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WDTFS fans - off topic 14 May 07:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lol I don't think it's your similarities so much as you share a life together so we'll hear a story from one of you and then possibly part of it from the other, but both your names are mentioned at any given time, and it all sort of mushes together :P

I see, that makes sense. xD The people in the other forums say it's because we're kind of similar, which always surprises me, cause most of the time I feel like the only things Su and me don't disagree on are what to eat for dinner and which movie to watch afterward. xD

Yeah the way I'd put it is that you're both better and nicer people than I am lol... It's not like I go out of my way to be an ass, but ya know some people are just more adept to making the people around them happy. Kanojo's just a born leader. She's not very chatty around large groups of people, but she compels them to do stuff with a lot fewer words than whatever I could babbling about. So sure she cries a lot, but mostly to me and her close friend and family. Anyway, I get a similar vibe from you in that respect lol.

I cry to my cat most of the time, to be honest. xD I don't feel comfortable crying around people, so I usually suck it up for a while and let it out later when I'm on my own. I think Su and Lucy are the only ones, who saw me cry more than once or twice. I usually try to avoid crying around Su though, because she has a habit of getting really protective when she sees me cry. She dotes on me and clings to me for hours even when I tell her I'm fine and as cute as that is, but I'm not a fan of it. xD

I see your point, good luck :D What I was talking about is the foundation that people should learn, not a specialized skill for a particular type of field. A lot of people have problems getting their words out, and it helps to get everything out and then arrange it and cut out the fat until it's a lean and compelling paper. It's surprising to me how many people can go through high school and college and still not be able to properly articulate a point, especially in written form. Even if it's not something they need to do for their work, it's one of those life skills I think everyone should have.

That's something I agree with. Sometimes it's downright worrisome how not even grown, supposedly intelligent adults can get even a simple point across without tripping over their words at least once or twice. Written or not, you should be able to argue properly.

WDTFS fans - off topic 14 May 06:21
joined Apr 3, 2016

Sorry I didn't answer you guys sooner! Thought I'd be back on sooner, but the evening sort of got away from me. Captain America was fun, but not really how I was expecting things to pan out (considering the comics). At least kanojo enjoyed it compared to most superhero movies, and it's hard to rope her into some of my geekier interests.

Captain America was Marvel, right? I always mix up Marvel and DC. Dx

Kanojo's mom wanted the kids over for dinner and shit sort of hit the fan with kanojo's imoto and mom. Imoto's boyfriend didn't show up for dinner, and their mom already doesn't like the guy (he is a bit of a tool, but you don't tell your friends that until they're ready to hear it...) and they got into big bickering match.Anyway, we were off in our own world washing the dishes (I was washing the dishes and kanojo was finding creative/frisky ways to make it a much slower process) and then imoto starts yelling about "not every relationship is like those two (points to me and kanojo...), and now you think anybody I date is shit, but you had known [insert my real name] for years already..." and blahblahblah... it escalated... I'm always mortified that they can swear around their parents. If I swore in an argument with my mom, I would be in deep shit. We were having such a nice evening together so kanojo and I got out of there pretty quickly o_o'

Oh wow....Hope everything is gonna turn out okay with those two. By the way, if you don't mind me asking: what did you mean when you said the boyfriend is a bit of a tool? What does he do to get that rep?

Side note: ever since it got warmer, all I want is frozen yogurt. Think I got a little cup of it 4 out of 5 weekdays now...

I've been having ice cream a lot lately as well. If this continues, I'm gonna have to start hitting the gym again soon. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 14 May 05:13
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin (I may or may not have written Su, the first time around...)

/sighs/ It's okay, I got used to it by now, I think. xD It always happens when Su and me are in the same forum somewhere. People start mixing us up for some reason after a while. Are we really that similar? xD

Lol yeah heard that one before. Hopefully his sister didn't have the same attitude ;)

She didn't. xD She had no idea what moderation was (she was the kind of girl who thinks of buying something and then basically immediately walks out the door to go buy that thing) and I don't think there was even one weekend when she didn't go partying, but she was nice overall. xD

The fainting club isn't one I would wish upon anybody, but yes that was me that mentioned it before. What's important is that she's okay now! Are you much of a cryer? It's probably for the best to just let it out :) Kanojo cries at the drop of a hat, so if I told her yours and Su's recent happenings, she would definitely cry.

Kanojo and me might have something in common as well then, in the fact that we probably both belong to the small percentage of people, who are actually empathetic instead of sympathetic. xD Makes my job as a psychologist a whole lot easier, but it also makes my inner world a complete mess. xD I don't cry right away, but compared to other people, I'd say I do cry quite a lot.

Lol that's bad but you'll manage. Talking in circles isn't necessarily a good thing, but writing a coherent paper where you set up your point and then beat it over the head for many many pages of sound examples is a skill that everyone should have.

Trust me, even examples to prove a point are only good in moderation, at least for the kind of paper I'm writing. xD I'm mainly trying to explain how I came to the conclusions I'm describing and then use these conclusions to suggest adapting a different mindset for psychotherapy and for applied humanistic psychology in general. Being able to prove a point is good, but when you're trying to get people to follow your thoughts and arrive at the same conclusions you came to, you need to make sure to have a thick, golden thread for easy guidance instead of putting up walls and defenses around a point nobody has even challenged yet. Persuasion is always Plan A. Argumentation comes in as Plan B when persuasion failed. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 18:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

Think positive and don't set expectations. Those are the key factors of motivation and progress.

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

/thumbs up/ Ganbatte ne. ^_^


I can say without hesitation that it's the best thing I've written to date.

Now I'm definitely gonna need to check that out. xD It makes me wonder though, are things like Last Dates actually a thing? I mean, do people really do that? Go on one last date, during which they formally break up and go their separate ways? I never had one of those and I don't recall any of my friends having one either. But I've seen it in a few manga and even a few movies.

last edited at May 13, 2016 4:48PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:36
joined Apr 3, 2016


Those look really good! The hair of the first one reminds me of Nami. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

It's a lesbian breakup story. Two women on their Last Date. I just need to do final edits over the weekend and post it Monday morning. Then start a new one.

Then do the third draft on another, then second on another, while a third is waiting for critique. And on the assembly line rolls.

Sounds like drama. I'll have an eye on that thread on Monday!

/sighs/ I'm always a bit envious of creative people like you. Makes me wish I had an artistic streak, but the only things I can draw are stick figures and the only creative literature I ever came up with was a story about a girl, who tries to repair her favorite backpack. I wrote that when I was 7. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:12
joined Apr 3, 2016

I should have a new story on my site on Monday, I'll pop a link in the original fiction thread when it's posted.

Ooohh, cool. Care to share what the story's about?

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:03
joined Apr 3, 2016 work IS yuri!

Shush. You're special, you don't count. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 16:02
joined Apr 3, 2016


I don't think I've ever felt that way about a food delivery person of either gender lol, but I know a few gay (male) friends that should probably make a living out of being mostly-naked, oiled-up, and pretending to be on Mount Olympus. Also I call a good buddy "Clark", as in Clark Kent. Genetically gifted, to say the least.

I had the same thoughts about the brother of one of my ex-girlfriends back in uni. xD He was so ridiculously handsome, I kept wondering why in the world he didn't have a girlfriend. Then I found out he was a jerk, who was just out there to stick his dick in any pussy he could find (which wasn't too hard for him, given his looks) and he basically treated all women like breathing sex toys. =_= Such a waste of a nice face. But seriously, it's mind blowing just how pretty some people are. xD

Lin, great news about Su's heart/surgery :) really fantastic news.

Oh, tell me about it! I probably lost 10 years of my life on that day. xD I already had this weird foreboding feeling in my stomach when Su told me that morning, that she wasn't feeling well, that she thought something might be off with her heart and that she'd see her doctor right after breakfast. Then next thing I know is I had literally just arrived in the office when I get a call from the hospital and they ask me to come over. And as soon as I get there, they're telling me it's transplantation time and Su gives me that awful "If I don't make it" talk. Dx Then they're taking her away before I can even respond properly to everything she said and so the longest 3.5 hours of my life begin. Wasn't it you, who once said you fainted in hospital one time? I guess now we have something in common. xD I was just so relieved when they told me everything went perfectly fine and she'll be okay. I'm probably gonna cry like hell when I go visit her on Sunday. xD

That moment when you've written a rough draft of the first 25 pages of a term paper and you read through it just to check where you're going with your thoughts only to realize you've been talking in circles for an estimated 10 pages. /sighs/ Well then. Have at it, girl.

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 15:29
joined Apr 3, 2016

So Im suppose to be working from home but then I found my 3ds....Zelda really needed me. ;D

I read this and got inspired. Here:

ultimate boredom


a-are you sure you are a lesbian? I'm bi and I never felt that strongly for a guy... xD

... Weelll... it probably had something to do with him having black hair and blue eyes and me knowing a certain someone else with those features, but ah well... ^_^;;

last edited at May 13, 2016 3:32PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 11:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

Screw my status as a gold star lesbian, but that food delivery dude was way too hot right now. I opened the door and it was like fresh, molten lava all in my face. Not that I ever had lava in my face to make that comparison valid, but you get what I mean. ⊙_⊙

/clears throat/ Anyway. Hello everyone I haven't greeted yet. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 09:53
joined Apr 3, 2016

Just dropping that here:

I should start filming Reeba. She could probably fill an entire hour of video of her being a jerk. =_=
The one at 1:29 is the best. Kitty Deepthroat Day! xD

last edited at May 13, 2016 9:56AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 08:54
joined Apr 3, 2016

why? do you think it's not true?

I think people are paying Mei's mental scar of her father having left her way too much mind. xD I haven't read Citrus for a long time now, but Mei always struck me as a young girl, who suffered some pretty bad emotional abuse at the hands of her grandfather, which lead to her developing some sort of stress-related anxiety disorder, probably going hand in hand with what seemed like emotional and social detachment disorder to me. She probably has abandonment issues as well, but those don't seem like the core of the problem if you ask me. xD Then again, she is a fictional character in an equally fictional story. Chances are the author maybe really wanted to display abandonment issues (why continue mentioning her father otherwise?), but failed miserably due to lack of proper knowledge on psychology, lol.

last edited at May 13, 2016 8:56AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 07:39
joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh, I see! I would never stand sharing a laptop with someone to be honest >< Well, also because I need it for schoolwork soo ^-^''

That might just be the important difference then. xD Neither Su nor me really need the laptop for work related stuff. It's just for entertainment most of the time, which is why we didn't bother to get a second one. ^_^

and... what psychoanalyzing? aren't you the one doing that? xD

There were pages in the Citrus discussion, especially when it came to chapters in which Yuzu cried for some reason, that some people tried to get behind it all and started psychoanalyzing the characters. According to them, Mei has abandonment issues and lacks empathy or at least can't express it properly because of those issues and Yuzu is the one slowly healing her. These pages always gave me a good laugh. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 06:02
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey everyone! :3

I second what everyone else said: I'd love to see some of your art, Newp. :D

Glad to hear you're doing fine so far! :-)

btw, why are you always gone when Su comes back? XD

Because we live together and we only have one laptop at home, so naturally only one person can use it at a time. xD So when Su's here and we're both home, I can't be here as well. Well, unless I'd log in with my phone of course, but why do that when I can just read what's going on on the way bigger and much more convenient laptop screen. ^_^ The rest of the day I'm just usually pretty busy these days with my job and my studies, so there usually aren't breaks long enough for me to use my phone to get here and talk for a bit.

First we beat the official WDTFS discussion thread, then we beat the Fluttering Feelings thread. Next up is Citrus thread!

Btw, I wonder why people are actually still reading Citrus. It feels like every soap opera I every watched had less staged drama than this manga. xD However, the psychoanalyzing people do in this thread sometimes utterly amuses me. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Creator of Fluttering Feelings, which is also a webcomic that you'd probably enjoy if you liked WDTFS.

Although there is no NSFW and not even nearly as much drama in Fluttering Feelings and the pace is also entirely different from WDTFS.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 15:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

I thought the heart machine thingy in that hospital where Su's in doesn't allow her to use any phone ?? Or whatever. I don't remember exactly what or how it is >.>
I'm prob just crazy xD

Mobile phone, yes. Because the waves a cell phone uses could possibly disturb the very sensitive mechanisms of that heart function monitoring device she is wired to. However, while she's in the intensive care unit and nobody but hospital staff is allowed to see her, her room has a personal landline phone, which can be used to at least call her. A landline, as long as it's not wireless, doesn't use any waves, so it's safe to use. :-)

last edited at May 12, 2016 3:17PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 14:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

Everything is going pretty good :D how are things going with you?

That's good to hear. ^_^ I'm trying to juggle taking care of my kids, progressing with my theses and dealing with some personal issues right now. I think I'm doing good so far, but I might need a vacation soon. xD

I just saw that Su's surgery went well so that is great!! How is she doing now?

So far so good. I called her today and she says now that the drugs from the surgery have completely left her system, the pain in her chest has gotten worse, but her doctor says it's normal. Tests say the new heart is working fine and she's getting painkillers to not make her feel downright terrible, so she'll be okay. :-)

last edited at May 12, 2016 2:49PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 14:29
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey Llama, how's it going?

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 13:53
joined Apr 3, 2016

This thread has been lonely without you.

It's generally getting lonely in here. xD Really now, barely anyone comes here these days. I bet it'll be at least a week before we reach page 309, lol.

Lol. It's prob bc a lot of us became so busy this month. Plus there's no new chapter yesterday which really broke my heart. Lol. Not really but yeaaaa~~

I know it's because people are busy, but still. xD The only "regulars" here lately have been mvl and Rainy. Well, and Su, but she'll be out of the equation for a while. I just hope Llama and Faylicia are doing okay. They haven't been here for quite a while.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 13:42
joined Apr 3, 2016

This thread has been lonely without you.

It's generally getting lonely in here. xD Really now, barely anyone comes here these days. I bet it'll be at least a week before we reach page 309, lol.

last edited at May 12, 2016 1:43PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 May 13:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

no white flag, Lin...

I don't need a white flag when I've already won. xD

Hey people. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 May 08:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

Wow, murder fantasies, mvl? That's a bit harsh, isn't it? xD

On a completely unrelated note, as precious as he is to me, but I could just hate Green (one of my 2 street puppies) now for getting a metal song stuck in my head. Metal really isn't my genre and now I can't get this song out of my brain! Dx

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 May 07:59
joined Apr 3, 2016

Well it is Su we are talking abt :D

True, true. What doesn't kill her makes her complain. xD

And thank u for sharing n updating us..

No need to thank me. You guys worry about her as well, so me updating you goes without saying. :-)

Just an intermezzo for laugh.. Can i borrow yr top? xD

I_I . . .
You know, I was actually thinking about saving this gif for when Azai sends the Yakuza after Su again, but you were just begging for it right now.


last edited at May 11, 2016 8:00AM