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VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Apr 22:15
joined Oct 25, 2015

The cover art caught my attention immediately. I like the super detailed panels even more. Some of the less detailed panels are meh.

Didn't recognize the mangaka by name somehow. Prism was a bummer, but I loved the art and story. Stretch wasn't my cup of tea. I don't read much slice of life, but the characters were interesting enough for me to follow along for a while.

I'm creeped out by the age gap. I don't care about biological maturity; I care about control dynamics. Most movies, books, tv and other media featuring age gaps do not touch upon the imbalance in capital, legal power, etc. The romanticization bothers me. But most romance narratives only cover a short segment of life and don't show how "regular" relationships often fall apart either. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Regardless of what other manga have done, this chapter already shows a naive girl interacting with much more life experience. I might prefer if the story focuses on the vampire and whatever the heck she's trying to do. The kid can be an observer...

Definitely reading the next chapter, but I don't see myself following this for long... *sighs* It's so pretty...

last edited at Apr 26, 2019 10:18PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

I appreciate the twist. I felt a strong "Wow! That's how this is going. o\_O?"_.

This is like one of those movies you watch to see how bad it can be. And those can still be popular, heh.

I'm also in the camp of not sure we got the confession we wanted. Also, the art quality seems to have dropped off again. hmm...

Still Sick discussion 20 Apr 15:21
joined Oct 25, 2015

@___@ ... but I like this manga for somer reason...

joined Oct 25, 2015

I'd forgotten about this glum story. Took me a while to remember the betrayal storyline.

I appreciate the introspective nature of the story, and that fact that its a relatively mature/adult story, which still seem to be the very small minority among available multi-part yuri manga.

Pretty sure the art attracts me every time. (I don't pay much attention to author's names. ^_^ ;)

joined Oct 25, 2015

I'm a not fan of love triangles, but I'm giving the mangaka the benefit of the doubt.

This manga has repeatedly introduced cliché plot moves and then swiftly broken or distorted them.

I hope we get some good growth out of this. Kurokawa's reaction was honest and real to me. I've felt that. It stinks.

The most refreshing thing that could happen for me might be for Kurokawa to actually develop a friendship with this new girl. That said, I still find the new character kind of irksome, but much less than I anticipated.

I agree that the transfer thing was clunky, regardless of the role this girl will play. None of the other characters have stuck around or been fleshed out enough for me to remember them. I wonder how long this character is going to last. Her tie to Kurokawa seems too important for her to just disappear like the rest, but so far this story seems only to have room for two.

joined Oct 25, 2015

@benja posted:

Decent. I give it 8/10.
Way too many characters IMO.
A tighter focus on the main couple would promote this to a solid 9 from me.

i think the main couple has enough focus the main issue is the fact that is spread through all the manga even being present in other character arcs

I don't like "lots of characters", but this was the bigger problem for me. I developed some attachment to the main main couple when the story started and all the other pairings and stories were "in the way" of development for me. The developments were too scattered; emotional momentum lost, and thus my attention and interest withered... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 8:14PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Yeah. Fun. Quick.

A good break from usual Yuri drama.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Blastaar posted:

BugDevil posted:

mg1342mg posted:

ffins07 posted:
Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

This is a seasonal thing—when a popular long-runner is ending, certain species are compelled to come and say, “I’m better than the people who like this.”

It’s like the swallows returning to Capistrano (including the smell of birdshit).

What does being relieved a series is ending have to do with being better than anyone??? @__@

Some people like the series; some people don't. Some people have been reading it for years; some have not. Some people are sad that it's ending; some people are relieved.

I'm in the relieved, been reading for years camp. Doesn't make me better or worse than others. But I do seem to be in a minority. That doesn't mean I have bad feelings toward the majority. --I don't. But I am a bit annoyed some people cannot keep their comments to the subject at hand and instead seem to be casting judgement on others for expressing a not positive?? opinion.

You can disagree with an expression or comment without making blanket statements about people.

I am unfamiliar with the initial reply phrase -- "You people really are the salt of the earth..." -- and have failed to followed the conversation it prompted. My (brief) search revealed that main phrase was originally a compliment, but it can also be seen as an unhanded insult. The "You people" and trailing ellipses makes it sound negative to me, and the context of the greater conversation -- comparing my decision to share my thoughts to animals -- certainly invokes the "simple" (negative) interpretation. If any of this was meant to be positive, it was lost in text.

Anyway, it was nice seeing I wasn't the only one happy to be at the last chapter.

I'm released!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

last edited at Mar 19, 2019 10:28PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

I like the detached tone and introspective nature. I wish I could read Japanese because it sounds like I would enjoy the novels.

joined Oct 25, 2015

This manga. Such a breath of fresh air with how it handles everything.

joined Oct 25, 2015

I can just roll my eyes at cliché dad block plot, but the ending lines "I get the uneasy feeling I won't be able to see Kano-chin anymore". I guess it was the last third of the chap.

So bad, soo so bad... It's so overt it hurts. There must be some show-don't-tell equivalent for manga. And whatever it is is being violated and slaughtered and...

If only the drawing would get worse and free me. (The character designs even seem a bit more mature this chap.) ha-ha-ha... *sad*

joined Oct 25, 2015

@Doctor_Hoot covered most of my feelings. Well said.

I'm glad Kurokawa's insecurities haven't magically disappeared, but also that they gave us relief from them. It was a nice touch how Izumi's?? commentary was used to give balance to Miki's character.

The author seems to have a tendency for exaggerating flaws. But they are also overt about offsetting them and showing that the characters and perspectives are not all bad.

I'm not a triangle fan, but more than that I do not like how young, loud and foolish this new character sounds. Just a personal preference.

Not the best chap to me, but I'm glad we saw a little growth in Kurokawa.

last edited at Mar 4, 2019 4:47PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Sorry to drop one in the middle of the awesome translation debate, but this chapter was one of the best chapters so far to me. It was very, very direct. And honest.

They made more of our aromantic character, debunked thoughts of Yuu being aromantic or asexual or oblivious. The only thing I'm wary of is where the chapter ended. It's not flagged as tragedy, so hopefully's just another good chap to bring this story home.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Painfully realistic, this story. Planning to read until the bitter, bitter end. :/

joined Oct 25, 2015

hah... (.__ . ;)

last edited at Feb 26, 2019 12:02AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

Still Sick discussion 18 Feb 18:25
joined Oct 25, 2015

re: arandommangareader

"ah, uh, shit it's actually you" lmao this glasses dork is just simply incredible.
So good, it's so good to see a character who opens her mouth and talks to deal with things that are bothering her. Unlike tons of other mangas where characters stay quiet to create absurd drama.


This narrative is really haphazard. For me, it is teetering on the edge of intriguing and "what the ...?".

last edited at Feb 18, 2019 6:26PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Salamanders are adorable. (✿´‿`)

joined Oct 25, 2015

The art is lovely, but I've no interest in lots of POVs. Oh well...

joined Oct 25, 2015

Too cute.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Was this chapter shorter than usual or have I just not read it in a while?

Short was the resounding word in my head. It is that.

Still cute though.

joined Oct 25, 2015

This manga... You think there might be some progress, and we only see some completely random development for two side characters.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Well done.

I'm glad we were able to see Touko admit she was in love out loud. I feel like it was left hanging to this point.

joined Oct 25, 2015

re: BugDevil


No need for great analyses. This was a pay off chapter and I thoroughly enjoyed it~

One if the things I’ve always thought odd about society was the idea that physical violence is never ok, but verbal “violence” is. In this example the teachers words could potentially create an emotional scar that could take years to heal, while his bruise will heal in a week. Not to mention how high Japan’s suicide rate is. A large chunk of the cause is probably due to bullying. The main issue with bullying isn’t the physical pain, but rather the emotional and mental pain.
You also have to think about how to resolve an issue without violence, you need the wit and influence to do so, and if you don’t then all that’s left is violence. for this. The ideal case is not to retaliate at all. You need to understand when you are in no position to counter-attack. We already discussed the alternatives she should have taken.

Yet the saying holds true "Sticks and stones break my bones, but words can never hurt me". It's true that continous verbal abuse or the words of someone close can have a strong painful effect, but to have such a remark by a stranger without a clue hurt you deeply, you already must be quite insecure. Which Kurokawa clearly seemed to be, but as this chapter showed, isn't anymore.
Words you can ignore, blend out or run away from. Physical pain, not so much. It's also way more obvious, so it can be traced back and get you into trouble easier than verbal attacks.

Words we consider racist, mysognist, etc. are a counter to "but to have such a remark by a stranger without a clue hurt you deeply, you already must be quite insecure." for many.

I have scars from bullying and think verbal abuse is underestimated and undervalued.

If physical abuse does not leave obvious marks, it can be overlooked as well.

Abuse is generally an emotional term. Physical damage without suffering is often (rightly) not considered abuse. People can get others into trouble by physically damaging themselves or permitting excess physical damage and are more likely to believe being able to prevent such damage as evidence.

It's just easier for humans to evaluate what they can touch and see. So physical abuse gets more attention than verbal abuse. The latter is more frequent and more accessible for doing harm to others. Unless you believe a person force into death (e.g. murdered and cursed) suffers more, I'd argue you can more easily do greater harm with words -- by the very nature that your emotional space is nearly unbounded. Once the bodies dead, you can't do further harm (unless you believe physical abuse can extend suffering beyond physical death).

To me, it's easy to explain emphasis on one or the other, but easy and simple are often neither correct nor sufficient. And that's how bullying and psychological health handling are in US to me, often incorrect and almost always insufficient.

last edited at Feb 24, 2019 10:01AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

re: Linterdiction

Can I just say that this chapter (9) really elevated this manga in my eyes? Not only did the author dodge the possible "multiple chapters of them not having a heart-to-heart about what happened" trope and instead allowed the characters to explain their emotions (as well as they understand them--the poor baby gays) to each other, they also took a critical step of spelling out that the connection characters' motivations really extend beyond trying to look cute. To this point, the manga has seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the importance of what a person looks like, which might seem shallow and unworthy of writing about (to say nothing of the potential harm such a piece could cause given all the fucked up social standards we have around beauty); however, what Kurokawa says in her little outburst made it clear to me that the author knows better, that the characters' preoccupation with beauty belonged to them and was not the author's position on the issue, and that the real point of their efforts to improve their appearance was to become stronger, more confident, and closer to each other--and in those things lies the value of the search for beauty.

I'm really looking forward to where this manga goes from here: I no longer have a firm sense of what quality level of authorship we're looking at here, and I hope I'll continue to be happily surprised as it progresses.
I feel similarly...

I'm officially in strong like with this manga.

There are so many aspects that in other mangas would add up to something shallow or vapid or --so many other things. This is surprisingly refreshing.