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joined Aug 6, 2015

I love this pairing, even if it is underrepresented. It's been my personal head-cannon since reading"Ichirin? Murasa!!" a while back.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Queue the drama.

joined Aug 6, 2015

"The Strange Disappearance of Shiramine Ayaka"

The title of this chapter is so meta. I hope it's intentional. At least then the author would be aware of what I'm irked about.

Furumapura discussion 04 May 22:18
joined Aug 6, 2015

I feel like this series is going to get frustrating real quick without real progression in their relationship.

joined Aug 6, 2015

3 chapters in, and we've already abandoned the yuri plot for a bladder plot.

I saw chapter 3 pop up and decided to give the series one last shot since it had been so long since chapter 2. This is what I was given. I should have stuck to my guns.

Lily Love discussion 21 Mar 12:08
joined Aug 6, 2015

I hate the whole crazy ex-bf yuri trope, but if you're going to build it up for so long, at least have the decency to follow through. I don't even know how to react to chapter 21.

Comic Girls discussion 11 Mar 20:46
joined Aug 6, 2015

What I like about this series is that the 2 hinted pairings both involve people from 2 different rooms instead of having roommates pairings. With the way it is, it forces multiple characters to interact outside of their pairings like in chapter 6 and such. It'd be really easy to focus entirely on the couples and forget that real characters have relationships and opinions with and about other characters.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'll be okay with the harem aspects as long as there's continuous character development and/or introspection. The chapter they all go to the beach for zero reason other than to draw them all in swimsuits is the one I'll peace out on.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This was a really nice positive propaganda series about being a transgendered person in Japan. I imagine the reality is a lot less cute and fluffy. I'd say I wish it would have touched on the real drama a bit more, but the series wouldn't be the same if it had.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I wish there was a spinoff series featuring the organization's team helping monsters adapt to human society or capturing violators of the rules and so on. This harem story was fun for a while, but my favorite chapters by far are the ones with more substance like the last few.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Am I reading this wrong? This chapter makes it seem like they officially got together. Did that happen? Did I miss a chapter?

joined Aug 6, 2015

ZuiKaga best ship Ship.

joined Aug 6, 2015

revival of a classic pairing. never stop. keep them coming.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I always had a hunch that this was a yuri S&M manga, but npw they confirmed it right out.

joined Aug 6, 2015

So, I feel like if chapter 20 had been released before 18 and 19, I wouldn't be so mad. Developing a couple to this extent and finishing their arc allows the author some leeway. If the author wants this story to be about multiple groups/couples interacting, then the events of chapter 20 creates the perfect opening to further that story line. Now that the track team couple is official, they can safely transition into supporting side characters (for Ayaka and Yurine especially) and open up a spot for a new group to come in and get some page time.

It would have made much more sense to postpone chapters 18 and 19 to be the first couple of chapters in the next volume with that new arc and new trio of characters. In its place we could have had Ayaka, Yurine, and the Senpai/Kouhai quadrant (don't remember any of their names, honestly) leading into the festival and exploring it together as a large group. Then we could end the volume with chapter 20's track team couple finale like normal.

I just feel like introducing 3 new characters so close to the end of the volume doesn't make a whole lot of narrative sense. It seems like the potential unrequited love arc is going to take a good size chunk of the next volume to fully resolve, so why not keep it all in that volume. As it stands, it feels like chapters 18 and 19 were only written to set up the existence of the upcoming festival that was used to resolve Mizuki and Moe's arc (I actually looked up their names this time. yay). It ends up feeling like padding instead of relevant material, and if we really needed padding... well... we had a whole cast of [relatively] neglected characters the author could have fallen back on...

And right there, I managed to talk myself into being mad again. I'm gunna stop.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'm real tired of saying "I hope the next arc develops the main couple."

I think I hate this author. This whole series is nothing but a bait and switch. Sell me on the premise, then deliver nothing but side characters. I feel like a broken record with how many times I've said the same thing in comments here about this series. Ugh...

joined Aug 6, 2015

Reimu x Satori side pairing. You don't see that every day. I don't support the idea of that pairing, but I'd still be interested to see what the author does to develop it if they ever make a followup.

Can't say this was the best Parsee x Yuugi story I've read on this site, but more of that pairing is never a bad thing.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I miss this couple. Need more. They're always welcome.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I support Yuma cheating on Takeda.

He's such a boring character, it's all he deserves.

What a lose-lose situation for any male in a yuri series on this site. Wow.

Be a decent human being with some faults. > "So boring. Everything bad that happens to him is deserved."
Be a total jerk. > "Wow, what a dick. I hope bad things happen to him because he deserves it."

Also... "Poor Yuma. I'll console you." > proceeds to make out/feel up Yuma.

No, you idiot. Yuma is in a place where she's actually about to think rationally about the situation. THIS is when you lay your cards on the table and leave her to put the pieces together, just like Takeda did. Use your words. You almost had it with your speech. Stop being vague. Be a decent human being for once in this entire series and be honest. It's no wonder Yuma keeps getting the wrong idea about your feelings. It's like you don't event want to progress. You're happy being miserable, and misery loves company.

last edited at Jan 16, 2016 4:35PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

This is like saying "I'm not digging the sheer number of lesbian couples in this one. Some variance would be nice.

Well... sometimes some variance would be nice there, too. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying the Korean series on this site as much as I am. The main characters are gay, as they should be in a yuri series, but they don't pretend that het doesn't exist. You see males being supporting friends rather than obstacles. There exists het pairings, but they don't take away from the main yuri storyline. It feels more idealistically real, and they've been a refreshing read.

Maybe I'm just getting too old for some things. I want things to be more realistic in both environment and character designs, even if it wouldn't really fit in a series. Maybe that's just on me.

last edited at Oct 28, 2015 9:11PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'm not digging the sheer number of giant breasts in this one. Some variance would be nice. Seems like either laziness or pandering. At least they're not disgustingly oversized like in some series, but "giant tits the manga" isn't doing it for me.

Also the characters seem cookie cutter, but I was too busy ranting about boobs to mention.

last edited at Oct 28, 2015 1:28AM

joined Aug 6, 2015

Canno posted a preview of chapter 18…

Apparently it will be an "outside look" kind of chapter about Yurine, from the girl introduced in the chapter 6 extra:

…I'm afraid Ayaka is gonna get the short end of the stick again…

(also, today is Yurine's birthday apparently. =3)

...I cannot sigh harder than I am now.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'm not sure how I feel about little girls streaming to people who ask them to take articles of clothing off...

joined Aug 6, 2015

Yeah, I think uploading in groups of pages would be better than one at a time, even if it means we'd have to wait a little longer for each update.

I don't think I could handle a page at a time with this much cuteness. I'd need more in my life. I'd never be satisfied with just one page per update.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Whelp... I feel like I'm the only person alive who's bored with the track team pairing and am glad this arc is over. I'd say I'm hoping for an Ayaka-centric plot arc next, but honestly it feels like the story is overdue for another chapter for the senpai/kouhai cluster and I can't say I'm excited for that in the least.

I just don't know how I should feel about this series anymore. It's a shame I can't get into the track team pairing as much as everyone else. Objectively they're the best, but I just don't feel anything for them.