that is a teenager ma'am!
Father really went and said "job's a job, respect the grind"
if there's a well established niche then someone's bound to fill it, even if it's in blood money; whole thing seems a bit convoluted though
"if I can't have it then nobody will " childish secret group leaders
now in ze drama
《^•ﻌ•^》_____/) 《}~~{》~《《》
poor priest lol
I stand by my statement more than ever after his surprise dentistry
peanut butter and jealous
like a lamb to a wolf's mouth
This is an out-of-place vibe but I guess that gal has always been...frisky...
lmaooooo called it
I like the maid but I don't like the adult (?) drooling after a middle schooler; maybe she's in high school...?
this chapter is hilarious
I really like the character growth this series offers, especially considering I wasn't expecting any to begin with
gal looks a bit like a third wheel there based on her expression
I have mixed feelings about the ending but I've had mixed feelings about the beginning, middle, and premise so what else is new
was this supposed to be funny? because it mostly felt kinda off
would love to see a series about this
man it's been a while since I've last seen family guy
not as terrible as I was fearing for the tags listed; maybe they could probably work it out?
cute art and cuter story
I want a sequel or epilogue following these two...qwq
poor risa
this is pretty good
senpai has and is a great ass