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I desperately want a chapter from Shiori's point of view.
"...You want me to stay here so you can meet up with a person you knew from high school, because you want to hit on her and get rejected? ...uh, okay, I guess?"
"So, she didn't remember you and didn't reject you, and now you're immersed in a complex psychodrama involving at least three other women?"
"Uh, and she still hasn't rejected you, and also now she's living with you...?"
Think it's more like "I like you but I can't be a realistic partner, at the moment. I'm hung up on a lack of closure with this other person from my past (and have been using it as an excuse for my own issues). I'm finally going to get that closure so I can move on. If you're still willing to wait for me I'll call you."
I'd be surprised if Mahiro is involved in the drama much after this.
last edited at Jan 16, 2023 9:22PM
Ahhh fuck, insecurity time because she's never learned that there's a difference between positive and toxic relationships, has she.
Her friend is just jealous and annoyed. I would not call it toxic but...teenagers.
Said this somewhere else also but, I agree:
At least one friend feels neglected, which is fair. It's just the way she's handling it that's unproductive.
They could just talk it out but they might feel like they shouldn't have to do that. I think they feel slighted because of what her leaving represents: she's naturally/unconsciously stopped hanging out with them as much, for someone else (who they see as another friend); and that might make them feel left behind and unvalued. Hence the hurt, jealousy, and irritation. They could talk with her about it but it might feel to them like they shouldn't have to talk with an old friend about not dumping them for a new acquaintance. That's part of how these cycles of bad communication can start ("I could do it/say it but I shouldn't have to" comes up in a lot of relationship situations).
last edited at Jan 15, 2023 9:22AM
... I mean, sorry but what do these screens are supposed to prove? Yeah that's no surprise that Maho knows about Kaede (since apparently Nanami blabbed about her to her ex-boyfriend all the time), the absurd part that I was replying to here is that Maho is now supposed to be Kaede's "stalker fan" and tries to date Nanami just so Kaede can focus on her manga :P There is absolutely no basis for any of this, and there is a way more straightforward explanation.
If you're reffering to what you said earlier (Maho telling Nanami's boyfriend about her being lesbian) I would agree this one is possible, it's just unproven.
Some have been headcanning/assuming a lot of negative stuff about Maho that hasn't been hinted at or shown yet. Not really sure why. There's enough sudden drama as it is. Shes not really done anything besides show up. Even her hearing info about Nanami and her roommate situation isn't shown and that particular event could have happened during a normal gossiping conversation at the college that then led Maho to reach out to Nanami again after seeing a potential opportunity to reconnect and confess.
Then considering that Maho is the one who surely passed the word to Nanami's boyfriend that she was probably a lesbian in relationship in high school or college...
I wouldn't say there is anything sure about it, Maho apparently learned this from the ex herself in Hakata, she could have easily told this to more people
Yeah, I don't think Maho's done anything so far to worry about. She's very clear, straightforward, and not too pushy. She says who she likes, presents herself as dependable, and doesn't even talk badly about Kae to do so. This chapter shows more of that. Now, she's clearly left Nanami with a choice and says she'll accept her decision (and she does this while making it clear to Nanami that she'll be alone with Kae for the first time in a while. So she's allowing Nanami to sort out her feelings). I honestly think she's been great and in any other situation would be a good pairing (with less initial turmoil).
last edited at Jan 12, 2023 9:07AM
So, in the end we'll have resigned Koyuki x Maho on the left, and happy Kaede x Nanami on the right? (I really hope I end up wrong)
Well, we kind of know how one pair ends up, guess we'll have to see about the others. If things go as expected, I think Koyuki can get over it, as hers seems so sudden. Compared to Koyuki though, Maho seems to have had this crush for a longer time though, so might be more difficult to get over if things end up badly.
last edited at Jan 11, 2023 3:26PM
at this point she should just sigh and start undressing
Right. Just get it done all at once and call it a day.
I don't see any realistic chance of Nene and Sumika ending up together after everything that happened, unfortunately. It's to be expected that Kanoko will start to have feelings for her at some point during their fake relationship, although her current self is far from deserving someone like Sumika.
My response:
I've felt it for a bit and especially after this chapter.
It's possible someone is trying to rekindle Sumika and Nene's relationship through Kanoko. Nene is basically being made to go through the same thing she put Sumika through. It's possible this parallel is intentionally meant to force Nene's hand in the same way Nene thought her trist with Youko would force Sumika's hand in the past.
last edited at Jan 7, 2023 6:59AM
If anything I'd expect Aria to regain her mortality and aging somehow (if it's a happy ending). That seems like the only narrative conclusion that satisfies a list of themes and desires introduced in the manga up to now. I don't really think Ichika's turning into a Lilu is a serious narrative thread but a misdirect. Lilu life is not presented as happy or desirable. Everything Aria has desired is to escape it. Her first desire and the narratives first introduced goal is her death and an aging mortal body would grant a delayed inevitable death presumably after a life with Ichika (which is Ichika's actual desire). Literally anything could happen to the others. Could be wrong though, the series does well having enough narrative threads that the writer can choose many different directions and have them work.
last edited at Jan 7, 2023 6:02AM
For a story that started out with a formerly unrequited love becoming mutual, I wanted to see these two explore their relationship more, not fight over a love triangle. Could've given it a few chapters to breathe.
Yeah it's all happened very quickly and is part of why it seems abrupt. Normally this stuff happens after a bit.
But the author did introduce this trouble right from the first chapter so who knows if this mess is the main focus of the story.
It seems like her sister is the elephant in the room and this triangle seems intended to force a discussion of this mystery sister and the impact she's had on others.
I think both women are interested in each other because they see each other as representations of a person they loved and admired but can no longer reach. For one, it's mistaken romance and I think Ritsu just wants to connect with someone who's a stand in for her sister. I don't think Ritsu views it's romantically (but we'll see next chapter).
The drama hasn't been done well but it feels like this is what the author is attempting? (If that's ends up as the case the story should have centered this sister issue from the start to help with reader expectations). That also might be a charitable, interpretation. It wouldn't totally surprise me if this situation is just dropped (even though this sister stuff clearly needs to be focused on based on the build up).
last edited at Jan 2, 2023 4:34PM
This smells like NTR shit. Not interested.
I guess this aged well...
Most of these stories have drama. It's way too early to say it's NTR unless every story with (possibly brief) relationship drama and love triangles are NTR now. That person dipped at the slightest touch of drama. I don't know how I'd read any series of I jumped ship that early.
last edited at Jan 2, 2023 1:29PM
Why would she expect the trip to be anything other than an orgy?
Hilarious and true! She's in all kinds of denial.
But her texting Yamada and telling her to delay just breaks that line of speculation completely.
All in all, I feel like I can almost understand what the chapter tried to do, but a single panel throws the scale and proportions completely off. This is definitely not something you can read as a serious romance story, at this point, it's just the same stuff you'd typically see in high school romcoms.
Yes I agree with this wholeheartedly. That panel is the largest issue with this chapter and undermines any attempts to create something salvageable.
Not that I want to fight you, but you're missing a lot. We have plenty of evidence that Fukami has a massive crush on Kase. Fukami doesn't know Kase is taken, even less that she is already preparing to pretty much marry Yamada. From Fukami's POV Kase is leaving her—a friend—to live with some other girl who is also a friend. And this is a catastrophe for her because it'll make her lose her only special bond with Kase (roommates) and her best chance to worm her way into Kase's heart. If Fukami knew what really is going on, she wouldn't act like that.
I agree. I'm not as annoyed by the friends or even Fukami. It's not their fault. Kase is the only one making the situation worse (not confident about what Senpai actually knows). The friends think it's normal, playful teasing; and Fukami has a crush on a person, who to her is a single woman who is moving out suddenly, potentially severing their early relationship. It's Kase who has made the situation so crazy, and it's her who is postponing things with her significant other over a random race. She could tell them that Yamada is a close, best friend (or even childhood friend) with whom she's had plans with since before college. Instead, we have this.
last edited at Dec 29, 2022 4:35PM
That's how much this chapter's ending annoyed me and I love this series and author's work.
Yeah, it feels like the author is still treating these characters like their freshman in high school when they are adults now. They've been aged up and it's like the writer is a parent who still views their adult kids as children.
She is literally prioritizing a girl she has known for less than a year and always had a rough relationship with over her girlfriend of years.
What's worse is this will likely not be used for real earned drama. It'll just be a small sad moment and Kase will make a quick joke about the situation and that'll be it.
What the hell?? Oh my gosh. If I received a text from my girlfriend telling me to postpone the plan that the both of us has been planning for long, I'm gonna cry so hard. That choice is so unfair to Yamada. Wtf. T.T
And we just know that the next chapter won't be the race. It'll probably drag out for another 4 months.
This is the type of arc that changes my perception of the entire series.
I can't imagine putting a disgruntled friend over my significant other. It's one thing to accept this nonsense race out of guilt, it's another to text Yamada and actually postpone the move and the buying of the apartment. That's just so absurd. What happens after the race is irrelevant. The fact of postponing the move is already such a slap in the face to Yamada, it's crazy. And what if they lose that apartment? How is she going to explain this to Yamada? Certainly, she'll lie. It's crazy. Of course, she'll still move whether she wins or loses the race but the damage is done. I honestly thought that at least she would humor the race but would continue with the move. Maybe she would just try and do both for the month and pretend that she was still living in the dorms. But this is wild.
last edited at Dec 29, 2022 12:51PM
Karin is pure Reiwa. She's not about all these played-out tropes. They're both in college and attracted to each other? Asks her out. This chapter there is potential for Mei to think it's all just acting? Clarified that her feelings are real and not acting. If Karin were the only player, this story would end immediately, and I respect that immensely.
I agree Karin has been the most clear about her feelings and intents. There's not mystery with her. She likes Mei. She tell her. She asks her out. For that I also like her the most.
I'd disagree about Riri. Besides Karin, only Riri has been featured in almost every chapter (I think she's appeared in more chapters than the other ladies). Honestly, if it wasn't for this last chapter Kaoru would be close to last place.
I do like Kaoru but to me, she doesn't feel like she has much of a chance. I think the issue is her personality doesn't fit Mei's that well. It could be her overly aggressive attitude or the sense she represents but I don't see them working, especially when compared to Karin.
I do agree that the last page did give ntr vibes. I'm also curious how Mei will react now that she's been kissed twice. I can see her comparing and contrasting both of their kisses and thinking about how she felt for each. When she kisses Karin during the play it'll be interesting, since it'll be the same setup as her kiss with Kaoru here.
I agree. I think the "positions" of the ladies are determined by how Mei feels, reacts, and treats them. It doesn't feel like Mei really lingers on any one of them specially compared to the others yet. Yeah, she has some physical contact but she reacts in that moment and then easily shifts into fawning over the next girl with no issue. I don't personally think anyone is on a distinct level yet. Some have more contact but that hasn't led to Mei's feeling more secure or attached or confident in her feelings.
I also agree with the Riri push. If any of the author's decisions seem suspect regarding who might be a "favorite" it would be Riri's constant appearances and being the first (even though she hasn't been able to do much). But it's also the fact that she's been positioned in the most sympathetic way and continues to be. The fact that she's given less to do so far might indicate that when it's her time it's the latter half of the series, and that might say something about her role. Something like "all the others get their shot and yet Riri is always there." But we'll see. There's a harem route obviously possible too so there are a lot of possibilities and nothing has been fully tipped off yet.
I think she assumes it's Kosame because of the bus scene a couple chapters ago. On this past page
(Maybe Yuzu noticed then too and felt a similar bit of jealously?, would make that hand touching panel funny to revisit later).
I also do agree with the theory that Yuzu is going through similar issues like Minami. I feel like they're both doing (trying to do) the same things in their own ways.
last edited at Dec 14, 2022 11:57AM
can't believe I got baited by expecting a bait, and this is actually the real thing
Right? The whole time I was waiting for something to interrupt or for Evie not to respond for whatever reason.
Alright I didn't expect the twist, but I can't help but think that was dumb. And why did Claire even go through with this dumb battle over her again, she couldn't be more clear on the first one that she doesn't appreciate being an object of the bet. Tell them both to piss off and go hang out with prince Thane or something.
Yeah, this arc wasn't the best in the LN either but there you at least had more context and understanding for Rei's thinking (plus some extra lines from Claire). At least it's done and things move on from here.
Its not about who, but rather HOW does a sock randomly appear in the kitchen?! For all I know, socks do not just slip from your feet...
I mean they find ways to always disappear somehow--wouldn't surprise me if they slip off and go on their way. This one must have stalled in the kitchen, toy story style.
That "normal" is bs is what I'm saying, for Manaria, is okay to get away with anything she does, even betting for Claire's company and she was gifted with all the powers to do so, and she won't be questioned at all, because of the settings, Rei is the villain now and no one doubts it, Claire notices something is very wrong but the though of asking Manaria didn't cross her mind, is all on Rei obviously even if they talk about it later in detail, is still really awful to watch... And what's worse, Manaria probably has 0 regrets, in fact I bet she's thinking "she's such a coward, good thing I'm here to help!"
Remember that the chapter ends before we've had time with Claire and Manaria. It's far too early to comment on how Claire is treating Manaria after hearing what Rei said. All we see is Claire literally crying because Rei left her (on her own, mind you). I think we can't just absolve Rei of responsibility for pushing Claire away here. Manaria can only do so much on her own and this "game" is all in Rei's head. Claire hasn't given any reason to assume she favors Manaria over Claire. That is all in Rei's head and she lashed out at Claire because of it.
Responding to this:
Rei gets heavily hurt, badmouthed, humiliated and throw aside and on top of that Manaria who plotted the whole thing keeps shitting on her but Rei is the one who take all the blame.. Manaria gets away with 0 repercussion and Claire doesn't suspect a thing, they both made a bet but the one to blame is Rei only... This is beyond bullshit, is fucking trash, it takes me out of the immersion completely.
That's not what happens. How the school views the event is normal. Manaria is popular and Rei is not. That's how things go. As for Claire, she clearly didn't side against Rei. She wanted to talk with Rei and even told Manaria to leave them to speak privately. She asked Rei what had been happening and was concerned for her mental state. Then it was Rei who lashed out and quit. Rei did so out of insecurity of course but I don't see how we can say that Claire did anything odd.
last edited at Dec 4, 2022 10:53AM