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joined Dec 18, 2013

Once I heard about tentacles I of course was really disappointed, but after watching actual episode their screen time is so short they don't really matter. I feel like we are having deja vu from episode 4, where 10-20 seconds somehow ruined overall solid episode (and those 10-20 seconds still made sense and fit into situation). Actually, that fake rape scene make much more sense now since it was foreshadowing Mirei's strong-will and determination, so when after being absorbed, she breaks free from another illusion, it doesn't come out as out of nowhere or cliche thing (MC using his strong will to defeat bad guy/protect people close to him in order to break w/e he is trapped in)

Well said, and yes, in the end everything used through the series was mean to have a purpose on the final battle. A pretty neat showing of attention to the detail from the staff.

Yes. Illusion. Let's address those tentacles directly. I don't think they actually happen. Rather they were just a visualization of what is happening to them. After being absorbed, the Armed Virus was being sucked out of girls while they pretty much were half conscious and powerless, trapped inside Mamori's Arm form. Sure, they could pick anything else, and it was clear fanserivce (thought I wouldn't even really call it that, since as with fake rape, I felt discomfort rather than excitement watching it), but it was all just in their mind and tentacles just perfectly represented the state they were in. As a prove, once Mirei and Mamori releases every, they are still clothed. And honestly, can you imagine that little tentacle nest is actually inside Mamori? Me neither.

It also serves to have a definitive contrast between Mirei and Momoka use of Mamori. As we saw, the cure for the armed virus was to absorb it from its host but while Momoka was forcing the absorption to fuel her own interests, MireMamo was something tender and heartwarming.

The romance was perfectly fine for the genre. VD never promised to put main focus on it and what we got was the same amount we would get from any show with male protagonist. Usually in second season they expend on it more. First is for setting the setting and giving MCs chance to properly develop relationship and feelings. They didn't say cliche "I love you" in last episode, but it felt like they are pretty much here emotionally, they just never bothered to speak it out loud and why should they, since they reached 100% matching and basically become one with each other. They merged together and created new life form for a short time, so I'm pretty sure they know exactly how they both feel about each other at this point.

Indeed, their actions said more to me than a hundred of love confessions. And well, isn't like we got an actual confession on the show so is kind of a biased argument to judge MireMamo in basis to that.

I'm not sure it even need a second season though. To me it was perfectly satisfying ending that tied all loose ends. It is clear that all they are going to do now is go to cure everyone from Armed Virus and then return home. Showing it island by island and maybe all around world would be boring so just implying it is enough. So all that it leaves is dealing with Triple A, but aren't they basically powerless now? Especially since Mirei and Mamori can just disable any new Solders at will. So I don't really think there is enough material for second season.

They still have the artificial arms and if the enhanced soldiers are any indication, they could be more than a match for MireMamo. As for the other islands, I can see some characters refusing to get cured and even having a misunderstanding that could pit them against MireMamo, is even possible for the other main couples to achieve their own Valkyrie Drive as well.

So Enhanced, Solders etc. were modified in order to reach level of true Valkyrie Drive. Have to say, it was really overpowered xD

For all the complaints about the Valkyrie design, I found more hilarious that Momoka turned Mamori's sword into a freaking keyblade before sprouting jet boots to fly into the space. I mean, c'mon people, the Valkyrie was pretty subsided compared to that.

I liked that it wasn't just Mire and Mamori whooping the floor with Momoka, but it was group effort. Also I can't be the only one thinking that looked awesome @__@

Indeed, it was pretty awesome that everyone had a role to play in the final battle.

Also where it is shown that Lady Lady left fight before cure was used? Last time we see them is when they are helping deal decisive strike to Momoka and they wouldn't leave everyone just like that in the most crucial moment. If anything they would stay just to see it through. They had no idea that Mirei would manage to cure everyone around too. Also from what I understood, when Mirei and Mamori are ascending into sky, they are curing everyone on the island so even if Lady Lady did try to immediately run, they would still be reached. Sure they are not shown in final moments, but nowhere it is shown that they dodged being cured as well.

They remained in their final form after striking Momoka down and were never shown getting cured unlike all the other named characters and considering the attention to the detail the series has had it can't be a mere oversight.

Again, I watched this episode ready to be disappointed, but it actually defended itself alright. So with all that being said, I enjoyed this series much more than I expected, especially since I wasn't really waiting for it and just ended up tagging along randomly, but in the end, it was worth my time. Sure, I could nitpick stuff and some things could be expended/shown more. Still, for what we got, I think it deserves solid 8 out of 10.

Yeah, it was an appropiate finale for the show. Although now it's finished it leaves a hole in my heart ;_;

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm pretty sure their appearances on Siren are not canon.

Bhikkhuni's could be though

joined Dec 18, 2013

Hm ? What ? This can't be.

Lady Lady got away from the battlefield on their final form before MireMamo used the cure. While MireMamo themselves weren't affected by it, in fact, they intend to use their power to cure all the remaining islands before returning home

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, Valkyrie Drive ended today. Just like Senran Kagura before it, the show was a pretty standard shounen story all things considered but that was carried extremely well by its characters. Every character presented had a well defined arc and role to serve on the story. From Mirei finding a reason to live on Mamori, to Mamori coming to terms with new facets of her persona (and some that were clearly against what she was taught it was normal). Even the villians got their own arc!

Momoka was such a delightfully evil character and yet, she caught the hearts of all the fandom with her backstory and excellent seiyuu (Hitomi Harada clearly had lots of fun voicing what it was pretty much a lesbian expy of the Joker).

I can't ignore the fanservice since it was such a huge part of the concept and quite frankly, it was properly handled since it didn't cheapened the characters and (YMMV obviously) it fit within the outrageous premise and offered a pretty unique spin on the Magical Warrior Girl genre. The show is not for everyone but for anyone willing to endure the fanservice, is a pretty entertaining show.

The anime closed its plot in a satisfying way while at the same time planting the seeds for a sequel that I really hope it materializes in the near future. There's so much to explore within the setting.

So long Valkyrie Drive, it was a wild, wild ride.

Now to wait for the BDs!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Not all the girls

Lady Lady and MireMamo weren't cured

joined Dec 18, 2013

You know, I think I like more this style of drawing than Yohane's current style. Girls are still thin but they don't look phamelic.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Someone made a transcript of Episode's 1 commentary with Takaki, Kaneko, Iguchi and Izawa. Is an interesting read.

VDM BD 1 Audio Commentary, here we go. Reminder that this audio commentary is a special for first ep only, and that the people in the commentary were talking as they watched the first ep.

First is introduction, from Izawa, Iguchi, Kaneko and then ‘boobs lover, the big breast producer Takaki here’. Words of thank for buying the BD and other small talk. Both of the VA seems to be in charge of making sure that they would talk only about serious topic. Iguchi started by hoping that this commentary would delve further into the story and also able to share the creators’ passion. Izawa remind them that one of the purpose of this commentary is to share what is Valkyrie Drive to the people that doesn’t know anything about it and asked both Kaneko and Takaki to please explain it seriously, they said that they’re always serious, especially when it comes to boobs.

Iguchi said that this is actually the first time she met someone called ‘The Big Breast Producer’, turns out it’s actually just a title Takaki gave himself. Iguchi and Izawa asked to share the process of coming up with the story. Iguchi asked them how experienced they are with audio commentary. Takaki said that he’s Tokonome when it comes to this. Kaneko answer seriously that this is his first audio commentary, he also said that he’s very nervous. Unlike the radio where Iguchi calls Izawa ‘Mike-chan’, she normally calls her ‘Izawa-san’. Izawa have done audio commentary before, only one time though. ‘Tokonome ja nai!’ joke.

Izawa noted that the ‘Tokonome’ kanji is much bigger than she initially thought. In her script, she said that the name was small enough to be hidden by one hand. Iguchi add that it can’t be helped, it is a gym uniform. Then Izawa ask who came up with the ‘Tokonome’ name. Kaneko said that falls to Kuroda, the main writer. He said Kuroda handle the details while he focused on the upper level management and boobs. Izawa also asked Takaki how he came up with Bhikkhuni charas’ name. Takaki said he tried to give them names with flower theme. Iguchi the asked them who came up with the premise of girls turning to weapon and fight. Kaneko said he’s here for the boobs, meaning the premise is someone else idea, he didn’t mentioned any names though. Then Iguchi asked them about their favorite character. Kaneko’s favorite are Mirei and Mamori, he also said that he see two of them as one, as they are inseparable. Izawa thought that Kaneko was going to say N-cup. Iguchi forgot which chara have N-cup and Kaneko answers it immediately that it’s J. Takaki said that it’s very confusing to call someone that has N-cup ‘J’.

Kaneko said that both Mirei and Mamori are quite hard to draw. For Mirei that’s because her hair is too long, usually they would avoid giving ridiculously long hair to a character but Kaneko did it anyway because he love it. For Mamori is the eyes that is hard to draw. Kaneko said he received complaints from animator saying that Mamori’s eyes are difficult to draw. Then they turn to Takaki and asked him about his favorite chara. Takaki said that he was about to answer Mirei but then it overlapped with Kaneko. Beside Mirei he said he likes this operator girl. He said he likes glasses girl. No one but Kaneko heard that part so they all thought that Takaki likes a mob operator A. Only after Kaneko confirm whether he said glasses or not that they know he meant Kasumi. Guess he don’t know much about Mermaid.

Kaneko said that he tried to make sure that all of the action doesn’t seem weightless. He tried to make the action to look more realistic but in the end it still looked unrealistic with the flashiness. Then they got to Charlotte first nipslip. Iguchi is the first one to notice the nipslip, Kaneko said that Charlotte’s boobs movement animation was a craft only a master can do. Takaki note wouldn’t those kind of things hurt? Kaneko said that Charlotte was supposed to be a character with few screw loose, so she didn’t really care about that. Izawa said during recording she thought Charlotte to be the most guarded character, that she doesn’t really let others to see herself. Both Iguchi and Izawa were quite surprised by the amount of skin Charlotte exposed compared to other character. Iguchi add that there aren’t many show where we can see acting from boobs. Takaki questioned how would boobs act. Iguchi said that the boobs in VDM were very expressive.

Iguchi said the scene that leaves a lasting impression in her was in first ep drive scene, where Mirei looked at Mamori’s boobs very seriously. Kaneko said that Mirei in that moment were half of himself. Izawa said they pay extra attention to detail for the boobs movement. Like when they were recording, they receive lots of instruction to add a moan or two whenever the boobs jiggle. Same with sound effect. Kaneko said by adding those little details it could help the animators to draw better boobs jiggle.

Iguchi like Meifon for her wide range of expression, compared to other character, she seems much more expressive. Then she asked Kaneko whether he spent more effort to make sure that Meifon stay expressive. Kaneko said not at all. He said it’s fun to draw character making faces especially when it fits their personality.

Izawa really likes the Feste Castle design and asked Kaneko whether he came up with it, Kaneko bluntly said that he’s here only for the boobs, and that the design were up to the art director aesthetic. Originally the castle design were much leaner. There’s so much jiggling boobs in the show they kinda wish someone would count how many jiggles they have per episode. While talking about jiggling, Izawa asked Takaki about Bhikkhuni’s jiggling. Takaki said that of course they jiggle. Iguchi asked can the player touch them and Takaki answer of you can. Takaki said they tried to do whatever they can within the limit to make sure the boobs are perfect.

Izawa said that the S&M couple are very nice, Iguchi were taken aback. ‘Nice?That?!’. Izawa said that Mirei and Mamori have clear strong-weak balance, or in other words its clear who is the uke and who is the seme. Iguchi got very excited in this part. So she found the S&M couple that have similar balance with MireMamo and yet quite different to be interesting. Iguchi agrees, she also thought that the S&M couple drive scene to be impactful. Kaneko said that the moment the girl turned into an arm is different for each girls. Some might transform quietly and other can be intense like M Girl. He said he let the one that came up with the arm concept to do as he please while he focus on the boobs.

Iguchi got quite excited when MireMamo kiss. ‘Good, its very good’. Kaneko praises Iguchi with her ‘Fusion trance’ line. Saying that she sounds very cool while looking very seriously at nipples. Takaki said the way it glows kinda looks like E.T. and Kaneko joked that he actually used E.T. as inspiration for that part. Kaneko said that he was scolded by his superior with his original plan for that scene, so he have to change it. Originally, they didn’t drive inside pink atmosphere and Mamori’s face were not as comical, and more lewd. The MireMamo drive scene was supposed to be like S&M couple, where they just do lewd stuff and turn into arm, not in special pink vision thing.

After turning back to person Iguchi asked why is Mamori’s bra are like that, Kaneko said that so that it follows the reality. Like, to show that the drive scene truly happened in front of those crowds and not just a dream sequence. Iguchi asked them who came up with the ending because it doesn’t have the intensity the main story has. Kaneko said he was quite troubled deciding the ending visual, but the ending song creator gave him few advice. Iguchi and Izawa said that the chibi design in the ending is very cute and wished that they would make more merch with them. Iguchi add that she also want a mini-series like those 5 minutes show staring these chibi charas, but without the ecchi. Kaneko won’t be needed and Iguchi immediately add that ‘ecchi, let’s make it ecchi anime too’.

They have few seconds left and asked Kaneko and Takaki is there anything else they wanted to add. Kaneko said he already said oppai couple of times so he’s satisfied with it. Same with Takaki. And that’s it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Hmm, certainly one of Mira's weakest works. Still cute though

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh no Oh no Lyrics

Just a single message
Wait, did you think you can settle it just like that?
You haven’t given me enough reason, right?

Ah, don’t break promises so easily
I’ve been protecting it desperately
And it makes me look like an idiot, hey

In my favourite shoes
Running with all my might
Firing the electric wave gun

Oh No, Oh No
This is impossible
Oh No, Oh No
Can’t forgive this

Stop messing around
And show me the truth
Oh No, Oh No

First gentle, but sharp
A blow to the temple with words
That’s not enough to defeat, right?

Ah, just flourishing for showing off’s sake, bye bye
Did you think I would really forgive you like that? Hey, hey

You can trick me
With cheap perfume, but
Don’t get me involved

I say
Oh No, Oh No
The best of the worst
Oh No, Oh No
Don’t let me say it again

Enough with the jokes
Show me your true voice
Oh No, Oh No

If I have flaws
Then let me know, but
This and that are different things

In my favourite shoes
Running with all my might
Just fire the electric wave gun

Oh No, Oh No
This is impossible
Oh No, Oh No
Can’t forgive this

Stop messing around
And show me the truth
Oh No, Oh No

Oh No, Oh No

Momoka clearly has gotten over Mirei, clearly.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Very cute but for an ending it kind of left something to desire.

Citrus discussion 25 Dec 14:19
joined Dec 18, 2013

The timing of the release couldn't be more ironic. Volume 4 (that ends with this chapter) hit stands this week.

last edited at Dec 25, 2015 2:20PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Some interesting stuff about Mamori's character song

Iguchi lied when she said that TOKONOME the song is devoid of any explicit content. That or she never listened the second half of the song.

I'm 100% virgin but it feels so good that those things don't matter anymore. My lips, and my breast...
If only I can be more honest with my feeling I would be able to fall in love easier by just going around with the flow like a princess.
Baba-virgin road Tokonome is getting turned on
Being loved by right hand, left hand, and from those eyes, I'm melting
It's okay even if the partner is a woman
As you watch over me once I closed my eyes and bring our body closer and let our lips met both my soul and body will be yours

joined Dec 18, 2013

Omg this was too cute. I have a feeling that something like that would happen.

So I guess that's means if they were actually having sex she would turn into a sword. That could be really problematic and dangerous. Haha

Good thing for Mirei that Mamori's arm form has a hilt.

Or you know, Mamori could be topping Mirei instead

joined Dec 18, 2013

Yeah. in higher quality

joined Dec 18, 2013

By the way, an awesome /a/non ripped the OVA on HD

joined Dec 18, 2013

Siren might get some cash in...Bhikkhuni is around 40k(according to vgchartz)

Is higher actually

[PSV] Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni # (Marvelous) {2015.12.10} (¥7.538) - 7.173 / 47.890 (-82%)

joined Dec 18, 2013

Regardless, I hope the fact VD is a multimedia franchise helps to get a second season made. ;_;

joined Dec 18, 2013

I thought it was general knowledge that the relationship between mind and body goes both ways?

That's how we have stuff like phantom pain and pavlov's conditioning

joined Dec 18, 2013

CharlottexKasumi duet from the radio. Beat Magic.

Charlotte taking the lead
Kasumi is unwilling but unconsciously move her body
Charlotte 'don't stop moving'
Kasumi trying to keep calm but doesn't hate this 'new feeling'

joined Dec 18, 2013

One of the best chapters in a long while

joined Dec 18, 2013

Perfect for me

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sunday is perfect for me, so I'll be fine with any of your suggestions Lune

joined Dec 18, 2013

As long is in weekend, I'm game for any time.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Blondie here was bit of an ass.