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joined Mar 26, 2021

God, finally an update and on top of that its really good chapter, especially the ending. Is she some kind of fox or wolf monster, and did she was planing to eat Hinako someday

joined Mar 26, 2021

Nanasawa don't know how she back in time(out of nowhere), instead help her younger self she chose to make senpai her or idk how to call it. I would like to see that when she return(out of nowhere) to her present time, the things are worse than they were before she back in time, like Seto senpai is still married to a man or she isn't married and fail as an actress and on top of that she is no longer friends with Nanasawa, and it's all because of what Nanasawa did in the past then she have to come back again fix it. Something like in Boku dake ga inai machi or Re: zero

joined Mar 26, 2021

Honestly this chapter was pretty good until that scene when they're watching movie, it made me a little uncomfortable and upset. She's want to help her become an actress but to me she's only after senpai body, in every chapter she did molested(idk how different call it) her, more than it looks like old Nana is jealous of her younger self, on the other hand young Nana... well idk why but looking at her (knowing that she's younger version of that pervert) I think like she wouldn't give a f when she would saw senpai kissing with Sasaki.

If in every chapter Sasaki will be after her body, groping and touching here and there, im not sure if this manga will be good

joined Mar 26, 2021

Threesome, so very possible that cheating is coming. I hate cheating in manga. About the characters, well Fuuko looks like free spirited girl, the girl she was talking about that she was in love, i think it was Yuni, Natsume a girl is scared of coming out, that wants to focus on volleyball what is not bad I think, i get that as well she scared of coming out but she could invite her "gf" on training or match, or better would be to break up and gets your thoughts want u really want, Yuni a character that look like she is bored all the time.

I am interesting in this manga but im kind of worried that it will make mad later, still im curious where it will go

joined Mar 26, 2021

So now she has her Onee-san as teacher, so she still can see her but not as a call girl, in that case is it really necessary to improve her grades. Anyway at some point i can relate to Mc thats what gives me a weird feeling, even though i don't like her that much. And im a bit curious what Satou is like as a teacher

joined Mar 26, 2021

She really is usless and lazy af, but kinda understand it cuz i am too. I thought she will take cram school to study with Onee-san but she is more worry about not having enough money to book Maron. The tag Pay for Gay is perfectly fitting for Mc although it will be very difficult thing to do

joined Mar 26, 2021

Yeah as always if there is something good, it turns out it just one-shot

joined Mar 26, 2021

Pay for gay tag, another manga about call girls, but looks cute and maybe it will be funny as well. I had a feeling something like 'is she gonna blackmailing her' since she gave her business card of her parents company, so the call girl must work for them. Anyway we'll see where this go. But isn't she said that Mc is older than her but she is a teacher in cram school, or did I understood something wrong

joined Mar 26, 2021

That was good manga, well if they are happy with each other then Im happy too that it ended in a good way for both of them

joined Mar 26, 2021

Do we have to wait another month for next chapter? At this point its hard to not think that it going to end with suicide im not sure if both of them but Ai is the closest one that could end up like this Imo. U can tell she reap what she sow but Hina is much more creepy than Ai ehen she was abusing her. Im really curious how it will end.
Also im surprised again that parents do not exist in situation like this or they don't know anything

joined Mar 26, 2021

I agree with some people here that the Adult Mc should help her younger version to be with Seto. I think it still would be interesting. But some thoughts in my head tells me that adult version will hook up with Seto

joined Mar 26, 2021

She's her own love rival, from all those experience Sasaki Mai is rather on a wining position, she's more confident as we see, so inviting senpai is not a problem. Mc adult self could be more like a helper for senpai to get mc younger self. I wonder what would happen if adult version won senpau heart and they start dating, let's say she don't come back to her present time line but instead staying in the past, so what would gonna happen to her younger version whe she grow up

joined Mar 26, 2021

Haha she met her younger self already, now it should be fun but somehow I feel like they made some stupid reason just for that they don't know each other/ don't recognized. Even though Seto should notice that they look alike

joined Mar 26, 2021

Tell me this is not one shot and there will be more chapters to come. Cuz it's too good to leave it like this

joined Mar 26, 2021

What if her younger self travel to the future, like they change places in timeline. There was a webtoon similar i think but there was like not the bodies but the soul or mindset. If it was like this here it would be interesting even more.

joined Mar 26, 2021

Oh that was surprising and it's good at the same time. Travel back in time but with her current self not to her younger self. Things will be interesting

joined Mar 26, 2021

This manga was nice, not like very good but pretty nice

joined Mar 26, 2021

Slow slow burn this manga is, but kind of like reading this even though they look more like friends than wifey

joined Mar 26, 2021

Count me in, in this one, it's already look good and Its about two adults thats on the plus, recently there are many about jk.
The main character is looking good, she decided to be single well let's just say she was for one day. And that Landlord is cute as well, she look like Miyako from that photo, is she the same person, if so then who she really is or was. Another retired idol. Well I think i will be enjoying this, for now I still don't get the title but whatever

Semelparous discussion 27 Jun 02:14
joined Mar 26, 2021

Im getting from it bleach vibes, espada and hollows.

joined Mar 26, 2021

Another thing that bothering me the girl who is on first page is the same that had conversation with Serina in the classroom, also on the second page Reiko is with some girl with brown hair, was that girl she met and went to hotel was a teacher. I really wonder who is this person from first page and what role she will play in this. At first I thought she telling us the story of the past after all she did looked a little older

joined Mar 26, 2021

So we have a Gyaru and student council president that play around with girls or so it looks like. Is this a Citrus 2.0 even begining of chapter looked almost the same. Well im not sure what to think of this yet, need to see what characters are like to judge it, but for sure it is intriguing

joined Mar 26, 2021

So we have a Gyaru and student council president that play around with girls or so it looks like. Is this a Citrus 2.0 even begining of chapter looked almost the same. Well im not sure what to think of this yet, need to see what characters are like to judge it, but for sure it is intriguing

joined Mar 26, 2021

I love Kuzushiro artstyle, also love the stories of this author. Feel like this will be a slow burn manga but hope its not as slow as Ani no Yome. The thing that make me a little worried is this subtext tag, same as in Ani no yome I will be wondering if there be something more between two Mc's girls

joined Mar 26, 2021

So after all she is sick. I wonder why Asaka didn't tell Hoshikawa about her illness. I get that it could make her stop writing, but if u asking someone to be honest with you i think u should be the same. Can u imagine what kind of shock it will be for Hoshikawa when she find out Asaka probably dying, this can be the real reason to make her stop writing novel again