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Image Comments 11 Jun 06:57
joined Jan 6, 2017

I see no lab coats, so those aren't Okabe.

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:52
joined Jan 6, 2017

The art looks so soft and fluffy. It's the perfect style for these two

Image Comments 08 Jun 05:38
joined Jan 6, 2017

I still wish that this ship had more artists than just Kougi. I need more of them.

joined Jan 6, 2017

The more we see of pre-amnesia Arisa, the more I start to think that top Arisa was just Mari's imagination

Image Comments 05 Jun 02:43
joined Jan 6, 2017

@MournfulLust Since the protagonists of Sword and Shield don't have official names yet, I'm calling the female trainer (the one Serena is trying to kiss here) Shield

Image Comments 04 Jun 19:07
joined Jan 6, 2017

^Serena might be, but I'm pretty sure Shield is trying to fight (considering the leg hook)

joined Jan 6, 2017

You don't have to be jealous Noa, just get some other matching things with Hinata, like rings for example.

Hug Charge discussion 01 Jun 05:59
joined Jan 6, 2017

Where's the rest of it?!

Image Comments 01 Jun 02:54
joined Jan 6, 2017

I think Sayaka would be more upset by this than Homura. Considering how protective she is with Madoka and how much she hates (loves) Kyouko.

Image Comments 31 May 14:56
joined Jan 6, 2017

^Raphi would probably let her just to see her fail miserably.

joined Jan 6, 2017


Image Comments 28 May 05:45
joined Jan 6, 2017

@BugDevil Why would she be bothered when Noa is hugging her?

Image Comments 20 May 23:48
joined Jan 6, 2017

This is the best married couple

joined Jan 6, 2017

I hope this won't have her falling for Haru, rather Haru's presence helps her get over her lingering feelings and she finds someone else.
And Haru can become her daughter

joined Jan 6, 2017

Oh, wait. Suddenly remembers that women can't get other women pregnant I can't.

Yet. You can't yet.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Delinquent waifus >>> Diligent waifis

Diligent waifu that's secretly a delinquent waifu > Delinquent waifu

joined Jan 6, 2017

You dirty whores calling eachother by your first names. Next thing you're prpbably gonna do is hold hands.

Image Comments 13 May 23:34
joined Jan 6, 2017

There isn't enough of these two in the world.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I wish that this will turn out to be het, but I doubt it'll happen.

last edited at May 12, 2019 9:42AM

Image Comments 07 May 04:05
joined Jan 6, 2017

Eli pulling Nozomi's tie is hot

joined Jan 6, 2017

This is as disappointing as when Akuma no Riddle was ending. The anime and the manga ended the same way, but the anime already spoiled it.
Hopefully this ending will have more than the anime (like Akuma no Riddle with the shipping and such)

joined Jan 6, 2017

Kotone's story was sad and all, but it doesn't excuse her from pushing her own ideas and insecurities on Mogu, because she was hurt and assuming Mogu is "weird" like her, so Mogu will never find anyone as well, so only option for them is to settle for each other, since they're better off like that. All under the disguise of pretending to know better what is best for Mogu, while completely ignoring Mogu's identity and their own desires. She couldn't even not see Mogu as "just another guy" and reacted with disgust, while at the same time forcing them to "be a girl" so she can feel safe and secure with them. All she did for Mogu was self-serving and focused only on making her life better. Surly the best relationship for Mogu.

But the author seems to love happy ending, so I expect admission of guilt and redemption story, and possibly new love story for Kotone.

Hopefully the love story will be Mei (I don't want a new character, and it would be sweet if she fell for a trans girl)

While that would be sweet, and a brilliantly important statement of the thesis of this manga (that people are what they are, that a person's sex doesn't define how they should present themselves and their identity and that people just need to understand and love this because it's just as human as shivering in the cold)... There's a lot of work needed to be done on that front before it'll be an acceptable thing.

This is coming from someone who is in almost exactly Mogumo's position. NB with a cis SO who has been trying their best to understand me. I know I had some deep worries regarding my best friend when she was on a similar track as Kotone is right now with Mogumo. Granted we were adults and so had a frank fight followed by tear-filled confessions of misplaced and trauma inspired homophobia and the subsequent queer dismissal that usually follows that.

What I'm saying. Seeing Kotone fall for Mei would be a delight. But just being in a cute Yuri relationship with a trans girl won't immediately solve all her problems. More unpacking needs to be done and probably some adult intervention...

For me, her falling for Mei would require her to get over her problems (such as understanding her sexuality and coming to terms with it). Her character development could finish with her getting over Mogumo, and falling for someone else. In this case Mei would make a great candidate, since she's:
1. the only other girl in the story, and introducing another girl just to be a love interest would be stupid.
2. a trans girl, so Kotone falling for her would really show how she doesn't view Mogumo as a guy anymore.
But just because I would like her to get one doesn't really mean that it's necessary for a good character arc. The important thing though, is that the relationship comes after the character arc.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Kotone's story was sad and all, but it doesn't excuse her from pushing her own ideas and insecurities on Mogu, because she was hurt and assuming Mogu is "weird" like her, so Mogu will never find anyone as well, so only option for them is to settle for each other, since they're better off like that. All under the disguise of pretending to know better what is best for Mogu, while completely ignoring Mogu's identity and their own desires. She couldn't even not see Mogu as "just another guy" and reacted with disgust, while at the same time forcing them to "be a girl" so she can feel safe and secure with them. All she did for Mogu was self-serving and focused only on making her life better. Surly the best relationship for Mogu.

But the author seems to love happy ending, so I expect admission of guilt and redemption story, and possibly new love story for Kotone.

Hopefully the love story will be Mei (I don't want a new character, and it would be sweet if she fell for a trans girl)

joined Jan 6, 2017

Page 16 is so great. The reflection is the start of the series, and now they've switched places (with Touko wanting love and Yuu being afraid of it).
I love this manga

Image Comments 30 Apr 03:56
joined Jan 6, 2017

I ship this in the anime, but Kurumi x Yuki takes the cake in the manga.