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joined Mar 20, 2014

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

There's a long history in anime and manga of two female characters telling each other "I love you," after which one or both hook up with a guy anyway. The issue is what happens after they say it, but this story just ends there. To me, that comes across as "so close, yet so far."

I'll also keep it at that. Yes, I'm annoyed, but hey, there's so much more to read out there.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 10:54AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

they are a couple now, how the hell did you interpret it otherwise??

No, they're not. The ending is just a weird roundabout way of telling they, yes, they will be best friends forever, but not as an actual couple.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

The issue is that this just feels like a complete cop-out after everything that came before. Sure, things have improved somewhat over the years, but it still sucks when a yuri romance smashes into the relationship ceiling that suddenly gets introduced for no good reason whatsoever. It's why I hated the ending of Marimite, yelled at my screen during the last episode of Aquatope, and why I dislike this one.

Well, at least it was over quick.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So the story ends with ... Hinako and Asahi becoming besties


Really, I thought Hinako's reluctance to be intimate with that guy in the beginning was because she was gay, not because she dislikes intimacy in general. What a weird resolution to an otherwise OK romantic story.

Well, another one done and dusted, I guess.

joined Mar 20, 2014

HEY also has this weird art style where everyone’s faces aren’t very emotive. The main character modeled after Ali from encouragement of the climb is his favorite so he puts more effort into her. She has much broader expressions so it’s kinda difficult to tell if they are dating or if things are awkward now.

Who is Ali? Do you perhaps mean Aoi? I guess Ibuki looks like her. Kind of.

The main issue with me that most characters in this story just seem off, Kamiina first and foremost. She started out lively and emotive, but over the chapters she turned into quite the weirdo. Is it her intention to play with people's feelings, or is all that alcohol starting to affect her brain? It doesn't make her all that sympathetic in my eyes, in any case.

The style also noticeably changed. The manga started out flowing and energetic, but has become more and more static over the chapters. I love how the author goes the extra mile to show off real-life locations (especially since I have seen many of those myself), but the rest is just ... dull.

Of course, trying to cram booze into almost every scene also doesn't do this manga any favors. I know drinking is the main theme, but I can't shake the impression of watching a bunch of alcoholics who should really try to get their lives back on track. Sure, that can be an interesting story, but it's not what I expected from how this started.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 7:49AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

So now what? They'll run into the mountains and fight each other to the bitter end?

last edited at Dec 7, 2022 9:27AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

What, a romance manga where characters actually sit down and talk? Na, can't be!

joined Mar 20, 2014

Dammit, Saori. Cut the girl some slack, will you?

joined Mar 20, 2014

I ask myself every chapter… why does this never happen to me?

You're not the main character in a Tamamusi manga?

joined Mar 20, 2014

Wow, either that Les Paul is super-sized, or those two are really tiny.

last edited at Dec 4, 2022 5:06PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

So they have to purchase those super-expensive clothes to wear for their work? Uhm.. how about NO? How about you provide those clothes to your employees if you want them to wear them? Better still, how about you give your employees generic store-clerk clothes that don't distract from the clothes you're selling?

last edited at Nov 21, 2022 12:23PM

School Zone discussion 13 Nov 11:14
joined Mar 20, 2014

Indefinite hiatus of School Zone, because she lost motivation.

And another one bites the dust...

joined Mar 20, 2014

Cute! It's a bummer that the anime is not going anywhere in that regard.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Some have fewer actually, down to only two in most members of the rather weird Caponiidae family.

Caponiidae are indeed weird, and we tend not to talk about them at parties.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Somebody should really explain to Kishi that spiders have eight eyes, not ten.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So after all this time of Matsuri fawning over Shiori the resolution is ... that they'll eventually become roomies.

Yeah, that was the grand finale I was hoping for. Good grief.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So, are they together now? I don't really get that vibe.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Holy schlamoly, this is boring. I mean, I am all for some surreal reality-bendy material, but this looks like the author had an acid trip and then decided to make a manga out of the bits and pieces they managed to remember. It all just happens, every time a plot seems to start it gets dropped the next chapter, and it doesn't help that the two main girls have the personality of stale milk.

The only reason I kept reading is because I like Girls' Last Tour (apart from the ending), so I kept hoping something interesting might happen at one point. But it just doesn't.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I find it mildly disconcerting how Mikanuji's universe is filled with emotionally stunted weirdos.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So with that in mind I find it perfectly in character for her to not feel like dealing with a hysteric, blubbering Adachi in that moment.

If you can't be bothered when a friend is clearly in pain then you're not much of a friend. So realistically things would be pretty much over at this point, and rightfully so.

joined Mar 20, 2014

For anyone that wonder why Shimamura sound quite cold in the end, some says that Adachi ranting are quite incomprehensible because of she was crying. The blue board usually showed this image

That makes it even worse. For all Shimamura knows Adachi could have been upset because something bad happened to her. Just think of talking to someone on the phone, and crying emotionally because your mom was involved in a severe car crash, and the person on the other side just goes "what a pain!" and hangs up. Really, I maintain that it is still not very Shimamura-esque to do that, and she could at least have Adachi calm down to explain what is going on.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I suppose a manga is really good if it makes different people hate one of the persons, but a different one to someone else, to the point they want to stop reading. I'm not sure if feelings of that much uncomfortable are a good thing for an artist to create, but it shows skill.

I disagree. The main problem I have with this story is that Adachi and Shimamura are clearly being made to behave in certain ways for dramatic effect, and not necessarily because it makes sense. Yes, Adachi was fascinated by Shimamura from the start, and it took quite a while to realize her own feelings. Shimamura, in turn, was always depicted as cautious, overly polite and somewhat baffled by the affection thrown her way by Adachi (and others). She never outright pushed Adachi away though, as she wondered about her own interest in that girl. It was subtle, sweet, sometimes heart-wrenching, but never dipped into straight-up melodrama.

Until now, that is. For some reason, the author deemed it fit to make have Adachi regress into a blubbering mess over Shimamura, and to turn Shimamura in a callous b*tch who just don't give a damn. None of this makes any sense within what was established about those two before, so what the heck happened?

Well, bad writing. That's what happened. My best guess is that the author simply has no clue how to prolong the subtle conflict and give any of the girls a convincing character arc. The "solution:" exaggerate the girls' personality traits the point of caricature. The result is a jarring mess that leaves me scratching my head, to say the least.

joined Mar 20, 2014

The thing is, those two options would require Shimamura to actually address the issue of Adachi's breakdown, which is asking for a bit too much given her own difficulties with facing anything remotely complicated, hard to blame anyone here.

Well, if she really cares for the girl then, yeah, that's what she should have done. Sometimes you need to overcome your own unease in order to do the right thing.

Shimamura is also constantly being portrayed as even-minded and polite (perhaps to a fault), so her going "what a pain" to someone who is obviously hurting just comes across as completely out of character, especially considering who she's talking to. Shimamura went from mildly bewildered interest in Adachi to "don't give a f*ck" with just a few words, and that's just ... weird.

Still, it's one thing seeing it written, but reading that "What a pain" in manga form hurt. I understood Adachi's immediate need to puke afterwards.

In reality this would also be pretty much the end. I, for one, would never be able to trust someone who did that to me ever again. Heck, I dislike Shimamura enough now to stop reading this altogether.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Shimamura lets Adachi ramble on for a long while without interjecting (or perhaps even listening), then says that one callous thing and ... hangs up. I realize Shimamura is likely annoyed or even freaked out by Adachi's massive breakdown (who wouldn't be), but I thought she liked Adachi enough to at least try to understand what the heck is going on. So something like "Hey, are you done? Can we talk for real now?" Or maybe "We'll talk later once you've calmed down a bit,." Those would still be very Shimamura-like responses and show that she has it together.

A level-headed Shimamura is fine with me. A heartless Shimamura... not so much.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Ah, they're in Otaru. I have been standing at that exact same spot where Sora and Ayaka tell their friends what's up (for anybody who cares: it's along the famous Otaru Canal).

Man, I miss Japan. I hope to get there soon!