characters. They unintentionally start this episode with lewd joke.

They talked about ep 8 a bit saying that there are still some gag scene even though the story is going to be more serious. That is for looking back. Next is mail corner. First mail love Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic, especially the part where Mirei said ‘Shall we dance?’ and Meifon’s song. They said that the song is very fast and with long lyrics, singing it was fun. They also said that even though Meifon loves money that much her VA isn’t like her at all. Kubo said she’s grateful when she have some money but when she doesn’t maybe she could just eat leaves. When she first heard the music for Meifon’s song, the notes are actually very high. Kubo herself can’t reach notes that high so they gradually lowers them but it’s still quite high. Second mail love the little act Iguchi and Kubo did as Izawa papa and mama and want more of it. This time they came up with the setting, Izawa telling her parents on the day the BD released. After the BD is out there’s no way Izawa can keep hiding it, there’s a physical evidence now and they will also get the BD sample so they decided to practice it right away. This time Iguchi is Mama and Kubo is Papa. It’s the BD release day and the already sent a sample to Izawa so she’s panicking. She decide to give the BD sample as early Christmas gift, BUT turns out Papa and Mama also have a present ready to give to Izawa. It’s TokiMemo PS2 with the controller inside!!! That’s not the end, they also give Izawa a VD BD 1. Papa and Mama describe it as a very lewd show and that Papa and Mama watched it together, but Mama actually watched it on AT-X. Izawa trying to save it by telling them that there’s also an OVA but Papa and Mama already watched it too!! That’s it for the practice.

Iguchi said that its very possible that Izawa parents already found out about VD and Kubo add that what if her parents really did watched the whole thing and said that ‘Papa and Mama watched the whole thing and Papa Drive-d with Mama’ or what if Papa wanted to go Mermaid after watching it. It will be very uncomfortable for Izawa to explain it after that. They said that they wanted her parents to listen to the radio too, so if they make a compilation CD for the radio they said Izawa should listen it together with her family. Last mail, this guy start with greeting the hosts, ‘Mike-chan, Shika-chan, Iguchi, konnichiwa’ but didn’t add any honorific for Iguchi. The guy writing the mail probably listen to radio ep 5 and continue to refer Iguchi as ‘Iguchi’, not because they don’t respect her or anything. Anyway the mail asked them about the mascot characters they like. Izawa apparently loves those and the one she loves the most is Hokkaido mascot Kyun-chan. ‘Kyun-chan? Kyun kyun? Kyun kyun uu Zukyuun Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic one two san hai’ Not. Kyun-chan is a rabbit but not really a rabbit because the ears are round like bear. Apparently they also made a thorough backstory for Kyunchan and release books about Kyunchan. They played Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic.

Next corner is the bet corner. Izawa will do something and Iguchi and Kubo will bet whether she will succeed or not. This time the challenge is to split the wooden chopsticks perfectly three times in a row. Iguchi this time bet that Izawa will fail because Izawa ate the soba they prepared for the meeting before the radio recording very fast, without worrying about her make up or the stain the sauce can cause. Also Izawa bloodtype is O. The clumsy O, my own pace o, the calm O, the cares about weird things O. Iguchi’s bloodtype is AB and Kubo is A. Kubo bet that Izawa will succeed. Right before starting Izawa said that she never actually split them properly, she also never saw anyone spilt them properly. First chopstick were split perfectly, second were not and the third were split beautifully. Iguchi won this round. Next is info corner, nothing new.

That’s it for this week.

I will never get tired of Kubo and Iguchi trolling Izawa with the issue of her parents XD

joined Dec 18, 2013

Liking something is one thing but that was almost a witch hunt + the fact that Senran Kagura is given way too much fucking credit just because it shifted way more heavily on yuri fanservice in recent times and now even someone feels "betrayed" because its gone just a teensy bit more wishfullfillment level than it already was. Which was a lot.

The designers know what they want and are doing, if somehow the writing suffers or "never will be taken seriously) (lol) than it was entirely intentional on their part. If someone wants to really write something great for it, they would come eventually but honestly, the already set up things from day 1 probably aren't very appealing to anyone and the designers clearly don't have any intentions of doing it themself.

Senran Kagura 2 was the game were they treated the series seriously on every aspect, EV on the other hand is the lowest possible effort packed with a shiny cloak of fanservice.

Guess what game was the most succesful?

joined Dec 18, 2013

I agree with the second point, they should never aim for the quick buck that's known as the "waifu crowd" when the games have so much LGBT content. I'm not really worried at the moment because I know it's just to get some post-release extra cash.

That is exactly the problem. The fact is an add on and no something built into the game from the get go (like it was the case with FE) says where are Takaki and Marvelous priorities.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So apparently the player can kiss the Senran Kagura girls now. Which is not creepy at all. Like, at all.

As you can see in this picture, it's not creepy. At all.

Just for the record, it's really fucking creepy, actually. At least the player seems to control girl's lips, I guess.

Aaaaaand they lost me. This is fucking stupid and throws out the window any possibility of everyone taking the writing on the series.

They went full waifu. YOU NEVER GO FULL WAIFU

joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't get the first page of the thing you linked though.

Oh, is a joke about the start of episode 8

The artist is going with the idea of Lady Lady not knowing about Akira being a woman nor Sri being an artificial arm. So being the awesome lesbians they are, they got grossed out when they realized that Akira and Sri being inside their trailer means that Akira did the deed with his exstar where they live

Another new story by Morizoh Arima

What's the matter?
Did it hurt?

Here too
And here
It really hurt, right?
What was I afraid of?

That she'll know my true colors
That she'll find it creepy?
That she'll be scared?
That I'll become
more attaracted to you
Thank you for your concern
I'm fine, Mamori-san
If you cry like this you'll get swollen eyes tomorrow

What should I do!
I'll become ugly!
I'll cast a good night charm
Please close your eyes
Good night...

joined Dec 18, 2013

Art has improved and so has the plot. Nice.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I guess we see things differently, after all, why did she power up? Because of Akira/Hilholde's words:P Furthering the 'fated for each other' cause she didn't respond that way to Mirei.


I see this video very clearly but what I don't understand is an unknown pair of hands trying to touch one of characters boobs. Are these hands from the mecha or something ?

Is from one of the mechas, a cutscene before a Boss I guess.

Have some Lady Lady goodness


Jealous J is best J

last edited at Dec 1, 2015 12:44PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

These girls are giving the "My Monster secret" cast a run for their money on the dumbness department, goddamn.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Who's ready for more cuteness?

Mirei: Goodnight
Mamori: Uh... Mirei-san...
Mirei: ... ?
Mamori: This is good, but... why don't we sleep together today?
Mamori: Um, but it's okay if you don't want to...
Mamori: Ah!
Mamori: Hey, is everything alright?!
[She was so surprised she backed off and hit her head very hard]

Mamo: It's... it's okay if you don't want to. (That was a little scary)
Mirei: ... it's not that.
Mamo: So we can... together...
Mirei: ... I can't.
Mamo: Come oooon! Which one is it?
Mirei ... (She's really defenseless... pushing the boundaries, even if I wanted to...)
Mamo: You really... don't want to?
Mirei: I...
Mirei I can't.
Mamo: I see, I was being unreasonable, my apologies.
Mamo: You know...
Mamo: Actually...

Mamo: Thee conversation we just had made me nostalgic...
Mamo: And... reminded me of home...
Mamo: Um... so... goodnight!
Mamo: Hehehe
Mamo: Thank you so much, Mirei-san!
Mirei ...
Mamo: This is like when I was little, I used to sleep with my mom.
Mamo: Mirei-san, what kind of person is your mom?
Mamo: I'm sure she's beaut-
Mirei: No.
Mamo: Um...
Mirei: She died... a long time ago.
Mamo: ... !

Mirei: (I don't know my origins but I guess this'll do as an introduction...)
Mamo: Mirei-san!
Mamo: I'm sorry...
Mamo: I...
Mamo: ... I
Mamo: I want to tell you...
Mamo: ... that I...!
FX: It's because.. it's because...

Mamo: I didn't know that, I shouldn't have asked you. I'm sorry...
Mamo: It was painful... wasn't it...
Mamo: ...And yet... I... turned this into a conversation about family...
Mirei: ... Mamori-san, you're not a bad person. ... Please, don't apologize anymore.
Mamo: Mirei-san... I don't know very much about you since you don't really talk about yourself but...
Mamo: Even if you don't want to talk about it... or tell me more... it's okay... um...
Mamo: This might sound too forward but...
Mamo: If you want to... talk, if you want to speak about anything... just tell me, please.
Mamo: Um, I...

Mamo: Since I'm your Ecsta, Mirei-san...
Mamo: I... I want to know more about you, Mirei-san
Mamo: Little by little... slowly... is it okay?
Mirei: (Mamori-san's heartbeat...)
Mirei: (Gentle...)
Mirei (Comforting...)

Mamo: Hey, Mirei-san
Mamo: Today let me spoil you with all I got, please.
Mamo: That place... I've never seen it, but... (TL: my moon is pretty rusty, I didn't get this)
Mamo: ... spoil...
Mamo: That's it! Please, let me spoil you!
Mamo: Ah!
Mamo: !? Mi... Mirei-san?!
Mamo: I didn't mean that when I said that I'd spoil you...
Mamo: Wh... wha...

Mamo: Mi
Mamo: Mire...saaa...
Mamo: Stoooop
Mamo: ahhh

Rough translation from an awesome anon at /u/, the author is here

joined Dec 18, 2013

My heart

joined Dec 18, 2013

So in Nyantype there are some pretty usggestive posters with the girls right? Well turns out those magazines also include a small companion story for the poster. An awesome anon on /a/ gave us a short summary of this one:

For reference: Ange is the girl with the whips, Miranda the hypnobitch, Monroe the bandaged girl and Mirianne the pink haired one

Charlotte doesn't wake up early because it's bad for skin and people who rule others shouldn't have dull skin. As a true noble ass she doesn't wake up by herself but rings a bell. Ange and 2 maids show up. When one of the maids get Charlotte dressed Ange is unconsciously looking at her tits but notices and tries to hide it. Charlotte thinks it's cute. Charlotte asks Ange to brush her hair. Ange really wants to sniff her hair, but Charlotte stops her and smiles at her as if she was "a pet who done silly prank". Ange blushes.

30 minutes on breakfast. Then Charlotte recieves some reports. After that she goes to the balcony for tea time. Maid brought some slightly broken chair. Charlotte says to get a new one but her tea will get cold and so she asks Miranda to be her chair. Miranda gladly gets on her hands and feets. Looks like it's not the first time. Miranda is in ecstatic convulsions and Charlotte says to not move so much or she'll spill the tea.

Charlotte reads some supply documents and is now tired. She asks Monroe to massage her legs. Bare legs. Looks like Monroe is chuuni so no kinky stuff. Charlotte point's out how Monroe knows her spots well.

Time for bath. Charlotte was about to get the brush and wash her back but stops and asks Mirianne to do it with her hands. Where's back there's front and so it turned out how it is on illustration. Mirianne was so excited she started pressing her breasts with erected nipples against Charlotte's back. Mirianne prayed that it would last forever.

Charlotte goes to bad early, again, because of skin. Now who should I love tonight, she thinks. It'll be a long passionate night.

Charlotte is indeed, a mega dyke. Surprising isn't it?

last edited at Nov 30, 2015 10:42AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay, I finally could watch it subbed.

It has hit the fan and we're officially entered the endgame. This episode is so littered with new information and foreshadowing that is impossible to say the show lacks a decent plot. Subverting once again my expectations, Lady Lady and Akira doesn't seem to be working together and in fact, seem to have a somewhat tense relationship.

Akira clearly knows a LOT more that she lets show and considering the revelation about the aritficial arms, I think she still isn't in the clear as possible antagonist. Despite this clearly being an episode focused on Mirei, we got to see why Lady Lady are so feared by most people and have to say, they lived up to the hype. The reveal about them being Secret Agents is minor against the possibility of a new island being (casually) revealed: Nafrece.

This episode also raised the odds of Lady Lady being possible adversaries due the artificial arm bearing a strong resemblance to J's Bike form and J herself wearing the same kind of earrings than the woman in the shadows (I know is a very small detail but so far the production team has showed a tremendeous eye for the details so I doubt is meaningless).

Mirei proves herself as a very competent protagonist and one suffering a very traumatic past. The reveal of her mutant form is something I doubt anyone saw coming, curiously enough, this episode also raised the possibility of Mirei being a former member of an "evil" organization putting into question the reasons for her presence on Mermaid. Her insistence over not wanting Mamori to see her true form say a lot of how important Mamori is for her and how ashamed is Mire of her past.

Mamori on the other hand continues growing as character and showing a clear character arc. Yeah, she still doesn't catch on Mirei's feelings but she's slowly getting there. Hell, her new form can be seen as being a showing of the love she feels for Mirei.

We finally met the bigger bad on the story and the first official appearance of Momoka in the plot, so next episode should be fantastic.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I really feel sorry for the girls in that island. After-sex cuddling, which is the softest part of copulation, are almost impossible because the girls will always turn into weapons.

Noe hit the jackpot with Nimi

joined Dec 18, 2013

Cute as the reactions are, the premise has started to wear a little thin.

joined Dec 18, 2013

At the end of episode 7 she found a capsule with supposedly informations from her mother.

Yeah I know. But I thought nothing could get inside the island, so it confused me and thought it was an old crystal before Akira get inside the island.
If her mother is able to pass the island's security and send that crystal, then they might be able to get out in a similar way too

That's actually what Akira's betting on to escape the island

Have some transformation cutscenes from Bhikkhuni



HA! Special menu on select restaurants to promote the show

last edited at Nov 27, 2015 11:20AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Shit just got real

Akira discovers a some sort of secret facility that was used in the construction of the island thanks to information she got from outside (that thing she picked up at the end of the previous episode, I guess). She summons LadyLady, Meifon, Mirei and Mamori to this place, where Mirei and Mamori are attacked by an artificial Arm. Mirei is defeated. As the artificial arm approaches Mamori, a bright light emanates from her body and she transforms!

joined Dec 18, 2013

I know some vampires who could learn from Tooru's way of handling things. Just saying. -o-

I dunno, that was a somewhat lame resolution. Where's the action?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Listening to the song, I think is Mirei?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Also, I lost it at Mamori's sleep talk even her subconcious knows Akira's a girl XD