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Image Comments 17 Sep 08:14
joined Jun 23, 2015

I feel like even Byleth would get flustered here.

joined Jun 23, 2015

I love it! I read the whole thing in their voices and it worked really well. This could easily be an in-game interaction. I also like how there's no spoilers here, but you can still feel the connection between these two. Very cute art, too.

joined Jun 23, 2015

I feel like this site is getting more negative by the day. I remember when we all just loved having yuri exist and now it needs to be yagate kimi ni naru levels of godliness or people drop it in a chapter. This story is fine, you weirdos. There's like a dozen manga on dynasty alone with this plot and they're all fine. It's a yuri manga, and the mangaka clearly have yuri end game in mind so what's with all the fuss? To counter another person, I genuinely like and enjoy maybe 80-90% of the stuff I read here. The only series I've dropped were happy sugar life, netsuzou trap, and her camera etc. There's so much het irl that nearly everything on this site is pure gold to me. This is an instant sub and I suspect it'll only take another chapter till i add it to my faves.

Image Comments 11 Sep 08:44
joined Jun 23, 2015

Juri's whole involvement in the plot of SFV is that she's closet in love with Cammy and doesn't want anyone messing with her. She's literally not doing anything else.

joined Jun 23, 2015

@BugDevil IT developed too slow to be a one shot unless it was very long. I think its actually a pretty good subject matter- but equally I dont think it will be that long either - i'd expect 1 or 2 max tank length.

While there doesn't seem many ways to get a lot of length out of a climbing club, maybe it doesn't focus on that aspect much? But one really interesting aspect which is probably why it was chosen- there is tons of opportunity to draw them from lots a very interesting angles that you would never otherwise see. Lots of beautiful girl forms in body hugging clothing, stretching and reaching about etc!

I didnt mean this chapter was one-shot like, but the entire premise is.

This kinda just sounds like "It's a good excuse for new fanservice" to me. Not very riveting as far as foundations for a manga go.

Ever since I read , I think yuri can exist in anything. I want a story for literally every premise under the sun, 10+ chapters, angst, drama, childhood friends, the whole shebang. Isn't there that one manga about a club obsessed with exploring abandoned buildings? You make a series out of anything.

joined Jun 23, 2015

This is so fucking gay, I can't even. I demand an anime.

joined Jun 23, 2015

My sister just started playing the game today and she likes that femByleth's midriff is showing. She thinks mbyleth has a boring outfit and should upgrade.

Image Comments 31 Aug 06:13
joined Jun 23, 2015

Jill would agree with that sentiment. Just, maybe not vocally.

joined Jun 23, 2015

As the subject states, I'd like to know if there's a way to block other registered users of this site. Specifically so I can't see a person's messages in forums. I'll even take anything that's like a chrome/firefox addon that's been jury-rigged to block messages of people here. I don't want to pick a fight with anyone, I just want to hide certain toxic persons so I can enjoy the forums better.

Image Comments 17 Aug 02:50
joined Jun 23, 2015

I don't watch this show out of spite but I see this pairing all over the place. Is there any actual yuri or yuri subtext in Boku no Hero or is this just fans shipping two characters who breathe in the same room? And, is this show worth watching for any w/w interactions?

Image Comments 17 Aug 02:47
joined Jun 23, 2015

Ristelle? In this year of our lord 2019? Literally one of my top 3 favorite pairings of all time. What the actual

Image Comments 17 Aug 02:46
joined Jun 23, 2015

Reminder that this is a thing.

Image Comments 12 Aug 22:24
joined Jun 23, 2015

These two. ^^

Image Comments 03 Aug 00:57
joined Jun 23, 2015

When I go to gelbooru and look up "swimsuit yuri," this is the kinda shit I'm looking for. Thank god.

Image Comments 27 Jul 01:07
joined Jun 23, 2015

omfg those eyebrows

Image Comments 27 Jul 01:06
joined Jun 23, 2015

There's three mlm S rank supports and 5 wlw S rank supports. I don't know much about the wlw ones, but two of the mlm ones aren't actually mlm, they're just men that male Byleth can get S ranks with. I guess S rank is no longer tied to romanticism.

joined Jun 23, 2015

This whole "side pairings snore" thing reminds me of Kiss and a White Lily. I stopped reading that series because the side pairings made me genuinely forget that there was even a main pairing. It's not that the side pairings were bad, but the main pairing was so unique that it just felt like a step down. I want to go back and catch up on the series, but I honestly can't remember a lot of shit that happens.

This, on the other hand, has one (1) side pairing instead of ten and that one side pairing is more involved with the main character than in Kiss and a White Lily. This is personal opinion, but I also think the side pairing here is unique and interesting in its own right. It's sort of like a less-complex Bloom Into You scenario and I really like the girls involved. They're dynamic and rub together like oil and water, and are both involved in Uta's life. I think this is a lot better than Kiss and a White Lily and I actually really enjoyed this chapter.

Also it kinda feels like eye of the storm kinda thing? This is a moment of respite and very little "main Uta plot" relevance before everything comes crashing down. Based on the ending of the chapter, I assume it's about to get very dramatic very fast.

flare discussion 21 Jul 13:44
joined Jun 23, 2015

And then she confessed, again, and got rejected, again, and then jumped from some roof.

The End.

Classic nya-chan

Image Comments 20 Jul 07:13
joined Jun 23, 2015

This anime was my yuri awakening. Never forget. Well, this and Cannan.

Image Comments 20 Jul 07:12
joined Jun 23, 2015

This artist has a ton of insanely good yuri images, particularly from SF, and I can't wait till more make their way here. This one might be my favorite of their images, too. Not even otp, but it's such a powerful picture. Decapre's eyes and Cammy's desperate pose really sell the whole thing. ugh

Image Comments 19 Jul 09:51
joined Jun 23, 2015

If anyone who's played the SFV story mode thinks Juri's straight, they're insane. There is no straight explanation as to why Juri spends literally the entire game as Cammy's nanny for no reason other than, "she's not your bitch, she's my bitch." Sure, Juri, call love whatever you want.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Agreeing with some of the folks here. Why are people hating on it so much!? All the people who hate age gap left in the first chapter, and I've seen a lot of people on Dynasty that love the "girl who unwittingly draws in all the ladies" trope. Personally, I found this really funny and sweet at the same time. Also, I know what it's like to become heavily drawn to someone in a short time, and considering what happened in that short time, it's not contrived at all to think that a hormonally-driven teenager would fall for this angel of a woman in such a limited time span.

I think this series has great art, cute characters, and a plot that lends itself well to conflict. The only character that really bothers me is Shion. Just because you like a person doesn't mean they belong to you. But she's 15 so it makes sense she would be so possessive. The biggest problem I have writing-wise is that Akemi is letting these teenagers fall in love with her when she should really put her foot down, but that's drama and it's fiction. There are definitely worse series on this site and I don't think Ikenai Otona deserves half the flack it's getting. Guys, Netsuzou Trap exists. And that shit was LICENSED. I don't understand some people.

Image Comments 15 Jul 06:03
joined Jun 23, 2015

^unless it's a bath of ink

Image Comments 15 Jul 05:53
joined Jun 23, 2015

is this an early birthday present? literally my favorite vn of all time. It's been 84 years.

Image Comments 18 Jun 00:39
joined Jun 23, 2015

@Swag Wagon
I know this is an old comment, but SonaAhri and ZacRiven didn't come from nowhere. This is old lore, but Sona's a spirit or is connected to the spirit world or something and people on the physical plane can't hear her. Them, she's just a mute musician. Ahri is a forest spirit and can hear entities from the spirit world, which would include Sona. They don't interact in the canon, even post-rework, but the lines are there and the fandom connected them.

ZacRiven is a major notp for me, but it does come from somewhere, technically. Riven's worst skin (Battle Bunny) features an oddly Zac-shaped blob in the splash-art's background. Since it was before his release, people thought it was a future ghost champion. Turns out it was just a blob dude. But they "share" a splash art, so that's where that pairing came from.

And I guess Rosa and Hilda are from the same series? W&B and W&B2? I haven't played them, but since they're part of the same line, that would make sense why people ship the protags/characters from them. But very much more of a crack ship than the other two ships.