Maybe they memory wipe the general in order to prevent any leaks of classified intel? That's all I can think of as to why they'd do such a thing
A much cheaper way to prevent leaks is to just shoot her in the head. The military is nothing if not efficient, and they have all the guns. At the very least, if they care so much about what the former general might have known, they should not put her amnesiac self in the vicinity of enemy officers, who (as the first chapter demonstrates) can take her captive without any resistance from anyone present. In short, this whole premise still makes zero sense apart from titillating and gratifying a very particular set of kinks. ^^
It remains to be seen whether there is even any truth to that. The brainwashing comments come from the humans witnessing her behavior after being given the aphrodisiac, and her own words that she doesn't remember may either be a temporary condition caused by that, or simply a lie, as whenever we actually see her thoughts, she's still at least trying to resist the drug and scheme her way out of her predicament, even if mostly unsuccessfully.