I liked this a lot. I don't typically like age-gap or student-teacher stories but maybe I am just a sucker for the lovey dovey stuff because this manga made me feel pretty good. It isn't your typical student-teacher story but it's a good play on it for sure. One notable complaint was that I wanted a stronger realization of their romantic feelings for each other. I did feel the connection, but it was a bit underwhelming.
Now I must rant. I was ready to right this story off as one of my favorites, but that thing with Hina absolutely destroyed all of it. It honestly ruined the story for me. It was completely unecessary and threw the whole story into chaos for me. Hina was a horrible person for doing that and Otome was far too forgiving, it really felt like Otome was cheating on Minato and it was a complete betrayal. The thought of Otome and Hina having sex never crossed my mind and I am positive they didn't. At the very least I am glad Otome refused to kiss her, but that was the only thing that redeemed her for me. I understand she did it to protect her relationship with Minato and there was no other way, but she could have given me a little more. I wish I could erase that chapter honestly. It never happened.
last edited at Mar 25, 2015 2:00AM