Y'all are overthinking it with Touko IMO. Her epiphany with the play didn't magically make her altogether stop hating herself - it just opened her eyes to the possibility of not having to hate herself. She still isn't entirely convinced that she's worth loving, and she's still terrified that, to paraphrase her own words "saying you love me now just means that if I ever change you'll stop loving me, right?" She still loves Yuu and wants to be with her, but her own immaturity makes it hard for her to really understand that, and her profound fear of rejection in response to change has her too afraid (for the moment) to try and patch things up with Yuu - especially now that Yuu's (understandably) shut herself off and made things harder.
I think/hope Touko'll wind up getting a push from Riko/Miyako. Sayaka's got too much baggage to advise her properly and she knows it, but she might nudge Touko in the adults' direction. I definitely don't think Sayaka would make a move on Touko in this situation - she's gotta be able to tell that Touko isn't happy with this state of affairs and she respects Yuu way too much to do that to her while things are still weird like this.
I'd be stunned if Rei doesn't notice what's going on with Yuu and try to talk to her on that end. Maybe Koyomi too. I don't see Maki having much advice, his whole deal even aside from being aromantic/asexual is that he's much more comfortable spectating on other people's relationships than participating himself - I would think that would extend to advice too. Although I guess I could maybe see him going "hey Yuu I know you're telling yourself that you're aro to make this hurt less and all, but I know what aro is and you're not it." Can't see Doujima or Akari having much to say in this situation either, they're too tertiary, and after that we start really running out of characters that we actually know.
last edited at Oct 1, 2018 10:37PM