Every time the Christmas special would come on, it would pain me to see my mom choke up when Linus spews the church-sanctioned "Christmas story" that has nothing to do with reality. I'm glad Apple's continued quest in the name of greed prevented both of them from poisoning more children's minds this year on broadcast TV.
I mean the "reality" of Jesus's birth is a thing headaches are made of, since obviously nobody important actually took notice at the time and the relevant parts of New Testament canon (Luke and Matthew) were written seventy-plus years later, but the basic outlines of the family's travel narrative are plausible and details check out against recorded events. Notably Herod the Great who died in 4 BCE - the Census of Quirinus only happened 9 years later so Luke dun goofed, though that sort of gaffe can be excused given the temporal distance and having to rely pretty heavily on oral tradition.
The history of the actual celebration actually starts fairly late (it's first recorded in 336 CE) and is... pretty complicated which really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. Nor that Everyone & Dog, Inc. put their own spin on it not at all coincidentially usually drawing heavily on local pagan traditions of winter solstice celebration.