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joined Jul 26, 2016

I think the two tails mean she’s a Yokai

Pretty much the textbook defining trait of a nekomata yeah.

'Course that's also traditionally the sort of cat youkai that tends to screw over people bigtime but somehow I suspect that bit of folklore is going to get ignored...

Isnt there a difference between nekomata and bakeneko?

Mainly the number of tails (ie. bakes only have one), according to le Wiki. Disposition is apparently equally unpleasant in both - in a lot of the stories they're acting on grudges, either their own (if they were mistreated while still mundane cats) or those of their previous owners.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think the two tails mean she’s a Yokai

Pretty much the textbook defining trait of a nekomata yeah.

'Course that's also traditionally the sort of cat youkai that tends to screw over people bigtime but somehow I suspect that bit of folklore is going to get ignored...

joined Jul 26, 2016
  • Crimes shall never be presented in such a way as to create sympathy for the criminal, to promote distrust of the forces of law and justice, or to inspire others with a desire to imitate criminals.
  • If crime is depicted it shall be as a sordid and unpleasant activity.
  • In every instance good shall triumph over evil and the criminal punished for his misdeeds.
  • Inclusion of stories dealing with evil shall be used or shall be published only where the intent is to illustrate a moral issue and in no case shall evil be presented alluringly, nor so as to injure the sensibilities of the reader.
  • Illicit sex relations are neither to be hinted at nor portrayed. Rape scenes, as well as sexual abnormalities, are unacceptable.

- excerpts from the 1954 Comics Code

The irony of that sort of high moral indignation being quite alive and well here of all places never ceases to equally amuse and disappoint me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You certainly see the term "black company" used often in animango for heartless slave-driver outfits, so... contrast.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ganyu is (jokingly) shipped with Qiqi (and Klee to a lesser extent).

Cocogoat confirmed the Kid Appeal Character. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Amber still only good for puzzles tho

┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴

Alien Girl discussion 14 Jan 18:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Why a snake costume? She's not a snake."
Shaddup woman you don't yet know WHAT she is.

...I mean there's a pretty precise definition what a snake is and she sure as heck doesn't match it.

Arknights! 14 Jan 16:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

...oh yeah. Got them mixed up. Not like I'm going to envy what Giant Volcano Slug is in for either tho.

Arknights! 14 Jan 14:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

RIP Bob, he's going to get destroyed so hard even his ancestors feel it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Got a few Xiang and Xing dupes plus Cocogoat HunterQiqi - hit pity, I guess. I can live with that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

MC be like okay but where's all the kinky H-doujin stuff? am dissapoint

Normally a baby lesbian who gets her kicks from being dommed & humiliated would be played as the perverted comic relief.
It's refreshing that in this story she's the level-headed protagonist.

This is so true and I am really enjoying that she's just like "uhhh is this all you want? You sure?" Hahaha

"Are you sure you don't, say, need your shoes licked? Even a little? :c"

Arknights! 12 Jan 19:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

So I redid my Anni1 auto for the sake of affection farming; turns out using E2 W, Mostima and Savage there is comical overkill. Who'd have thought? ┐(゚~゚)┌

Tonight I got a recruitment tag with Survival+Specialist. It stuck and I got my first Manticore. How does she compare with the other specialists including Red, Rope, and Shaw?

She's pretty hard to compare since they have totally different roles. Manticore's mostly used for slowing/stalling large groups of enemies; she's probably a bit more niche than Fast-Redeploy or Shift Specialists.

I'd say Manti and Ethan are more generally applicable than Shifts and F-Rs. They're basically minefields - depending on circumstances you can pretty much use them to replace Guards and/or Defenders and hold lanes without Medic support, since melee enemies can't touch this.

Also gr8 for ensuring whole waves tarpit in high-ground killzones for maximum amount of time.

joined Jul 26, 2016

MC be like okay but where's all the kinky H-doujin stuff? am dissapoint

Arknights! 11 Jan 09:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

Discount Batman tried having fun once.
It was terrible.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Complaining About Things You Don't Like is tedious at the best of times.

I respectfully disagree with you.

I've noticed something of the sort yes.

But there just might exist a teensy-tiny chance that simply harping about how ZYX iS BaD yOu GuIsE might not actually be a recipe for constructive conversation, or getting taken seriously for that matter.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think there is a "must-tie-fiction-to-reality" crowd. I think there are people with strong feelings about certain subjects, like lolicon, non-con, or class divides. When those subjects have tags, they really don't have a leg to stand on in a comment section, since they were warned beforehand not to even read the thing. But when there are no tags for said subject, and the lack of the subject's prevalence in the media would probably prevent such a tag from ever being created, people should be allowed to voice their displeasure without having passive-aggressive comments, blatant attacks, or labels like "must-tie-fiction-to-reality crowd" thrown at them.

Gratuitous moralist grandstanding - with a side order of bizarre non sequitur soapboxing IIRC - rarely goes over well. Still less when it's basically built on prejudiced fanfiction that outright discards the actual text of the work under discussion.

Complaining About Things You Don't Like is tedious at the best of times. Combining it with pretentious moral high-horsing becomes plain odious.

last edited at Jan 10, 2021 9:48AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

"I was under the impression that the Chinese government being shitty was kind of a common viewpoint"

Certainly! But no viewpoint is universal.

That's rather incumbent in the "common" descriptor, yes.

I also have a well-meaning, completely non-Chinese, friend, who thought that worrying about the safety of food products from China was racist, despite evidence that people in China don't trust Chinese products (like baby food) if they can help it.

Gratz - your friend is literally a living negative stereotype of an SJW, there.

Dear God how I wish I wouldn't be obliged to agree that the asshole "conservative" types have a legitimate point about that sort.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I've noticed a rising trend in discussions on this site where users who try to take a critical stance or bring in sociopolitical context and tie fiction to real-world developments are insulted and targeted, with people telling them not to read too deeply into things or 'make this political'. The story about the mistress, for instance, struck a nerve amongst a lot of people who've dealt with manipulative employers, and to say that they should just shut up and not express their dislike for the idea feels restrictive. It's uncomfortably similar to forums that bully trans or gay folks for talking about their experiences, which could just as easily be classified as 'political'. I can understand subjectivity or people not wanting to face negativity, but surely there's better ways to express that than gagging every critical viewpoint. It feels akin to saying, "I want to consume my fantasy content, and your attempts to bring in real-world context are interfering with that consumption, so shut up." For many people, those 'political' takes are closely connected to their identities and the way they express themselves, and they shouldn't need to bottle that up.

That line of thinking very rapidly devolved into "the actual text of the story is irrelevant, only my arbitrary preconceptions about the setting matter" as I recall. At which point I for one rolled my eyes, stopped bothering and wasn't exactly surprised to find that convo wholly shut down shortly thereafter.

Disagreement with making mountains out of molehills and insisting on finding bogeymen under every bed is not, quote, gagging every critical viewpoint, unquote.

Somewhat relatedly I'd also note that there's a certain moralist undercurrent 'round here that for some bizarre reason seems to insist that fiction and depictions of people should conform to some arbitrary, ill-defined fairytale ideal and deviations from such are at best objectionable. Where any justification for this sort of moralist grandstanding is offered at all it only too often amounts to pure solipsist escapism - "I don't want to read about Bad Stuff™ in my ~Pure☆Yuri~"

Blindness to the irony of this line of thinking being little more than conservative Comix Code moralism with the serials filed off naturally comes with the territory.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Personally I just think it's as-such unsurprising spillover from the general tenor of online discourse in general and social media discourse in particular over recent years. And from my purely subjective viewpoint there's been considerable increase in taking offense at something mostly for the sake of taking offense - and that only in the threads I read in the first place, which amount to maybe a third or quarter of the ones in the first few pages of the forum.

Arknights! 09 Jan 14:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

^One variation of that map I've seen had Lisk in that corner immediately above where Ptil is in this vid and then Shifting several brawlers into her for surreal SP gen.

"Small wyvern girl relentlessly pounded by 3 guys" (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Arknights! 09 Jan 06:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

O boi Archetto's SP passive stacks with Ch'en's. Sniperknights confirmed?

Citrus + discussion 09 Jan 03:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

I was looking around for Saburouta interviews and found one where she was specifically asked if she had the Citrus story planned out. The answer: Yes, she had a clear vision of how the story would end.

If so one can only conclude both the planning and the execution were handled with quite astonishing ineptitude and clumsiness and there's cause to suspect she plum forgot about that grand plan for a decent stretch of time.

Which isn't exactly implausible given what sorts of gaffes much more accomplished writers have sheepishly owed up to even in the context of purely written works.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yae and Chitose's :O :D reaction to their post-sex battle aura was absolutely hilarious.

"How could you tell!?" XD

Also yay it's Mari-sempai!