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joined Aug 26, 2018

From what I understand, the word お泊まり doesn't have to be a sleepover specifically at Touko's place. The idea is that Yuu wants to spend a night with Touko outside of her own home (we actually considered "I want to spend a night with you" as a TL option but thought that it was too direct). It just so happens that Touko's place became the perfect spot for it. Not to say that Yuu only requested the お泊まり just to have sex, but it's silly to think that she didn't hope for an opportunity to push things further when she asked for it. I can ask a Japanese acquaintance to confirm this or if anyone wants to correct me, that's fine too.

All I can rely on is what the translations give me. None of them said what you said. I don't know the Japanese context either. Perhaps that word is commonly used for sleepovers, I don't know.

Perfect. And that flashforward panel of them being an older couple was nice.

I think the take away is Touko expects Yuu to never grow past her current height. Or hopes she doesn't.

Well they both can still grow, I guess Touko just expects Yuu won't outgrow her lol

Image Comments 03 Sep 16:52
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Holy sh't. I didn't notice. Umio's been canned. Is that why he isn't in any of the spin-offs? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

joined Aug 26, 2018

...risking tmi myself... what's so incomprehensible about having sex with the parents next room / in the house? I mean, one can (try to be) be quiet... especially on the first time there may even be involuntary giggles ensuing which would be perfect to keep up the pretext of a girls sleepover... To some the additional level of secrecy may even add to the excitement.
..I don't even mean it like a planned circumstance, but either that it can happen anyway or just due to the fact that more privacy can be hard to attain for teens (be it for not being able to finance a hotel / get permission for such / a hotel being further inconvinience and source for embarrassment or no opportunities of parents and potential siblings staying overnight somewhere else), that it may be unavoidable.

In case of Yuu, I wouldn't even think she thought that far, though. Of Touko's parents, I mean. *shrugs*

I can't believe I'm explaining this... But here we go.
Generally speaking people are ashamed of being found out by other people, especially their parents. This goes double in prude Japan. Triple for lesbians who haven't come out! If you don't happen to have an exhibitionism kink or need to spice up your dried out sex life, it is completely unlikely that most would risk it. Some siblings might yet not care, but as long as the parents are home it's a no-go.

If you are unfortunate enough to have literally no alternatives you might consider it, but exactly none of these exceptions apply to this topic.

You think Yuu would be mindless enough to ask Touko to come to her place to have sex and not think of the parents at all? And it is incredibly restricting for your first time to be handled that way. At least for these two you would expect that they want their first time to be happy and free of stress. At this point I wonder what kind of airheaded slut people see in Yuu...

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 4:41PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Glad I could jolt those synapses.
A little tmi though...

Yes, cuddling, making out (sans sex) and other things of the kind are normal and sometimes essential in relationships. If you don't want to risk anything or just don't feel like it, it's definitely a lot safer and comfortable. Especially when you're staying over at your gf's place...

joined Aug 26, 2018

Remember when Yuu had a sexual fantasy in chapter 42? Yeah, not sexually laden.

Pointless once again. I think you should carefully read what's being said next time. I brought this up to prove that there is also evidence to the contrary because, you know, a contrary exists. That being horny thoughts. Which are not necessarily about any intention on any sleepover anyway.

I don't think you're totally wrong- Yuu had been thinking about the idea of having sex as ch 42 showed, so when she made her request, while I don't think saying she was asking for sex is right, saying that she only had sleeping together with nothing happening at all in mind is wrong too. It's more of a "let's see what happens" kind of request, with a fair amount of uncertainty imo.

That's at least a step up from "Haha look, Yuu is so horny she begs Touko to have sex with her even if its right above her parents" that some other people have basically shouted back then.
I see really no way this could have turned out sexual if Touko hadn't made preparations. It would have just been the first sleepover... of many. Then eventually a opportunity would have presented itself either way. And if it didn't, a hotel is always a good alternative (let's not get into the "Oh no Yuu, we can't do this in the student council room, what if we get caught?!" scenarios)

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 1:36PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'll be another one to bite and say: While everyone is entitled to interpret a literary work for themselves, I consider the circumstantial evidence sufficient to say that Yuu was very much thinking about sex or at least heavy petting and making out when asking for the sleepover. Partly because they had gone on dates before, made out before and had also been physically intimate, despite the circumstances being very different. (Locker room scene and chapter 22 )
Again: you're not wrong, just as no one is right in their interpretation. Some people consider the evidence towards conclusion A more convincing, others end up assuming B. There is no truth in literary interpretation, not even the author can decide your headcanon.

There is no way to prove that she had that intention, so in the first place everyone who says that just makes an assumption. But it goes against Yuu's character to do something like that when Touko's parents are at home.

Your evidence is meaningless, because this is not about whether Yuu was ever or wants to be physically intimate with Touko. I think nobody was doubting that. This is entirely about the fact that she didn't have those intentions when asking for a sleepover. There is just as much evidence for Yuu simply wanting to be closer and sleeping over in a non-lewd way. (Remember the dream where they were sleeping normally and clothed in the same bed? Yeah, not sexually laden).

If Yuu wanted to have sex somewhere, why does anyone assume she would hide that fact behind a sleepover request anyway? It was rather obviously a natural progression from: Sleepover--> Touko's parents aren't home? --> Clearly the moood is right ---> Let's have sex. From Yuu's perspective of course. Touko was most definitely aiming for that from the start when she sent her parents on the trip. Yuu's requerst was a surprising boon to her efforts.

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 12:32PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Do we even have an official statement from her?

Based on some interviews, I'd say Nakatani plans on moving on from YagaKimi once it's over. When asked what she wants to do next in this interview from 2017, she says she wants to try out fantasy since she thinks she's already doing what she wants to do with yuri in YagaKimi for now. Then in the most recent interview with Kusunoki (her editor) and Iruma (AdaShima author & Sayaka's LN writer), Nakatani says that Sayaka ends up being the character with the longest story in YagaKimi thanks to the LN spinoff which will be covering her time in college in the 3rd vol.

Fantasy and Yuri are not mutually exlcusive and Nakatani-sensei knows it. She can pretend that she isn't usually a yuri writer all she wants, but her stories almost exclusively revovle around the relationships between girls one way or another.
When she says fantasy I think of her Touhou stuff. She does love those weird concepts that twist relationships.

Either way, I'm sure she will do more yuri in the future, whether she calls it that or not.

Image Comments 03 Sep 08:18
joined Aug 26, 2018

^The only harem she needs is Neptune. Suddenly that phrase makes a lot of sense.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I somehow can't believe that the majority of people who read stories like Bloom Into You are in high school. Mostly because they need to have $ to buy the manga, and in that case won't parents check what they are reading and also limit how much they can buy? Maybe my parents were too strict...

My bet is that the majority of readers are in their 20s, and there is a huge latent demand for more relatable stories. Which is currently being (badly) fulfilled by manhwas, which are usually about adult life.

These kind of manga most definitely have their main fanbase in teens. Middle to high-school being the biggest group.
You are acting like a monthly magazine or occasional manga volume cost much.
I don't even get your second point about parents limiting how much you can buy... typically the money is the child's to spend. Unless it's harmful, parents usually don't intervene with purchases.

Now whether you think that many parents are homophobes and would be against buying yuri manga is a different matter of course, but in Japan they treat fiction as fiction, even if it's not fiction in reality. :P

joined Aug 26, 2018

._. I regret it already. But... It was the neck-touch she dreamed about and... it's cool she got to realize that... ;_;

Welp, sorry for misunderstanding then.

joined Aug 26, 2018

You're still keeping that up? Come on, you where proven wrong, just admit it and move on, it's not that big a deal.

...what? @KueKyuuQ was the one who brought it up again tho?
Please, by all means, prove me wrong. I want to hear your reasoning as to why Yuu was totally asking for sex in that scene and that makes perfect sense. And no... them having sex in this chapter is not proof for that.

1 x ½ discussion 03 Sep 04:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

Just as bad as expected... Miyuki really is that type of shitty person.
Once again pointing out that Jun was right and everyone should feel ashamed for shitting on him when this was the obvious outcome.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I kinda hope that if Uta doesn't end up with Kaoru, that she and Risako start something lol.

Why not go for the maximum irony and have Kaoru end up with Risako? XD

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yuu is top as predicted. But I didn't think she would be a BITER. Take it easy on that luscious skin Yuu.

I honestly am even more delighted about Yuu being a biter than her being a top ^^ (Since I am very delighted and grinning from ear to ear for the latter, one may imagine my bliss over the first :P )

...ah, so Yuu's dreams came true~
(Yuu saying "There are so many things I wanna do with you - I want everything" shall clearify that her previous fantasy was... well, far from innocent - in case anyone else remembers that having been point of discussion in this forum.)

Being a biter is certainly unexpected, but not bad.

Not really the same thing, but I guess kinda related?

The point about her innocence I made at least was about her asking Touko to stay over at her place, for the reasons I already listed back then. Many people blew it out of proprotion like she asked to have sex, but that was not what that moment was about. She considered even that simple request a big deal and was embarrassed, but some people saw that as her being embarassed for wanting to ask for sex (which is totally ridiculous). Again, I point to the fact that she couldn't have known Touko's parents would not be home.

I also said back then that once they are alone at Touko's place, things will be very different, because in that situation who in their right mind would not think of those things? lol

Yukino Plan discussion 03 Sep 03:54
joined Aug 26, 2018

Who's the jerk? What's his problem?

He just came back from a long ban. If he annoys you, ignore him.

Ok but we're all yuri fans here, we all like the same stuff. I'm honestly surprised there are people who would talk to me with such condescension and arrogance, as if I was an inferior idiot. I've seen this happen in places where you discuss, oh, touchy political and social themes. Say you want to explain your take on something while being modest and polite, and you start your message like this:

"I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think that..."

Then you follow with your ideas, trying to make them reasonable and well-argued. Well, there is always some person who will reply like this:

"Oh so you're not an expert? Then your opinions are worthless and we won't bother with them. Ha ha, that was fast! Next!"

Not only this is a jerkass answer, rude and snooty, it's also a giant logical fallacy. It's the sort of thing you would expect to only happen in a politics forum, where people are all the time getting angry and fighting. I really didn't expect somebody to pull this shit on me in a yuri fan forum.

Because calling me a jerkass over a differing opinion is so much better...

You never said anything like that though. You just asserted that Hino-san is way creepier than this and then said "Oh but I actually didnt read more than half of it" when pressed afterwards . Which is a bit dishonest. Is it condescending to point that out? It's fine if you think that it's true, but well, you do have to admit that it comes off as rather close-minded. I don't want to attack you. I am just going after your argumentation.

Your entire post here is just "I didn't like this person's tone and that can't happen in a community of people who like the same thing." I think you are blowing this out of proportion.

Just as an addendum... I actually did give reasons for my point. It's not nice to portray it as if one exasperated line represents my entire argument.

PS: I would wholeheartedly suggest to anyone to ignore White Rose. She always comes around to shit on me whenever she gets the chance and pretends whatever she says is a fact, when in truth she gets chewed out just as much and represents nobody.
Her pointing to rule number 1, which is vaguely defined and she has broken dozens of times, doesnt help.

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 4:56AM

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

In Yuu's wishful dream of the future we could see she cuts her hair, but Touko doesn't change hers.

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 3:45AM

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

Fran is the cutest Berserker, don't @ me.

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:37
joined Aug 26, 2018

Wow this looks almost like the original artstyle (except the legs are way too thicc)! Wait so Nep Jr. did not just invent a cat-girl ray-gun, but also cloned her big sis at the same time?!
Of course Nep is all over Nowa... but it's only because of food. lol

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 3:38AM

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:34
joined Aug 26, 2018

"That's actually a 10"

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:32
joined Aug 26, 2018

Artists really like tongue kisses these days, because it is easier to show than just lips touching.
Of course it just looks like they are entirely inept at kissing instead, but what can ya do?

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:29
joined Aug 26, 2018

Taking the speed-pipe to her heart~
(and abdomen)

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:27
joined Aug 26, 2018

I am devastated that Akko would deny this fantasy.

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:25
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^You wish it was an anime lol

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 3:44AM

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:22
joined Aug 26, 2018

Rather than pick up this eraser... let me pick up something else.

Image Comments 03 Sep 03:21
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^Ya know they already have phones and mechs in Legend of Korra, right? It's not much of a change. Tech developes rapidly.