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joined Aug 16, 2014

On Goodreads it lists 12 books for Music of the Soul.

[...] there are 13 books in that series [...] there will be 13 books in the London Harmony series as well

That's some really prolific writer you have there, even for romance.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Finally finish'd it. I like how unprepared I was for the ending... I mean, it had that uneasiness since the start, but I liked how it escalated throughout. Feels like a train just hit my chest. HURTS SO GOOD

joined Aug 16, 2014

So how many chapters are left?

Wasn't this currently ongoing?

joined Aug 16, 2014


[...] some have guro.

That must be why I remember Shintaro Kago. Strange thing that I could somehow tell it was from a guro artist. I also enjoy some ero-guro, so that may not be a big problem. Assuming his works are like Shintaro Kago's or Suehiro Maruo's, I'm okay.

And thanks for saying Shintaro Kago, his mangas seen interesting.

How come you don't know Shintaro Kago =O
The guy is awesome! I recommend Blow up and Abstraction... My favorites of his.

last edited at Jul 25, 2015 10:44PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I remember seen that before, from what manga is that?

Reverse image search tells it's from Short Cuts, by Usamaru Furuya. I had no idea this was actually from a manga... Also, for some strange reason, everytime I see this pic, I remember of Shintaro Kago...

joined Aug 16, 2014

I can't believe I had not read this yet. I'm really enjoying this...
Also: this manga definitely has one of the best titles ever.

joined Aug 16, 2014

am i the only one got koufuku grafiti and citrus vibe from this?

I also thought of Citrus while reading it. Hopefully, there won't be cheap melodrama in this one

joined Aug 16, 2014

... I liked this. It seems I'm really growing fond of the Food tag.

last edited at Jul 24, 2015 8:52PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

How does that work? What's my user id and what do I do with it?

Your user id'd be 15802 (you can find it after "user_id=" on said link under your avatar). You can just click the link on whoever and change the id into yours or just type id), whatever is easiest atm. It's not exactly what you want, but should at least save you the time of searching for one of your posts. You can also just bookmark the link.

last edited at Jul 24, 2015 6:20PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

There doesn't seem to be a convenient way to find your own posts. When I want to go to my posts (e.g. to see if someone replied) I have to find a post I remember making and then click on the link under the avatar there to find the rest.

In the meantime, it may be easier/useful to learn your user id, if you just want to find your posts.

Image Comments 23 Jul 21:43
joined Aug 16, 2014

All we know about vampires in AT is based on Marceline, they didn't show a normal vampire yet so we don't know how much her demon blood makes her different [...]

Don't we know what are the demon powers, tho? I think there're other demons, I remember at least her father appearing some time.
Also: Nevri, I'm not a regular watcher, but Bubblegum seems to have a bigger presence in the show since mc used to have a crush on her.

Image Comments 23 Jul 19:15
joined Aug 16, 2014

Not to mention we're talking about the common type of vampire [....]

Marcie herself wouldn't be this one, since iirc, she feeds on the color red?

Image Comments 23 Jul 18:43
joined Aug 16, 2014

The way I understand it, whatever you were before wouldn't matter: a human becomes a vampire, not a vampire/human, so a demon/human hybrid would still be a demon/human hybrid... Except now it'd suck blood and such.
Of course, I've barely watched AT, so I have no idea how this is supposed to work there.
Also, what'd be exactly the tiers of a supernatural scale?

Image Comments 23 Jul 18:24
joined Aug 16, 2014

Is it even possible for a demon to become a vampire?

Why not? If it can be bitten, it can be turned, I guess? Assuming it's the bite that turns, of course

Image Comments 23 Jul 18:05
joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] half human/demon before becoming a vampire, or is she technically a half vampire/demon

Wouldn't that make her 50% human, 50% demon, 100% vampire?

joined Aug 16, 2014

p.10 I thought she was going to "clean" Kobayashi like a dragon.

You're not alone.

joined Aug 16, 2014

What the fuck am I reading?

Also: what kind of pervert eats the panties but shows no love for what they're covering? That's criminal! xD

joined Aug 16, 2014

I don't know about this separating thing... I don't think you can do that. Hiro's the program, but not only the program (kinda like people are biology and more).

And let's be honest. Chika wants Hiro to love her back. She doesn't want special relationship. She wants love.

I'd say special relationship may be love, but maybe not the kinda that Chika understands (or wants).

My points is that this series is why more realistic and serious about robots learning how to feel (...)

Agreed, that's why this is really good, haha.

last edited at Jul 14, 2015 3:33PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

It is also worth to notice that Chika is special only because of the twist. [...] You can say that Chika becoming Chika tag is either coincident that could happen to anyone

That's kinda pointless; both of these happened, and the fact is that a program did somehow discriminate something as "more interesting" or whatever. That's exactly why I say it's irrelevant why it happened (i.e.: "only" the program). You may say it's not love/feeling (which kind of love?), but there's obviously a relationship of some kind that is different from, say, Hiro and their classmates, Hiro and the scientists or Hiro and strangers.

I think it's pretty simple too. To Hiro, Chika was something that was one of the kind, so she was forced to create separate category just for her. It makes sense that category would be named after her.

Exactly. There're no other categories for people of Chika's age, nor do any of them belong to "Chika category".

joined Aug 16, 2014

I don't think it being part of the program detracts in any way from the fact the Chika is special to Hiro. The way it works is irrelevant (it is for people, why not for robots?). Also, the objective of the program may be to manage data better, but I think it's very significant that the category is not "non-adult, non-child", but "Chika" and contains "all things Chika".

joined Aug 16, 2014

It's getting even better than I expected ♥

joined Aug 16, 2014

Still, as usual the book is better than the movie [...]

I liked the movie very much, so I guess I'll still read the book (eventually, my french still sucks).

If you really interested in her writing, try Apocalypse Baby [...]

I'll keep an eye on this one too, maybe I'll try it first. It'll depend on which one I happen to put my hands on first.

joined Aug 16, 2014

As for Bye Bye Blondie, if the movie is a yuri, the novel isn't; it's an het romance. The author changed the sex of "Blondie" (Éric became Frances) between the publication of the novel and the making of the movie.

Wha.. Really? Damn, I loved the movie and was really looking forward to reading the book...

joined Aug 16, 2014

Watched another relevant movie, Anatomy of a Love Seen. Word of warning: this is not romance, but what happens after it. Its concept is kinda interesting, but the movie's very slow-paced (to me, at least). The fact that it all happens basically in one day and only inside a film set may have something to do with it.
Also, what's up with the last scene? Talk about a pointless, silly creative decision...

Image Comments 12 Jul 22:27
joined Aug 16, 2014

^ Maybe she doesn't like cosplay. Or maybe she wanted to be Homura.