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Image Comments 05 May 03:10
joined Feb 1, 2013


Wait, what?!

Image Comments 02 May 02:19
joined Feb 1, 2013

Kitakami and Ooichi are living the dream!

joined Feb 1, 2013

I'm on only page 12 of the latest chapter, and I was struck by something: The way Kase is talking, her expressions, the fact that she leans in to rest her forehead against Yamada's...

Kase REALLY is 'No, Seriously' IN LOVE with Yamada! I mean, I know they like each other and all, but I was suddenly struck- as a reader- by the thought "Oh wow, like she's seriously all-in in love with her!"

I don’t intend this in a mean way, but isn’t that a big part of what this series has always been about?

Back in the first series, on the roof after the Inoue-senpai misunderstanding got cleared up, Kase laid it all out to Yamada that she’s always been crazy about her.

(I mean this in addition to the fact that Kase also wants to devour Yamada whole, like a boa constrictor with a hamster.)

I haven't re-read the original series, but after going through other chapters of this one- like the one where Kase-san rescues her from that horrible mixer- that I'm now putting together all the signs of just how much Kase loves Yamada, who's just too pure and adorable for her own good!

I swear, Yamada's obliviousness to how dammed cute she is keeps seeming like a potential problem for them, like she needs to realize that part of what attracted Kase to her is also one of the things that will invariably cause problems for them when clueless boys are drawn in by how adorably cute she is!

All of that said, I've been aware of Kase-san's desire to "devour" Yamada. But I'm only really starting to now appreciate the true depths of how she feels about her.

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 10:20PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

I'm on only page 12 of the latest chapter, and I was struck by something: The way Kase is talking, her expressions, the fact that she leans in to rest her forehead against Yamada's...

Kase REALLY is 'No, Seriously' IN LOVE with Yamada! I mean, I know they like each other and all, but I was suddenly struck- as a reader- by the thought "Oh wow, like she's seriously all-in in love with her!"

joined Feb 1, 2013

Okay, I'm more than willing to be the first person to freely admit that this post might seem like it's meant to incite negative reactions, but that's honestly not my intent in posting this.

The truth is, that in the wake of the last update to "Yurika's Campus Life", I posted a comment addressing one of my major pet peeves in manga- the idea that lesbians simply "haven't met the right man."

Now, I bring this up because another longtime user responded that the point of the MC's father doing this was because he was the bad guy and someone we shouldn't like. However, after thinking about this, my reaction is still one of frustration, since the manga depicts this approach as actually working on the women around Yurika.

All of this being said, I'm using this as an example because it's a series posted on Dynasty... But the simple truth of the matter is- after reading countless doujin and manga- that there's a lot of male mangaka who remind me of the Jason Lee character 'Banky' from the film "Chasing Amy", and that kind of world view depresses me...

In the end, I'd like to believe that my comments- as a whole- reflect my belief that there's a place for Het, Gay, Bi, or whatever else in fiction, and that being a fan of one doesn't make you an enemy of one or all of the others. I mean, one of my first OTPs was Ulquiorra/Orihime, and before that Maggie/Nenene (from ROD the TV).

Finally, as a 35 year old straight man, I can't help but view a lot of this as male wish-fulfillment, in the same way that I'm able to look back on bad 'erotic' fiction/comics I came across (on the internet) as a teen...

Ultimately, we need to find and correct the source/cause of this idea that it's somehow possible to "tame" someone so that they and their sexual preference is turned into something other than what it is.

last edited at Jan 27, 2020 10:41PM

Image Comments 02 Jan 01:54
joined Feb 1, 2013

Iowa: "Kongou onee-sama! I love you so much! Let's be together forever!"
Kongou: "Seriously?!"

Image Comments 01 Jan 00:24
joined Feb 1, 2013

From the thumbnail, I thought Tamamusi drew this. Still cute!

joined Feb 1, 2013

This was a wonderful Christmas present! I'm always happy to see more MOB Sensei x Saaya!

last edited at Dec 28, 2019 4:26AM

joined Feb 1, 2013

The dad is highkey creepy to me because unlike Yurika, he uses overtly manipulative tactics commonly seen in abusive relationships, such as making you feel guilty for not returning his advances. This whole series is kind of iffy to me and I read for enjoymemt but his character kind of hurts me personally because of my experience with those kinds of people in the past. I hope for an arc where they both change for the better and do not use women as objects to keep them afloat y'know?

Yeah, he really comes across as being far more coldblooded and manipulative. And I also agree with the commenter who said that it shows a lot of lazy tropes employed by bad male writers.

But what I REALLY SERIOUSLY HATE, and I say this as a STRAIGHT MAN, is when male writers think lesbians "just haven't met the right guy". People can't be 'turned' like that! You can't just "charm" a (clearly) lesbian into falling for a man, any more than I could be talked into being gay!

Isn't the father supposed to be a jerk?

I wouldn't assume the writer truly feels that way

Maybe so, but I've read too much bad hentai to be able outright trust a writer under these circumstances.

Image Comments 06 Dec 07:49
joined Feb 1, 2013

Iowa: "Kongou onee-sama, I'll never let you go!"
Kongou: "We're really doing this? Fine, just get one with it..."
Iowa: "Please accept my BURNING LOVE!"

joined Feb 1, 2013

I really liked this, even if was more cute/funny than outright sexy, and getting to see Mob Sensei with her hair down figuratively/litterally! I don't think we've ever seen her properly undressed. Also, congratulations to Mob Sensei x Saaya getting their own pairing tag. Here's to looking forward to future uses of it!

joined Feb 1, 2013

OH MY GOD! Nononon is a f*cking godess! She's so wonderfully thicc and curvy! And the cute little mole/"beauty mark" near her right eye... HNNNGGG! She's so sexy and moe!

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 2:39AM

Image Comments 21 Nov 03:14
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Okay, you got me there, fair point.

joined Feb 1, 2013

The dad is highkey creepy to me because unlike Yurika, he uses overtly manipulative tactics commonly seen in abusive relationships, such as making you feel guilty for not returning his advances. This whole series is kind of iffy to me and I read for enjoymemt but his character kind of hurts me personally because of my experience with those kinds of people in the past. I hope for an arc where they both change for the better and do not use women as objects to keep them afloat y'know?

Yeah, he really comes across as being far more coldblooded and manipulative. And I also agree with the commenter who said that it shows a lot of lazy tropes employed by bad male writers.

But what I REALLY SERIOUSLY HATE, and I say this as a STRAIGHT MAN, is when male writers think lesbians "just haven't met the right guy". People can't be 'turned' like that! You can't just "charm" a (clearly) lesbian into falling for a man, any more than I could be talked into being gay!

Image Comments 18 Nov 04:54
joined Feb 1, 2013

Oh my sweet gay dolls!

Image Comments 18 Nov 04:52
joined Feb 1, 2013

Iowa: "Kongou onee-sama! Have one of your Japan pocky kiss rituals with me!"
Kongou: sigh

last edited at Nov 18, 2019 4:52AM

Image Comments 08 Nov 23:41
joined Feb 1, 2013

"The dolls of our Love!"

joined Feb 1, 2013

What's with those glasses they're wearing at the end?

Image Comments 21 Oct 22:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

Well, you had a good run Nozo, we'll all miss you XD

Image Comments 21 Oct 21:58
joined Feb 1, 2013

She's gotta be thorough with that "inspection"!

Image Comments 21 Oct 04:46
joined Feb 1, 2013

Rin:"Hey, look, everyone, I've got the cutest girl in the world with me, I dare anyone to prove otherwise!"

Image Comments 21 Oct 00:20
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Why does one of them have to be the 'top' where they're both so gorgeous?!

Image Comments 06 Oct 23:43
joined Feb 1, 2013

^You win this round of the comments!

Image Comments 24 Sep 00:28
joined Feb 1, 2013

Poor Zuikaku, forever alone it seems- your onee-chan/crush is stolen by the onee-chan of your (oblivious?) rival/slash other crush. Poor little crane.

Image Comments 17 Sep 00:09
joined Feb 1, 2013

God, I love the idea of the tall "princess" x the short "tomboy".