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joined Nov 12, 2020

Well, the title is already untrue

Considering she didn't consent,the blood sucking rape still makes the tittle true.

Whether she resists further or ends up starting a new fetish is left to be seen,as per the premise of this series.

The ghosts,though,one wonders how they got there.

That word is unnecessary. There are better words.

Otherwise, I would say that they are the ghosts of other maids who have come across the Secret and lived in the mansion all their lives. But timeline-wise it doesn't seem to make sense.

There are no better words to describe the opposite of consent.

That word is necessary.

joined Nov 12, 2020

People be saying Ayaka made the wrong move...YOU'RE ALL WRONG!

Knowing that the rumours started by the bastard back then are what lead to an uncomfortable position,it's now time to smash all that gossip crap once and for all.

Seize the means of lesbian love loudly and proudly!,let there be no hesitation,let there be no misunderstandings,and let there be no one else to get in your way!

Why let society stop you?,grab what you deserve with your own two hands!

Hiroko can try her damn hardest to worm out of this one!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Damn,Kos' name is quite the sweet story.

A legacy for the ages!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Well, the title is already untrue

Considering she didn't consent,the blood sucking rape still makes the tittle true.

Whether she resists further or ends up starting a new fetish is left to be seen,as per the premise of this series.

The ghosts,though,one wonders how they got there.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Defend your loved ones with fierce determination,and a killer glare.

They'll be happy for life.

joined Nov 12, 2020

As the once wise words from "Strike Witches : The Witches Of Africa" have said :

Risa too now receives them,how long overdue for her.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Rose is nice and all,but she ain't a spork.

She's a splade!

The perfect cutlery.

For the perfect strong girlfriend.

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 10:12PM

joined Nov 12, 2020

According to mangadex, next chapter is supposed to be the last. I can't even speculate how the author will wrap up the story in a single chapter.

It says 23 on Mangadex, unless you count from 9 > 10 > 23. I don't think the next chapter will be the last.

Next is the last. It's free to read on pixiv if you can read Japanese. Where did you see 23?

Mangadex has a section in the manga description that lists the final chapter as 23.

I assumed it would be longer since the pixiv mentioned that there’s a volume 2.

So what exactly is the truth?

joined Nov 12, 2020

Damn,she selpt with her whole group...hol' up,did they ever mention how large the idol group was?

Because if its' anything like Love Live and/or Idolmaster in terms of size...

Protect the elder sister!

Her virginity is in danger!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Now in video format!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Unpopped popcorn is corn kernals that have been dried.

If you tried making popcorn from fresh kernals,you'd cook them instead of popping them.

Popcorn on its' own is pretty healthy,it's just all the crap we add to it makes unhealthy.

And there's plenty of cheap things healthier then that popcorn dish for sure.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Does the Goddess of witchcraft,funky hats,wicked T-shirts,and the partner to a rabbit obsessed nine tail fox spirit count as a witch?


Also,that Yin Yang orb was small,probably to reflect her age?,because Reimu clearly has much bigger balls later in life.

joined Nov 12, 2020

The past will not obsolve her of her current actions,but they do explain them.

And as for the bastard who started the gossip and the bastards who propgated the gossip,there is but one solution.

The final solution of them all.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Oh how the turns have tabled

She was a complete train wreck,with everyone seeing right through her.

Her heart hasn't failed quite yet,but its' getting there.

Bet last chapter is just her ending up in ICU


She should've keeled over as soon as that ring slipped on.

Oh well.

Ah, the classic dieworse ending.

Hey,what could possibly be more romantic then waking up in the ICU and seeing your love there for you?

Going into cardiac arrest after they declare their proposal to you,on a knee and all,with doctors rushing in with the defibs!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Oh how the turns have tabled

She was a complete train wreck,with everyone seeing right through her.

Her heart hasn't failed quite yet,but its' getting there.

Bet last chapter is just her ending up in ICU


She should've keeled over as soon as that ring slipped on.

Oh well.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Going anywhere in the US at all is a bad idea,but more so Commiefornia.

They're one gender reveal party short of setting themselves on a fire that'll burn away all the laws that support the worst things imaginable.

But at least the music is saved online so these two can continue to share the good music safely in the not that much better off Japan.

joined Nov 12, 2020


No, that's glass.

Raining glass.
From the obliterated sky.
Falling down hard.
Using their shards.
Now she'll slice them with GLASS!

Now that touches my metal machine.

It's also close to midnight.

Time to bark at the moon.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Anw, I've come to the conclusion that this is a comedy series and shouldn't be taken seriously.

This opinion makes me think you've never seen an action movie.
Or a comedy movie, for that matter.
One amusing misunderstanding doesn't make the whole thing a comedy.

I suspect they also haven't seen an action comedy movie.

Maybe not even a single movie.

Wouldn't blame them,though,with the current state of the industry.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Yo what,we getting some real important backstory real soon.

Not that the amount of time between chapters and the age progression is going to help me remember who's who.

joined Nov 12, 2020

She's totally not taking advantage of her not yet scheme filled brain.

Totally not brainwashing her into the lass with the teasing ass that she becomes later.

joined Nov 12, 2020

^Some people are too up tight about that stuff- i dont generally disagree but a joke manga isnt a place to care about imo.
especially when its mostly from kids.

The thing about kids people mention 'what about adoption' did stand out as troublesome to me tho. I dont know how its percieved in Japan but it was like the option never occured to the mangaka- like having kids was totally out for 2 girls when they have plenty of options.

Japan only allows a couple to adopt a child if they are married, and same-sex couples cannot get married in Japan.
But even then, Japan has a very low adoption rate of children.

It always baffles me when countries don't allow for same sex couples to adopt. There's so many kids out there that need loving parents and a good home.

It mainly has to do how marriage works in Japan and how slow they are with changing the system. For marriage the woman has to be registered into the man's family register which is why same-sex couples cannot do that right now. Single mothers are generally looked down upon, and up until not too long ago children born out of wedlock did not have the same rights as "regular" kids when it would come to things such as inheritance.

Japan's adoption system is pretty bad anyway, only around 15% of orphans in childcare institutions actually get adopted (compared to something like 70+% of the UK and the US). Additionally, most adoptions in Japan are adult men getting adopted into families so the family can keep their family name and company through their adopted heir. Ironically this also allows same-sex couples to become recognized as family by adopting the other.

Are you saying that in Japan, if you are gay, you don't marry but get adopted?

I've heard it's a thing that works with gay men and I'm not sure about women...but yeah basically a loophole there.

Edit: Though I've heard least Tokyo as of last month now acknowledges gay couples with a...certificate of being a couple or something? Apologies I'm probably remembering the exact details wrong. Basically there's progress, but definitely a lot of work to be done still.

So the only option is make the couple into an incestous one...wincest at its' finest.

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 5:29AM

joined Nov 12, 2020

Everyone in this manga obsessing over Hanaoka's boobs all the time is starting to get pretty uncomfortable. I've never understood this type of humor

Yeah, the vibes are off. It's not just a one-off joke here, but more like a running gag. Women with large breasts do get stared at in real life, but I don't know why I'm supposed to find it funny.

It doesn't help that the humor in general consists of "tall girl has big boobs, small girl is otaku". I figured it would still be worth reading for the romance, but Ruru and Shiorin are almost never alone and they always get interrupted, so...

It's funny because of the jealousy of the smaller ones being channeled into poking fun at the larger ones,even if that means making entire comics about it.

Other artists see this and realise that they can make money off of those interactions,and here we are.

Got an uncommon trait/combination of traits?,you get to become the butt monkey!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Drama and all that,but what in tarnation did that moron say about condoms and then didn't meet up to the expectation?

No wonder she called him a creep!

And no amount of moaning is going to fix that!!

joined Nov 12, 2020

It seems the cats can't beat genuine inability to actually understand basic stuff in a few days.

But she'll be able to do it one day!

joined Nov 12, 2020

We already have an alternate form for Silence,but would an alternate form for Ptilopsis be?

Whatever it is,it will still give the best goodnight smooches.