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Image Comments 23 Mar 18:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

...I can't get over the impression Lumine's assessing Hu's resale value and about five seconds away from checking her teeth ;>_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Like, are all of these flirty shots of her meant to be "real" or just the MC's imagination?

Well they ARE shot in TaeVision™ and against her better judgement she does have a raging crush on the girl, so there's probably certain amount of pink lily filter applied. People in love do be like that. Other than that it's also quite possible Mai is
A) at least in some cases imitating "big girl stuff" she picked up from TV or manga or wherever without really understanding its meaning simply because she finds Tae's reactions to it funny (and who doesn't)
B) really just that much of a natural heartthrob by the grace of God
C) whynotboth.jpg

Arknights! 23 Mar 17:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

Liskarm "punishing" Franka (very NSFW)

Gotta love that "welp" face when Lisk brings out the sparks... who are we kidding, Franka's totally into that kinda play anyway o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mai has such absurd top energy, it's great

this woman/child acts like a sophisticated flirting adult most of the time-

Only in the punchline pages/frames. Whether she casually asserts dominancedoes similar stuff more generally or if Tae just gets... special treatment is obviously way beyond the scope of the format and not terribly relevant anyway.

Image Comments 23 Mar 15:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

^off the top of my head Ceylon should be about... twenty? and Schwarz has something like 6-8 years on her, IIRC. CBA to look up their bios for verification admittedly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Bragging About My Awesome GF: The Manga

...not that I'm complaining.

Image Comments 23 Mar 10:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

^"whatever the circumstances, you gotta represent." :U

Image Comments 23 Mar 01:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

^eh - Rhodes is full of nuts, fruits and raging weirdoes. The sort who wear sunglasses indoors and hats into bath just because. :v

Image Comments 22 Mar 23:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^I mean. Last I checked the Doc's canon specs amounted to "tall, masked and heavily clothed" so you have fairly free hand headcanoning in the rest according to personal taste. actually three Durins in a raincoat Fanartists are wont to add stuff s/he objectively cannot have according to the official art like bigass Sarkaz horns or Cautus ears anyway...

Image Comments 22 Mar 21:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Yup, that's me. You might be wondering how I ended up in this situation..."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Feels more like "continuation" than "short stories" since its building off things that happened in the main series.

The Saori/Shizuku one is clearly chronologically set before the latter started socializing with their classmates in the main series tho, for ex. And I'm pretty sure the mangaka/editor one happens an unspecified amount of time later than where they currently are in the same.

joined Jul 26, 2016

cause the first two chapters is meh in interaction.

I'm not sure we have been reading the same manga here...

last edited at Mar 21, 2021 9:14PM

Senpai-Ai discussion 21 Mar 19:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

The moeblob aesthetic is stronk in this one

joined Jul 26, 2016

Had to make this edit of ch. 1 page 5.


Mind you Imouto-chan's mind was already going places even before Akebi started stripping... ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬)

joined Jul 26, 2016

This PE teacher is bizarrely casual and fine with spending an hour hanging out and being flirted with by a student after school, the reason of which is never mentioned? I thought maybe it would be something to do with her home life when that cropped up but then that got squashed quick.

Takahaya seems to be the idealistic type who instead of a distant authority figure would rather be a friendly, approachable "big sister" the students can relax around and if necessary freely confide in. definitely new to the job She also seems to think Iijima has at least low-order trouble at home or similar and could use a "safe haven" and sympathetic adult to spend time in/around - and she isn't exactly wrong there. See ch 4 & 5 for case in point, as well as her obvious concern. If nothing else she's good and motivated enough at her job to pick up on that sort of thing.

Doesn't hurt that she seems to genuinely enjoy Iijima's company.

Which then brings us to why she's so ungodly oblivious to the girl's only too blatant advances. Think about the kind of dilemma she, as a sincerely idealistic and straight-laced educator, would face if she allowed herself to recognise them for what they are? Already in terms of professional ethics she'd pretty much have to distance herself from Iijima, thus depriving the kid of a much-needed emotional anchor and confidant and herself of a friend. Only goes double if the crush isn't entirely one-sided...

While we never get to see Takahaya's thoughts I would consider it only too likely that she's somewhat desperately glossing over Iijima's obvious advances with all the usual bullshit excuses applicable in these sorts of situations. Never underestimate the ability of the human mind to blatantly deceive itself for emotional and psychological convenience.

EDIT: Case in point. See also her obvious relief when Otoha later handed her the most cliché and transparent excuse in the book to handwave the matter away with.
This woman isn't Harem Lead Dense, she's in more or less conscious denial for the sake of both parties.

Not really feeling this one, it doesn't feel like the relationship will actually go anywhere

Eh, I dunno. Sensei is clearly too straight-laced and morally upright to readily date one of her charges, but I figure Iijima ought to have decent odds if she bides her time until the end of HS when the obvious moral-ethical hurdles are off the table.

last edited at Mar 21, 2021 6:47PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Cliffhanger in chapter 3. What did she find? Is the lesbian a freak after all and not pure? I really hope that's not the case for the main character's sake.

Probably just unknown lifeforms or such.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Given that, in the main series, Minami and Shizuku's backstory was kind of a vague mess that suspiciously looked like it underwent at least one retcon this kind of better-planned revisit is welcome.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hishiro sure draws all the winners huh.

Image Comments 21 Mar 12:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

What could possibly go wrong here? (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Image Comments 21 Mar 11:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

^it's essentially just the basic old teen drama of jealousy over a friend finding new social circles and drifting away from their old ones, what now most of the central figures are toxic jerks. We do know from earlier special-chap vignettes that Sachi is quite fond of Minami (in as warped a way as you'd expect in that clique) and the flashback in recent chapters indicates they go a fair way back (Yuri and Minami used to at least tolerate each other's presence back then too apparently, nowadays they actively avoid direct interaction).

Sachi's probably rather more gay foremotionally invested in Lil' Fang Bitch than she realises or would ever admit, and seems to be lowkey panicking on belatedly awakening to the fact Minami's slipped her moorings and discovered new harbors (so to speak).

Her reaction to the whole thing is about as mature and healthy as you'd expect from the general psychological profile of the group - not that someone like her was likely to even know how to act different anyway. She's probably already too late in any case and essentially forcing a binary choice on Minami will likely blow up in her face pretty bad, but that's probably not going to make Fang-chan's character developement arc any less emotionally taxing for many of the people involved.

Arknights! 20 Mar 15:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Really? As far as I know Crownslayer's race is unknown.

It comes up in that one story scene during the invasion of Lungmen where Red and Kal mop the floor with her and her whole troop by themselves. Though obviously the ears and tail already rather narrowed down the possibilities.

Arknights! 20 Mar 12:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

I was thinking since Red likes fluffy tails and Suzuran has nine of them that would mean nine times the amount of pleasure since she (Red) has many more tails to fluff.

Red is hella speciesist tho - she only cares about Lupo tails. Witness her obvious dissapoint when she realised Crownslayer is actually a Vulpo...

Image Comments 19 Mar 22:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ They will ride eternal, shiny and chrome

last edited at Mar 19, 2021 10:43PM

Image Comments 19 Mar 21:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

wholesome handholding

Thou pratest paradoxes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Do you mind if I take her for myself?"

YOUR HONOR SHE'S BLUFFING, classic "this one is useless so I'll give here a push by making her jealous" >:D

[tough love intensifies]