Forum › Posts by BugDevil

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sigh... it's always like this, ain't it? Once you realize it it's already too late. There better be a reunion later on. This isn't the type of manga that just throws this in to torment us.

It's a bit annoying that Kozuka only seriously thinks about homosexual relationships after talking to a 3rd party, as if Ritsuka hadn't been right there since the beginning. This whole "Oh so it really is a thing that isn't limited by gender" reaction is somehow a bit stupid.
I guess the point is that she first needs to see a "normal" woman who even had a hetero marriage have such feelings to truly get it. Makes sense for someone so heavily in denial...

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 12:35PM

Anime season 24 Apr 11:25
joined Aug 26, 2018

Almost thought it would be a Pocha Climb adaptation. Impossible of course, the industry never picks up small yuri manga. It's a miracle if the big ones get one season.

I mean, you generally want at least 5 volumes for even a single cour of anime. Pocha Climb (and most romance manga, really) just isn't anywhere near long enough

I was more thinking along the lines of an OVA or something.Ain't gonna get more than that even if there were 5 volumes. It's not a kirara manga.

joined Aug 26, 2018

(grrrrrr)I You're always are so damn pedantic. I know the damn difference I just thought the tag was Polygamy . And yuri isn't all romance. That's ridiculous. We would get along better if you didn't try to lecture me like a school teacher.

Edit: Okay I might have been a tad pedantic myself with my original post. And I may have used polygamy and polyamory interchangeably. (I do know the difference. I sware. ) But in my defence I actually find this whole Harem vs. Polygamory debate academic. It's an eight page one shot. We don't get to see enough to really tell if their polyamorous relationship qualifies as harem or not.
Holy crap BugDevil I think I just beat myself in a debate for you. ( what did you think I was going to just admit you were right all along? You should know me better than that by now.).

What a fascinating mental breakdown.

My only correction would be that Yuri by definition focuses on lesbian relationships. There is absolutely no reason to tag something Yuri unless partners are romantically involved. So by the definition Yuri is romance sub-genre/tag.

That’s a pretty small subset when having both “harem” and “polyamory” tags on a single manga. So, from the way I interpret this foursome is there’s an alpha female and the lesser females, but all love each other the same... yup, quite the fantasy story here. Cute fantasy that won’t see the light of day.

"Alpha female" "Lesser females"

Anyway, the manga in no way implies anything but a harem for Kanon.

I wondered how a piece of dandelion fluff like this could have 30+ posts already.

I should have known—Tag Wars

My eyes had started unfocusing and getting that particular glassy look halfway down the first page.

It must be hard to have such a short attention span. There are no wars here. People have just calmly given their thoughts on how concepts work.

Why the Polyamory tag if it's clearly a Harem?

Long story short: Harem would be yuri fanservice, which this is clearly not.

Oh sure, completely functional polyamory between 5 girls just so that nobody feels left out is not at all fanservice. lol
I think you were trying to make a joke, but the dots don't connect for me. Just because the manga mention yuri fanservice as bad, I don't see how that connects to harems.

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 11:23AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Isn't Harem just a specific case of Polygamy? Kind of like a square is a specific case of a rectangle. After all some sects of the church of Mormon practice polygamy which is just a man and his harem of "sister" wives.

Of course from a certain point of view harems are polyamory (polygamy means marrying several partners btw, please remember the difference) by definition. But just like Yuri is just Romance by broad definition, sometimes it is appropiate to use more specific tags. If you have 3+ lovers that are not romantically involved with each other as well, the first thought that should come to mind is harem.

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 1:50AM

Anime season 24 Apr 01:27
joined Aug 26, 2018

Almost thought it would be a Pocha Climb adaptation. Impossible of course, the industry never picks up small yuri manga. It's a miracle if the big ones get one season.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Why the Polyamory tag if it's clearly a Harem? Or does Dynasty treat the tag like it belongs to het romance only? I know poly has been popular lately (no idea why), but it's a pretty clear cut case of everyone being in love with Kanon.

Anyways what a fairy tale ending. I suppose if an idol group build a fanbase entirely on yuri "fanservice" that would be the only time idol otakus would ever accept this kind of outcome. Yuri manga sure are convenient hehe

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wouldn't make too much of a distinction between the two, putting up a facade vs truly believing in it inherently. In cases like this at least. For somebody who has no confidence to even have moments of believing in themselves or their actions, I think that's big.

I get where you are coming from, but Shamiko constantly doubts herself at every turn. She sometimes acts without thinking or forces herself to be courageous in the moment. When self-confidence is merely a facade I don't think you can call it much of an improvement yet. Compare it to Momo who is genuinly confident in a crisis that she can solve it in some way or someone like Riko who never even doubts herself at all (no matter whether that's warranted).

Even Mikan who has a lot of weaknesses still shows reliable confidence now that her curse is gone. The difference in the way she interacts with people and doesn't hold back anymore shows character growth. Shamiko is nowhere near such a drastic improvement yet.

last edited at Apr 25, 2020 5:45AM

Image Comments 21 Apr 14:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

^As an avid TM fan I have to cast doubt on that. CCC is fun, but far from the best in the series. I'd say even Extra itself has a far tighter plot. If you wanna go full hijinks then Hollow Ataraxia is far superior as well. In all the circles I've been to there is no such sentiment that CCC is the best. Generally the idea is that it's really great and a shame that so many people missed out on it though.
Unless by "series" you just mean the Extraverse...

Image Comments 21 Apr 13:57
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Now that's a bit of a stretch.

Past discussion 21 Apr 11:53
joined Aug 26, 2018

this fuck sad and deserves the nude tag and not nsfw wtf

What are you even talking about? There is no nude tag. NSFW covers nudity.

Image Comments 21 Apr 11:16
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^You got me there.

Image Comments 21 Apr 07:22
joined Aug 26, 2018

@Random Wanderer
I ain't blaming you for anything. They didn't have to accept the request. Like I said, this site is run by Ms. lol

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:50
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Yellow jacket, summer uniforms. It's before volume 5 sure and if we accept that Momo will never wear the damn jacket again, it's before chapter 27.

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 1:51AM

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

^There is nothing to be up to date about. They are in the red light district of Wall Market and had sex. If you played FFVII you know the section.

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

Can't stop marveling at Tifa's redesign. Also at their chemistry. Oh how I wish Cloud wasnt a third wheel.

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 7:23AM

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

We keep getting pics of Reimu's obsession with Marisa's (barely existent) boobs.

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:33
joined Aug 26, 2018

Out of the thousands of ShamiMomo pics... why this one?
Oh right, a bunch of Ms dominate this site (pun intended).

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:32
joined Aug 26, 2018

Dancing kisses are secretly one of my fav things.

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:32
joined Aug 26, 2018

Well after that ending, literally anything is possible, so I guess we should not give up on this ship (yeah right).

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:31
joined Aug 26, 2018

Cute blondes are made for each other.

Image Comments 21 Apr 01:29
joined Aug 26, 2018

The one who started all that CCC mess. Hair is always so extra in this franchise.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hm... Hmmmm. Well it's not come to the worst case scenario I felt was about to happen. On the other hand Uta hasn't left yet. I shouldnt have read just one chapter again, it just leaves too many cliffhangers.

The "the role she wants for me is supposed to end here" part does go into the same vein of what I thought however. Something that gives Uta hope and will plant the seed for a reversal.

Either way I am positively surprised that both of them directly addressed the issue for once. Kaoru can still say more, but I wonder if she will ever confide that strongly in Uta without a huge push.

joined Aug 26, 2018

...... Up to date on all chapters now...... I pray for more anime, the story got pretty in depth and became more CGDCT at the same time + more characters (gonna miss the ansestue but happy at the result lol) only thing that's kinda bugging me, it sorta went off on a SOL tangent after the Sakura magical girl thing and they just dropped trying to find out what happened to daddy box.... maybe in later chapters shrugs

After finding out Sakura's location (inside Shamiko), they decided that protecting the city and improving Shamiko takes priority. Sakura will eventually be able to talk to Shamiko again, so they can still find out about what happened later. For now resolving conflicts or problems around town is their main focus. And along the way they keep learning new stuff and gaining allies, which will make solving Sakura's issue easier.

Daddy box doesn't matter to anyone in this story though. Not even Seiko lol

Loving Shamiko's character development from weak, living on 40,000 yen/month demon girl to the new confident boss who can do some awesome things with dream sludge cleaning.

She isn't actually confident though. She boasts and puts up a strong facade, the same way she did in the early chapters, only now she can get away with it, because her allies make up for her weaknesses.
You can tell her constant self-doubt. She still has a lot of growing to do.

Also, is this really still subtext? Shamiko and Momo have been doing some very suspiciously in-love things for each other...

On Mangadex it's now tagged yuri, but Dynasty's standards are a bit higher I guess... Maybe Yuri crush should be suggested at least?

last edited at Apr 20, 2020 2:36AM

Image Comments 20 Apr 02:10
joined Aug 26, 2018

You are just one of the more moderate mods. Long discussions on image sections (no matter its contents or tone) get nearly always deleted. The main reason apparently being that it clogs the image comments. This one got lucky.

Image Comments 19 Apr 15:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

It's probably best if you move this discussion to the official thread

The mods around here aren't exceptionally patient. If they didn't do anything about this they would actually be downright hypocrites. So it's better to try and avoid it.