not sure whether Akagi's kissing her or eating her
all is happy and stuff until you realize that she only has 2-3 more years to live
last edited at Aug 8, 2017 3:08AM
Kemono Friends season 2 looks awesome!
^No, Mordred is Saber's child
Sirens wailing closer from a distance sigh another Tuesday in the naval base
Reunion done right
^They have Mutsu on WoWs?
well, could be worse, it could be Squidward
Pudding please, think of your onee-sama
Very surprised Nozomi didn't get in on this
If anything, she was the one who orchestrated this
wait, where's the other pages?
Serval: "I can't marry anymore!"
^Isthar would go ALL THE WAY in
Wait, 19 April? she got same birthday as You?
So basically the reverse version of Ikeda sisters from Yuru Yuri?
@lord-of-roses what ep and which part?
@Norainhere: It took an entire night to convince Rin, and possibly another night to actually do it
Naka needs some R&R after the concert
After that D.VaMercy doujin, I could use more of this
Getting aggresive here~
more paraplegic Warspite x Kongou, please~! <3
"Play of the game"
and for this case, it's Fate/Grand Order, iOs/Android game
^she can sense her boobs
To do list : -Hand holding. -Hug. -Kiss. -Lots of [omited].
damn, 1 hour late