I was just replying to the original question, asking why this release has a tag distinguishing it from other releases. The phrase "the sex scene shows it's not yuri" was a direct reply to the comments of Luuuuk and Gelert above mine, 3rd and 4th respectively. I was not stating that transgender couples could not identify as lesbian, it was just pointing out the specific scene to explain the tagging reasons. It seems to have been phrased badly and would have worked better had I directly quoted the posts for context for the reply, so I'm sorry about that.
Alongside that is the fact that the part of the reply that didn't get quoted, which was me saying that this release was hard to tag, as the short content and story of the manga doesn't really indicate whether You is transgender in it or not. Due to the lack of indication in the story itself, it got the tag Futanari, but from feedback about the original Twitter posts and the writing in the original Korean, I've added transgender to go alongside it. Further tags will be under consideration, and will take in reasonable feedback given.
I spent a long time, half an hour maybe, writing this reply as I wanted to get it just right, but unfortunately it seems a lot has happened since. I wish I could have gotten it out sooner.