La duchesse de Pecquigny, banned for a month for evading the previous warning by commenting further on a closed issue, and editing the previously deleted image into your post from September 12th. Don't do it again.
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Thread has been cleaned of all off-topic posts after September 13th. Your post being removed does not inherently mean you have done anything wrong, but this step appears necessary given the current climate of this thread.
One response from InMyFlesh to Purple Library Guy has been preserved at the bottom of this post. Responses to the preserved post will be considered off-topic and follow the guidelines below.
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InMyFlesh posted:
I feel like I'm being misrepresented a fair amount in these posts, which seem fairly clearly to be referring in part to something I said.
Hiya, taking up Orange's offer to reply to you! I've been pretty busy since last night, but from what I can see, yeah, Cogito covered it—my pain came from those other posters who were super offensive. Now do I disagree with you about pigeonhole-ing, sure! It's not a reason to fight though, and obviously it should be fine for both of us to say whether we think a character is a certain way or not, no biggie. It's when we try to sit on each other's opinions in a dominating or toxic way, which crosses the line for me. I'd love it if conflicting ideas here could be expressed as "hey man, I totally respect that, but I have a different opinion that I also want to express". Not hard to be cool and happy. I know we all get overwhelmed and dark a bit sometimes, but there isn't ever room for what those other guys were saying in any form of communication. It was really hurtful, and I'm not sure why anyone tried piling up on Cogito after that because they (unsure on Cog's gender) handled it all pretty decently from what I remember. I'm really thankful for them (and you) for trying your best to stay chill when things could have turned emotional charged (others still have some learning to do, but that's life!!). Let's put this conversation behind us and cherish the beloved lesbians?
Did I do okay, Orange? I've been taking some trainings in deescalation (a couple of my uni classmates are racist as shit, so been trying to make things better for everyone before they ruin our whole semester) and I'm hoping I did the right thing here? I also followed my heart, but I fuck up a lot too, so it's always good to check with someone else.
You did okay. Thanks.
last edited at Oct 12, 2022 9:37PM