Selection Project once again affirms my love for idol anime. Enjoyed it a lot. Would have loved it if it went beyond subtext between SuzuRena but damn I just can't help but squee when they hugged. Speaking of, the canon pair of Hiromi and her gf was really cute despite the short moments they had. It wasn't quite out of the blue either since Hiromi's gf showed up in a brief flashback in episode 4. It was nice confirmation that they're going out. Tho you know... a kiss would have been nice. Anyway really loved the music and the dancing was so good. I wish this could have exploded like Love Live.
Sasaki and Miyano are JUST SO FUCKING CUTE! I'll be following this one hard (unless it goes south hard, but I loved the first episode).
Agreed! That was such a cute and fluffy BL anime. I will definitely keep watching. Hoping for the best too.
What dissapointed me is that the fights aren't particularly cool or interesting, most of the time they just stand there and shoot. Which is somehow even more unrealistic than other anime, where they miraculously manoeuvre past every bullet...? Like, there will be a rain of bullets targetting them and not even one will hit, even though they haven't moved an inch lol
It says a lot when Gunslinger Girl from nearly two decades ago has better gunfights.
As a sidenote, it took me 4 episodes to realise that the main team of dolls consists of four, and not five, members... oops. They're even shown in the opening hahaha
Oh! Speaking of the opening, that might be the most interesting thing this anime has to offer, at least thus far. The visuals are nice and stand out compared to most anime openings.
The OP is indeed the best part and arguably the only good part. Been listening to it a lot in between SelePro songs.
Gekidol[A bunch of yuri kisses and its assumed/implied MC ends up with the girl who kissed her/flirts with her, some of the side characters are also canon lesbians]
Was tempted to watch this because of a clip of the girls kissing but looking up the premise, it didn't seem interesting to me.